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Nov.8 Librarians Meeting. 

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1 Nov.8 Librarians Meeting

2 

3 Kindergarten - self, home, family, and classroom Grade 1 - classroom, school, and community Grade 2 - local community Grade 3 - communities Grade 4 - Texas history from early beginnings to the present Grade 5 - US history from 1565 to the present

4 Grade 6 - Contemporary world Grade 7 - Texas history from early times to the present Grade 8 - US history from early colonial period through Reconstruction

5 World Geography World History US History Since 1877 US Government Economics with Emphasis on Free Enterprise

6 Psychology Sociology Special Topics in Social Studies Research

7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency 2011. All rights reserved. 7 TEKS: Strands Social studie s skills

8  More specific introduction  Greater specificity  More student expectations  More historical figures  Added rigor

9 Including” and “such as” statement Role of US free enterprise system Definition of constitutional republic Celebrate Freedom Week and Constitution Day Statement regarding actions and the ideals in the founding documents

10 US History: (2)(D) explain the significance of the following dates years as turning points: 1898, (Spanish- American War), 1914-1918, (World War I), 1929, 1941 (the Great Depression begins), 1939-1945, (World War II), 1957 (Sputnik launch ignites U.S.- Soviet space race), 1968-1969 (Martin Luther King Jr. assassination and 1957.U.S. lands on the moon), 1991 (Cold War ends), 2001 (terrorist attacks on World Trade Center and the Pentagon), and 2008 (election of first black president, Barack Obama).

11 GradeSE GradeSEUS+38 K No Change 1 WH+42 2 +6 WG +1 3 No Change Gov 4 +1 Psy +8 5 -6 Soc+31 6 +9 Sp Topics+10 7 +7 Research+18 8 +1 Eco+10

12 Grade 8: 1998 TEKS - 18 “including,” 7 “such as” historical figures 2010 TEKS - 29 “including,” 18 “such as” historical figures

13  (6)(A) summarizecompare the major political, economic, social, and cultural developments of the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations


15 In general, Readiness Standards ◦ Are essential for success in the current grade or course ◦ Are important for preparedness for the next grade or course ◦ Support college and career readiness ◦ Necessitate in-depth instruction ◦ Address broad and deep ideas

16 GradeReadiness Standards 835 World Geography21 World History41 United States History43

17 In general, Supporting Standards ◦ May be introduced in the current grade or course and emphasized in a subsequent year. ◦ May be emphasized in a previous year and reinforced in the current grade or course. ◦ May play a role in preparing students for the next grade or course but not a central role. ◦ May address more narrowly defined ideas.

18 GradeSupporting Standards 856 World Geography33 World History62 U.S. History66

19  Help

20  High Quality, Rigorous Instructional Materials  Primary Source materials Documents Photographs Political Cartoons Maps Paintings Personal Documents Artifacts Film and Sound recordings

21  Biographies  Non Fiction  Forethought Resources

22  6 th Grade Contemporary World Cultures (events that have happened in the last 50 years-PREFERABLE in the last 20 years)  World History More emphasis on Asia, India and some Africa  5 th and US is to present day

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