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1 UBS Warburg 2001 Global Financial Services Conference New York - April 23 - 26, 2001 Speaker: Israel Vainboim.

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Presentation on theme: "1 UBS Warburg 2001 Global Financial Services Conference New York - April 23 - 26, 2001 Speaker: Israel Vainboim."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 UBS Warburg 2001 Global Financial Services Conference New York - April 23 - 26, 2001 Speaker: Israel Vainboim

2 2 Contents NOTE: Financial information contained in this presentation was converted into U.S. dollars by applying the exchange rate of US$ 1.00 = R$ 1.9554 The 90´s Core Businesses Distribution Network Financial Summary Competitive Positioning The Credit Opportunity Credit Card Insurance Asset Management Internet Concluding Remarks

3 3 The 90´s - Inflation, Real Interest Rate (1), GDP (1) CDI deflated by IPCA Source: IBGE, ANDIMA Estimates: Unibanco Consultoria Consumer Price Index (IPCA) Real Interest Rate (CDI) GDP 4.5 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 1000.0 1991199219931994199519961997199819992000(E) 2500.0 2,477 1,119 916 473 23.7 34.8 22.8 22.4 9.6 5.2 1.7 6.0 1.2 -0.3 4.4 5.6 3.4 0.2 2.7 3.3 0.8 21.5 25.0 16.0 18.4 26.5 14.9 10.7 8.9 % 4.3 10.5 3.8 2001(E)

4 4 The 90´s - Brazilian Banking System as % of GDP 12% 8% 6% 199119951999

5 5 The 90´s - Focus on Revenues 69% 35% 20% 1% 3% 8990949700 Maintained profitability with lower inflation 28 278 1,244 1,640 90949700 Decreasing float income........was offset by rising fee income Search for alternative sources of revenue: Insurance, Credit cards, Asset management, Fee income growth, Retirement plans, Annuities, Structured finance Float Income as % of Net Revenues Unibanco´s Fee Income (R$ MM)

6 6 The 90´s - Focus on Expenses Cost control and productivity increase Nominal GDPInflation (IGP-DI)UBB´s Expenses 145 144 112 0 100 200 19961997199819992000

7 7 5,906 11,546 26,268 36,038 51,496 9093969900 Total Assets (R$ MM) CAGR = 24.2% Total Funding (R$ MM) 5,410 12,075 29,703 41,014 60,357 90939699 CAGR = 27.3% 00 The 90´s - Performance Indicators Total Loans (R$ MM) 2,795 5,862 11,758 15,811 90939699 CAGR = 22.5% 21,259 00 Shareholder´s Equity (R$ MM) 745 933 2,154 4,002 90939699 CAGR = 22.1% 5,504 00

8 8 The 90´s - Performance Indicators 1.43 2.22 2.99 5.57 6.02 9093969900 Earnings per 1,000 Shares (R$) CAGR = 15.5% 25 38 95 209 264 9093969900 Dividends Paid (R$ MM) CAGR = 26.6% Net Income (R$ MM) 81 127 285 591 739 9093969900 CAGR = 24.7% 111 1,206 3,137 6,797 8,507 9093969900 Market Capitalization (R$ MM) CAGR = 54.3%

9 9 The 90´s - Satisfaction Tracking Employees Tracking 98 990097 Average Satisfaction & Motivation Ratio Client Tracking 99 00Feb/0198 Overall Satisfaction Ratio (all segments) 71.677.579.179.8 Internal Suppliers Tracking 98 9900 Overall Satisfaction Ratio - 97 Source: Leadership 21

10 10 The 90´s - Foreign Direct Investment - Inflows 0,0 7,0 14,0 21,0 28,0 35,0 1991199219931994199519961997199819992000E US$ BI SOURCE: CENTRAL BANK

11 11 The 90´s - Brazil’s Economic Environment As of April 18 th, 2001. Estimates: Unibanco Consultoria GDP Growth (%) 3.30.2 Agriculture-0.82.0 Manufacturing4.7-1.5 - Services2.61.1 Inflation (IGP index %)7.51.7 Fiscal Deficit (% of GDP) Trade Balance (US$ Billion)-8.4- 6.6 -1.2- 0.7-2.0 Nominal Interest Rates (SELIC %)24.828.825.617.415.3 Interest Rates in US$ (SELIC %)17.018.9 -15.17.410.0 Real Interest Rates (SELIC/IGP %)16.126.6 Exchange Rate (R$/US$)1.121.21 1.79 1.962.05 1997199819992000 2001E

