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Bell Work Why do Muslims fast? A.To be closer to God B.Experience what the less fortunate feel C.Allah commands it All of the above.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Why do Muslims fast? A.To be closer to God B.Experience what the less fortunate feel C.Allah commands it All of the above."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Why do Muslims fast? A.To be closer to God B.Experience what the less fortunate feel C.Allah commands it All of the above

2 Objectives Describe the origins, beliefs, and development of Hinduism Explain the origins, beliefs, and practices of Hinduism

3 Hinduism… One of the oldest religions of humanity 1100 – 500 BC The religion of the Indian people called Hindus A philosophy and a way of life – focused both on this world and beyond

4 Basic Philosophy… Goal – to unite with the Universal soul Reincarnation – the rebirth of the soul Moksha – “release” from the cycle of death & rebirth Ultimate goal of life Dharma – fulfillment of one’s duty in life one's righteous duty affected by a person's age, class, occupation, and sex Karma –humans have free will to choose good or evil and suffer the consequences actions keep us bound to this world

5 The Caste System Five Social Classes Brahmans – Priests, scholars and wise men Kshatriyas – rulers and warriors Vaisyas – merchants, small farmers, traders Sudras – peasants bound to the land Untouchables – people thought that even touching them would make you impure

6 History… No particular founder Indus River Valley Civilization >5000 years ago Vedic Tradition – Ancient spiritual traditions develop into Hinduism 3500 – 2500 years ago

7 As a faith, Hindus believe… Vedas – Primary sacred texts Respect for all life – vegetarian No meat, fish, or eggs and avoid alcohol They are monotheistic they believe in one god Some say they are polytheistic

8 Hindu God Hindu Trinity (3 aspects of God) Brahma: the creator of the universe Vishnu: the Preserver Shiva: the Destroyer

9 Hindus are… 900 million in worldwide population India Led by a Guru or spiritual teacher one who guides his or her disciple to achieve Moksha In home or Temple

10 Significant Events… Everyday is a Holiday Exactly how many Hindu festivals are celebrated is not known Hinduism has listed more than a thousand different Hindu festivals change of seasons, celebrate the harvest, and encourage fertility of the land. Others are dedicated to a particular deity. Samskars (rite of passage) rites or practices in Hindu scriptures to guide an individual child birth naming a child shaving the head marriage YouTube - Hinduism- 1

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