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Invocation CELEBRATE EXCELLENCE! First Semester Accomplishments CERTIFICATES.

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1 Invocation CELEBRATE EXCELLENCE! First Semester Accomplishments CERTIFICATES

2 St. Ignatius’ Prayer Toma Señor en tus manos toda mi libertad; mi memoria, mi entendimiento, mi voluntad. Todo lo que yo poseo, Tú me lo has dado. Yo te lo devuelvo y te lo entrego, para que disponga de ello conforme a tu santa voluntad. Dame tu amor y gracia. Con ellos soy bastante rico y nada más deseo. Our Lady of Belen: Pray for us!

3 IGNATIAN PARADIGM Experience – Reflection - Action Experience! Look back at this first semester Celebrate accomplishments and excellence Reflect! Think about what we have accomplished as a middle school. (What you have done ?) Action! How can we continue to improve our school and ourselves to serve one another for A.M.D.G

4 Deacon Robert O’Malley The “Mystery of God” : His attributes as reflected by each of the Persons of the Holy Trinity. Prayers that are essential to our faith and the new responses to the mass. Gospel readings each week with our families. Outstanding students : Matthew Bravo, Daniel Garrastazu

5 Ms. María Morera Read Tunes for Bears to Dance to, Maus, The Hobbit, and That was Then, This is now. Literature Book: short stories and drama units, and everyone participated in acting out one of the plays. We went over the writing process and writing an essay. Outstanding Student: Austin Domínguez, Jorge Miró-Quesada, Daniel Pérez, Teobaldo Rosell, Kristian Ventura, Daniel Brown, Marcus Díaz, Norbert Menéndez, Michael Moreno, Christopher Siu, Andrés Balcázar, Matthew Bec, Esteban Guío, Augusto Leos, Joseph Luzárraga, Daniel Otero-Pfaeffle, Roberto Pupo, Mario Rodríguez, Nicolás Senior

6 Ms. Jennifer Iglesias Read Maus and The Hobbit. Short stories and dramatic readings of several plays, including The Christmas Carol. Improving writing skills. Outstanding Students: Antoine Brandt, Adrián Torrebiarte, Sebastián Suárez

7 Mr. Julio Forte Completed chapters 1 through 6. Two extra credit assignments Tutoring available Mondays and Fridays after school Outstanding Students: Daniel Otero-Pfaeflle, Sebastián Suárez, Matthew Bec, Andrés Balcazar

8 Ms. Teresa Campos Covered Chapters 1 through 5 Set up Jr. Honor Society Math tutoring after school for Jr. High students. Went over Variables, Fractions, Rational Numbers, Percents, Decimals

9 Ms. Dolores Toledo Chapters 1 – 5. Students are working well. Middle School Math Club: Students took the AMC 8 exam in November and are preparing for the Mathcounts competition in February. Sean Sempere – always giving full effort


11 Ms. Leandra Novoa Improving their understanding of Spanish grammar, communication skills and their knowledge of different cultures of Latin America. The students participated in the Belen Fair and wrote poems for the Miami-Dade County Fair. Outstanding Student: Michael Gonçalves

12 Dr. Adabel Díaz-Rivera Lessons 1 through 4 in the Grammar Section from El Mundo 21 Hispano. 12 grammar lessons & 8 historical & cultural lessons. Majority of students show a desire and interest in learning more about Latin America and Spain. Outstanding Student: Daniel Otero-Plaiffe, Esteban Guío, Carlos Marín, José Juez

13 Ms. M. Sánchez Learned prayers in Spanish Covered Units 5 and 6 of Dime Uno Spanish-speaking countries; capitals, customs, and traditions. Participated in Modern Languages Fair Wrote poems for the grandparents & M-DC Fair Outstanding Students: Michael Borell, Daniel Garrastazu, Jandrice Nacier, Nicholas Senior, Antoine Brandt, Daniel Brown, Austin Domínguez

14 Modern Languages Fair

15 Ms. Shyara Lara Fairchild Challenge Winners! 1: Maurice Milton, Matthew Bravo, Javier Torres De Navarro, Marcus Díaz 2: Carlos Valderrama, Daniel Otero, Max García, Roberto Pupo 3: Carlos Vázquez 4: Steven Calles, Nicholas Senior 5: Gabriel Seda, Mario Rodríguez, Daniel Garrastazu, Chris Siu 6: Ricardo de Aguiar, Albert Pérez-Abreu 7: Marco Perosch, Alejandro Fernández