12 12 Overview of Unibanco As of December 31, 2000 Retail Banking Wholesale Banking InsuranceAsset Management Total premium revenues: R$ 2,016 MM UBB Seguros: R$ 890 MM AIG: R$ 244 MM Retir. Plans: R$ 369 MM Capitalization:R$ 272 MM Trevo ( *) : R$ 241 MM Technical Reserves: R$2,101 MM Assets under management: R$ 20,5 Billion Fees and commissions: R$ 219 MM Loans: R$ 12,389 MM Net income from financial intermediation: R$ 607 MM Fees and commissions: R$ 176 MM Loans: R$ 8,870 MM Net income from financial intermediation: R$ 3,277 MM Fees and commissions: R$ 1,245 MM (*) Pro forma. Contributed R$ 15 MM in the month of Dec/00 Core Businesses

13 13 1,623 Points of Sale 79,000 clients 818 “30 Hours” Self Service Branches (1) 70 Million Telephone Calls in 2000 227,000 Clients with Internet Banking 374,000 Clients with PC Banking 5,165 ATMs (2) Branch Network Remote Bank + = As of December 31, 2000 (1)Includes Bandeirantes; (2)Includes customer service terminals Distribution Network Unibanco 4.0 MM clients Bandeirantes 0.7 MM clients Fininvest 3.0 MM clients 127 branches 101 PABs 5 in-store 16 Fininvest stores 769 branches 499 PABs 58 in-store 48 Fininvest stores

14 14 In Corporate Legislation In R$ Millions Consolidated Balance Sheet - Assets Available Funds + Interbank Accounts9,1407,3877,480 Marketable Securities12,9328,4145,445 Loans, gross21,25915,58413,812 Non Performing Loans (*) -227234 Loan Loss Provision(1,484)(972)(893) Permanent Assets3,3371,6731,617 Other Assets 6,3123,7254,032 Total Assets51,49636,03831,727 Dec/00Dec/99Dec/98 Financial Summary (*) NPLs are not disclosed since March 2000 when new risk adjusted provisioning regulation came into effect

15 15 In Corporate Legislation In R$ Millions Consolidated Balance Sheet - Liabilities (1) Includes: Funds Obtained in the Open Market, Debentures, Mortgage Notes, Local Borrowings and Onlendings (2) Includes: Trade Finance Lines, Foreign Borrowings, Eurobonds and Commercial Papers. Includes foreign exchange settlement positions Deposits13,3509,2667,542 Local Currency Funding (1) 17,39910,419 9,347 Foreign Currency Funding (2) 9,1417,9067,258 Other Liabilities5,1733,8874,147 Minority Interest929558527 Equity5,5044,0022,906 Total Liabilities + Equity51,49636,03831,727 Funds under Management20,46713,42310,175 Dec/00Dec/99Dec/98 Financial Summary

16 16 Bandeirantes´ and Fininvest´s (50%) loan portfolio amounted to R$ 1.9 billion and R$ 616 million, respectively Excluding these acquisitions the loan portfolio grew 8.8% QoQ and 18.4% YoY 15,811 17,204 21,259 Dec/99Sep/00Dec/00 Financial Summary Loan Growth YoY = 34.5% QoQ = 23.6%

17 17 December 1999December 2000 Retail Banking 32% Large Corporates 41% 1% Private Credicard &Fininvest 10% Corporate Middle Market 16% Large Corporates Retail Banking Credicard & Fininvest Corporate Middle Market 2% Private Financial Summary R$ 15,811 millionR$ 21,259 million Loan Breakdown 49% 24% 8% 17%

18 18 Financial Summary In R$ million AAABC D - H 44% 27% 9% 12% 8% 2Q00 3Q004Q00 17,327 44% 28% 10% 8% 17,833 80%82% 81% 41% 30% 10% 9% 22,148 Credit Quality

19 19 AAABCDE - H Resolution 2682 41% 25% 27% 15% 33% 83% 80% 76% 80% 71% 63% 50% 74% 70% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 91% 90% 87% 89% 95% 89% Unibanco Bradesco ItaúABN*BB Source: Brazilian Central Bank and Company Reports ( * ) ABN as of June, 2000 Financial Summary Credit Quality - Unibanco vs. Peers As of December 31, 2000

20 20 Financial Summary Demand Deposits2,3921,6861,34041.9706165 541 Savings Deposits3,7062,6882,88637.91,018 989 28 Interbank Deposits 199 99 33 101.010045 55 Time Deposits7,0534,9955,00741.22,0581,141 917 Total Deposits13,3509,4689,26641.03,8822,3401,542 In R$ million Deposits/Loans up from 55% to 63% QoQ Deposits/Loans up from 55% to 63% QoQ Deposits Dec/00Sep/00Dec/99 QuarterGrowthBand+Organic % changeQoQ50% FininvestGrowth

21 21 Financial Summary In R$ million Year %change Quarter %change Dec/99 Sep/00Dec/00 29,703 30,826 34,322 41,014 60,327 1996 1997199819992000 CAGR of 19.4%, CAGR of 19.4%, 103.1% in 4 years Funding Funding in local currency29,64020,97518,52741.3%60.0% Funding in foreign currency10,2508,0019,06428.1%13.1% Total Funding39,89028,97627,59137.7%44.6% Assets under management20,46717,23813,42318.7%52.5% Total Customer Funds60,35746,21441,01430.6%47.2%

22 22 In Corporate Legislation In R$ millions 1998 1999 2000 Net Interest Income3,5013,3483,090 Provisions for Losses (net of recov.)(859)(870)(705) Service Fee Income1,6401,4491,368 Personnel & Admin. Expenses(3,002)(2,727)(2,771) Others(111)(303)(256) Income Before Tax & Social Contribution1,169897726 Tax & Social Contribution(224)(113)(99) Profit Sharing(127)(114)(94) Minority Interest(79)(79)(79) Net Income739591454 Financial Summary Consolidated Income Statement

23 23 Financial Summary Net Financial Margin (*) - % Net Write-off/Total Loan Portfolio - % 12.2 12.6 12.0 9.9 97989900 4.7 5.0 3.9 97989900 4.0 (*) (Net income from financial intermediation + Provision for loan losses) / (Average total assets - Average permanent assets)

24 24 Financial Summary In R$ million CAGR of 16.1%, 81.4% in 4 years CAGR of 16.1%, 81.4% in 4 years 4Q003Q00QoQ % 20001999YoY % Bandeirantes and Fininvest contributed R$ 25 million in fees in Dec/2000. Bandeirantes and Fininvest contributed R$ 25 million in fees in Dec/2000. 9697 9899 904 1,244 1,368 1,449 1,640 2000 Fee Income Tariffs and commissions22819516.980270114.4 Credit Cards18014821.661950123.6 Asset Management6262-219247(11.3) Total47040516.01,6401,44913.2

25 25 Fees/Personnel Exp.(%) 140.8137.678.3 Fees/Total Expenses.(%) 54.653.133.8 Financial Summary Acquisitions of Bandeirantes, Fininvest and Credibanco contributed R$ 90 million to total expenses Other newly consolidated companies (Cibrasec, Serasa and Surinvest) contributed R$ 32 million to total expenses 5.6% increase in expenses YoY excluding these two factors 200019991996 PersonnelAdm. Expenses Personnel and Administrative Expenses 96979899 2000 2,6822,632 2,771 2,727 1,165 1,107 1,147 1,143 1,053 3,002 1,837 1,575 1,485 1,628 1,674

26 26 Efficiency Improvement Total Assets - R$ MM Efficiency Ratio (4) - % Cost Asset Ratio - % (1) Excludes non-recurring gains; (2) Excludes assets of Banco Nacional acquisition; (3) Excludes assets of Bandeirantes and 50% of Fininvest; (4) (Personnel expenses + Other administrative expenses) / (Net income from financial intermediation + Provisions for loan losses + Fee income + Insurance, Capitalization and Pension Plans - Taxes + Other operating income - Other operating Expenses) Financial Summary 11,546 13,528 26,268 28,139 31,727 36,038 51,496 22,796 78.8% 67.0% 57.2% 69.4% 64.9% 60.8% 59.1% (1) 60.0% 9394959697989900 9.0% 8.2% 9.3% (2) 10.2% 9.4% 8.7% 7.6% 6.3% (3)