16 Mr. Andrés Jiménez  Life Science had labs in cell division and the microscope.  Studied the cell and all its processes.  Participated in Fairchild Challenge.  Outstanding Students: Carlos Arazoza, Austin Domínguez, Roberto Pupo, Gabriel Seda, Brandon Torricella, Christopher Caballero, Christopher Avallone

17 Science Fair Open House

18 Mr. Christopher Dreeson Ways in which music enhances our lives Interviewed family and friends in hopes of finding how music enriches our daily experience Examined Bach, Marsalis, and musical categories such as popular, traditional, and classical Outstanding Student: Michael Borrell, Michael Gonçalves, Patrick Maher

19 Mr. Ignacio Font Worked on drawings of cloth, still-life, watercolor and structural lines Worked on 3D projects for the Miami-Dade County Fair Outstanding Student: Oscar Berlanga

20 Ms. M. Urbay Stressed the importance of team work. How to work handle their band instruments. Played at Awards Ceremony & Pep Rally among other events. Performed excellent Christmas Show!

21 Christmas Concert


23 Mr. Francisco Padura Learned to think abstract, using their imagination and thinking on their feet through improve exercises Finished the semester with some great monologues performed by the students on stage with lights and sound Outstanding students: Agustín Leos and Kevin Lemus, Gabriel Kasabdji

24 Mr. Andrés Blanco Field Hockey and Wrestling skills. The students trained for ING and Presidential Physical Fitness Test.

25 Florida Middle School Model United Nations Conference 11 from 14 middle school delegates earned recognition! Outstanding Delegates Edward Briscoe, China in Security Council Daniel Romero, China in General Assembly Federico Tamborrel, China UN Environmental Program Distinguided Delegates Nicolás Muñoz, India in UN Environmental Program Kevin Simuachi, India in Security Council Luis Gómez, India in General Assembly Honorable Mention Australia: Michael Cairo, Nicholas Tamborrel Brazil: Adrián Torrebiarte, Justin Hernández, Luis Gómez

26 Model United Nations

27 Service & Star Students Most reported community service hours this year. Kevin Lemus Rafael Arbex-Murut Adrián Bruna Alexander Pusch Carlos Marín ISSF Star Student Jasson Elías, Michael Gonçalves*, Francisco Menéndez

28 Grandparents’ Day

29 7 th Grade Assemblies

30 Mix It Up

31 Middle School Sports Middle school football 8 th grade team : 5 – 3 Middle school football 7 th grade team : 0 – 6 Middle school Basketball Gold team: 10 – 0 ACC Division Champions and ACC Tournament Champions! Middle school Basketball Blue team: 8 – 4 Middle School Cross Country – ACC,Tri-County, Catholic State and Dade County Champions! Middle School Volleyball : 5 -4 ACC Tournament Champions 6 th grade Cross Country : ACC and Tri-County Champions 6 th grade Basketball : 6 – 2 ACC Champions 6 th grade Soccer :10 – 0 ACC Champions




35 First Semester Honor Rolls Honor Roll Principal’s HR 6 th 117 - 61% 41 - 21% 7 th 89 - 50% 22 – 12% 8 th 115 - 58% 29 – 15%

36 Honor Roll Certificates G.P.A. of 3.4 or higher Principal Honor Roll An A in all Subjects

37 TOP 5 THIS FIRST SEMESTER Daniel Otero-Pfaeffle Esteban Guío Carlos Marín Matthew Bec Christian Delgado

38 CELEBRATION! FRI. JAN 27 TH- 3:00 PM – IGNATIAN CENTER Pizza in the PATIO Raffle Prizes in the Roca Theater PUT YOUR NAME ON TICKET! DISMISSAL AT 4:00 PM.


40 Citizenship & School Spirit Care about each other! Care for our school! Do what is best and right for all!

41 DO YOUR BEST… GOD WILL DO THE REST! Congratulations to all who did their best this first semester! Here is to an even better second semester!

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