27 27 Investments ( R$ MM ) 35% 65% January 1995 November 2000 Filters (1) Branches (1) Main customer service filters: Phone Banking, “30 Hour” Branches, PC Banking, Drop Box, Internet, Rede Shop 23 million transactions 68 million transactions 69% 31% 79 108 133 268 319 203 205 275 317 929394959697989900 Efficiency Improvement Financial Summary

28 28 Strategic Initiatives BancoFininvest - Acquisition of the remaining 50%, from Banco Icatu, of the total capital of Banco Fininvest announced on December, 2000 Telecom Network -Alliance with Portugal Telecom and Bradesco to outsource UBB´s Telecom Network announced on December, 2000 B2B -B2B Alliance with Portugal Telecom and Banco Galicia announced on August, 2000 Banco Bandeirantes CGD -Acquisition of Banco Bandeirantes and alliance with CGD announced on July, 2000, contracted on September, 2000 and concluded on December, 2000 -Spin off of and association with Portugal Telecom, which controls Telesp Celular (4.3 million customers) and which recently announced the acquisition of Global Telecom with 700,000 customers in Paraná and Santa Catarina. In addition, PT controls (4.5 million clients). announced on May, 2000 (AIG) - Alliance with the American International Group (AIG) in Insurance and Pension Funds announced on October, 1997 and June, 1998 respectively Banco Nacional - Acquisition of Banco Nacional announced on November, 1995 Competitive Positioning

29 29 Wholesale Banking Group Retail Banking Group Note: For visual representation. Corporate Banking (Annual Sales > R$ 80 MM) Private Banking (Financial Investment > R$ 1,000,000) Exclusive Client (R$ 1,300 < Monthly income < R$ 4,000) Upper Middle Market (R$ 25 MM < Annual Sales < R$ 80 MM) Lower Middle Market (R$ 10 MM < Annual Sales <R$ 25 MM) R$ 350 R$1,300 Special Client Banco 1 (Virtual Bank) (Monthly Income > R$ 1,000 ) Uni Class (Monthly Income > R$ 4,000 ) Exclusive Client (Annual Sales < R$ 10 MM) Small Businesses INDIVIDUALSCORPORATE Fininvest Clients Retirees Client Segmentation Competitive Positioning

30 30 10,000 7,500 4,450 3,600 2,500 1,500 700 0 2550 18303537404555 60 65 70 Age Income Source: Brazil IBGE (PNAD/1996) - All sources Young Affluent Affluent Successful Beginner Upper Middle Family Older Up-scale Middle Family Middle Core Young Mass Market Mass Market Younger Lower Older Lower 19.9% from 2.1% to 10.8% Impact of Fininvest Acquisition - Client Base Market Share Competitive Positioning

31 31 Unibanco branches/CSB/ISB Bandeirantes branches/CSB Fininvest Network Bandeirantes Fininvest Unibanco 992000 3.7 4.0 3.0 7.7 3.5 98 99 1,080 2000 1,623 98 1,017 462 64 1,097 # of Clients (in million) Points of Sale Client Base and Distribution Network 0.7 Competitive Positioning

32 32 Banking Population - Comparative Analysis (1) Population with annual income between US$ 1,650 and US$ 5,000 with no bank account (2) Source: World Bank, Brazilian Geography & Statistics Institute (IBGE), National Statistical Office, Republic of Korea, McKinsey - Mar/98 (3) Unibanco´s estimates Potential Holders (1) Population under 18 yrs. of age or annual income below US$ 1,650/yr Account Holders 1995 2005 # of potential holders26 million 46 million # of account holders23 million 42 million Brazil 15 million260 million 45 million152 million177 million 24%26% 29% 76% 74% 70% 0% 1% Holland (2) USA (2) Korea (2) Brazil (2) (1995) (1994) (1995) (1995) 2005 - E (3) 68% 24% 17% 26% 15 % Competitive Positioning

33 33 Banking Population Approximately 10 to 15 million new current accounts will be opened over the next three years by lower income population % of EAP 80%79%71% 20% 12 192 3233 HollandUSAKoreaBrazil Bank customers (million) The necessary Macroeconomic conditions already exist: 3 New Minimum Wage: R$ 180/month 3 GDP growth : 3.5% to 4% in 2001 and 2002 3 Growth of the economically active population (EAP): over 4% p.a. Some 33 million people hold 54 million current accounts Source: Ernst & Young (Sisbacen - June and September 2000) Competitive Positioning

34 34 Open:66 branches 135 Corporate-site branches 58 In-store branches Gain : 1.8 million customers Investments: R$ 180 million Expense Growth: R$ 200 million Incremental Income : R$ 500 million Organic Growth Plan - 3-year Objectives Competitive Positioning - Continuous Focus on Growth

35 35 Retail Banking - Organic Growth - 2000 Intensive use of Database Marketing Segment Average Products per Client Jan/97Dec/99 Dec/00 Uniclass 3.3 5.8 5.8 Exclusive 3.1 4.6 4.7 Special 1.5 3.4 3.4 Total 2.6 4.6 4.7 < 1 year clients = 3.5 > 1 year clients = 5.0 Scale = Clients x Transactions Competitive Positioning - Continuous Focus on Growth

36 36 53% 55% 60% 63% 67% 68% 949596979899 50 60 70 The Credit Opportunity (*) Includes state owned companies Source: FMI, Central Bank of Brazil 25% 67% 142% 0 50 100 150 Brazil*ArgentinaChile*USA % Chilean Banking System Private Sector in 1999 % Loan Volume - as % of GDP

37 37 Brazil 28% 34% 42% 50% 20002001 E2005 E2010 E UBB´s Market share (*) 24.9% 15.8% 13.9% CAGR 5.3% 108%266% Accumulated 24.9% (*) Brazilian Banking System The Credit Opportunity Loan Volume - as % of GDP

38 38 Months Monthly Interest Rates Installments 4 mo12.0%R$ 329.23 12 mo8.0%R$ 132.69 24 mo4.0%R$ 65.59 48 mo2.0%R$ 32.60 60 mo1.5%R$ 25.39 The Credit Opportunity - Term Lengthening Installments on R$ 1,000 loan

39 39 The Credit Opportunity 20% Average Loan Growth (R$ 31.6 Billion) 18% 12.4% R$ 10.2 billion 5 years BIS RatioROAE Forecast: Potential Leverage in 5 th year BIS16.5% AssetsR$ 51.5 billion LoansR$ 21.3 billion December 2000 Credit as lever for whole spectrum of revenues of a well balanced universal banking franchise Leverage

40 40 Credit Cards 100% Cartão Unibanco 100% Fininvest 100% Bandeirantes # 1 in Credit Cards in Latin America Subtotal 3,32672,512 53411,802 2871109 14,671297,240 2,550 6 2,033 336 1 1,237 12,781316,408 4,14794,423 Market Share % Transactions R$MM Cards Issued (´000) Market Share % Transactions R$MM Cards Issued (´000) 33% Credicard 2000 1999 2,886 7 3,270 ---

41 41 Credit Card - Brazilian Industry 19992000E2001E 2005E 2010E Transaction (R$ billion) Number of Cards (MM) 41.6 50.4 65.2 113.6 222.2 24 28 34 52 87 Source: ABECS - Associação Brasileira de Empresa de Cartões Number of Cards Transactions

42 42 Brazilian Industry - Premiums Written Source: Fenaseg. Insurance 5.6 12.0 14.6 15.2 18.6 19.4 199319941995199619971998 20.3 1999 23.4 2000 In R$ Billion Premiums/GDP - % Brazil2.1 Germany5.0 France7.0 USA9.0

43 43 R$ million20001999 Premiums Written 890743 Investment Income146179 Net Income 140 142 Shareholder´s Equity 938874 ROE (% annualized) 14.916.2 Ranking5 th(1) 6 th Combined Ratio (%) 101.2102.6 Extended Combined Ratio (%) (2) 80.2 75.9 Main Statistics - Unibanco Seguros Insurance (1) Including AIG Seguros. (2) Includes non-equity related financial revenues.

44 44 Main Statistics - Unibanco Seguros + AIG + Trevo Seguradora Insurance (1) Trevo Segutradora consolidated only in the month of Dec/00 (2) Includes non-equity related financial revenues. R$ million2000 (1) 1999 Premiums Written1,148997 Investment Income164211 Net Income141143 Ranking5 th 6 th Combined Ratio (%)101.2104.8 Extended Combined Ratio (%) (2) 83.381.0

45 45 Combined Ratio (%) 108.0 105.0 101.2 104.7 108.3 106.5 989900 Unibanco Market 61.6 62.7 61.9 66.3 68.9 68.0 989900 Unibanco Market Claims (%) Premiums Written Premiums Written by Segment Unibanco Seguros 31% Auto Life and accidents 27% Health 6% Property 14% 10% 8% 4% Others CTPL Marine cargo 1,075 997 1,150 379 349 369 989900 Insurance (Unibanco, AIG, Trevo)Pension Plans 1,454 1,346 1,519 Insurance

46 46 Brazilian Industry Source: ANBID/Central Bank of Brazil Asset Management % of GDP Mutual Funds 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 1980 19811982 19831984 1985 1986198719881989 1990 19911992 1993 1994 19951996 19971998 1999 US$ Billion 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% % of GDP Cruzado Plan Collor Plan Mexican Crisis Asian Crisis Russian Crisis Devaluation 160 30% 2000

47 47 Focus on distribution in R$ billion 9899 Unibanco Bandeirantes 00 10,175 13,423 20,467 18,697 1,770 Market Share - Mutual Funds 989900 6% 5% 4% Management fees Lever retail volumes from organic growth and acquisitions Focus on performanceMaintain solid position in institutional/ corporate segment and increase of volumes in Private 989900 2.66% 1.88% 1.41% Asset Management Assets under Management

48 48 Internet - Main Statistics

49 49 386 380 372374 379 364 370 372 377 362 372 384 382 272 256 238 228 215 198 190 176 169 160 152 148 141 132 123 636 610 602 589 572 569 540 539 532 529 510 513 516 505 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMar Home BankingInternet BankingTotal On-Line 658 Internet - Registered On-line Clients On-line Clients (thousand)

50 50 Internet – 2001 Main Goals Improve Internet Banking for Individuals and launch new site for small corporates Increase in 25% total transactions per access in Internet Banking (Individual) Conclude Cyber-Branches implementation Increase in 20% the number of products sold to our on-line clients Launch the gateway for payments through internet (Clique-Pague) Launch the electronic wallet (Num-Clique) Start B2B transactions (Tradecom) Double the number of active on-line clients

51 51 1-Bradesco (1) 1.8x 2-Itaú (2) 1.3x 3-Santander Banespa (2) 1.2x 4 - Unibanco (1) 1.0x 5-ABN Real (3) 0.7x 6-Safra (3) 0.4x 7-HSBC Bamerindus (3) 0.4x 8-BBVA Econômico (3) 0.2x 1-Bradesco2.9x 2-Itaú 2.3x 3-Banespa 2.3x 4 - Bamerindus1.6x 5-Unibanco 1.0x 6-Econômico 0.9x 7-Nacional0.8x 8-ABN Real0.7x 1990 Multiple 2000 Multiple (1) As of December,2000 (2) As of September,2000 (3) As of June,2000 Concluding Remarks Competitive Arena - Multiple of Total Assets

52 52 Concluding Remarks Analysts Recommendations

53 53 P/BV Note: Prices as of April 17, 2001 and Book Value as of December 31, 2000 Price to Book Value 1.20 2.07 2.91 UnibancoBradescoItáu Concluding Remarks

54 54 Strategic Positioning Positioned to gain share and increase profitability in Retail (including credit card and consumer finance), Wholesale Banking, Insurance and Asset Management Focused on increasing return on capital through well established cost reduction and fee income growth initiatives Focused on proper management of risks: proven track record in credit and well provisioned Clearly defined control and management depth Relevant player in recent and future industry consolidation process Concluding Remarks

55 55 For more information contact our Investor Relations Area at phone: 55-11-3097-1626 / 1313 fax: 55-11-3813-6182 email:

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