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Master’s programme Game and Media Technology. 10/1/20152 General Information:  Gaming and multimedia are booming industry  Increased use of gaming as.

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1 Master’s programme Game and Media Technology

2 10/1/20152 General Information:  Gaming and multimedia are booming industry  Increased use of gaming as educational tool  International English taught research master, unique in Europe  Leads to a Master of Science (MSc) degree  Full time, two years  About 40-50 students per year

3 10/1/20153 Game and Media Technology in Utrecht:  Four focus areas: - Interaction - Graphics and Modelling - Pattern recognition - Motion  Excellent teaching staff  High-quality facilities like a motion capture lab and a game lab  Cooperation with the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), and with the Utrecht School of the Arts  Our GMT department is a national and international focal point for research in Game Technology

4 10/1/20154 Example research questions:  How to simulate the behavior of a crowd of virtual characters in realistic ways?  How to control a game by just using your brain?  How to reconstruct a 3D world from images?  How to find a desired piece of music in a large database, based on melodic features?

5 Admission requirements: Applicants must hold one of the following:  A BSc in Computer Science  A BSc in Mathematics  A BSc in Information Science In addition:  Students from 985 University  A good knowledge of English (IELTS min 6.5 or TOEFL min 93)

6 Admission:  solid basic knowledge of computer science and logic  the ability to analyze and model computer science problems  the ability to communicate facts and findings verbally and in writing, also using information and communication technology and audio-visual means  the ability to make a computer program of reasonable complexity and size, in an object oriented programming language such as Java or C++;  knowledge of data structures, algorithms and related concepts of reasonable complexity, such as sorting algorithms, O(..)- notation, balanced binary search trees, etc.;  knowledge of basic computer-graphics techniques;

7 10/1/20157 Programme structure First year:  At least 6 dedicated courses  Deficiency courses  Selection of lectures  Seminars Second year:  Small Project  Thesis Project  Seminars

8 10/1/20158 Courses Current courses  Computer Animation  Motion and Manipulation  Advanced Graphics  Geometric Algorithms  Game Physics  Multimodal Interaction  Multimedia Retrieval  Computer Vision  Path Planning  Pattern Recognition  Games and Agents  Seminars (Colloquium)

9 Small Project  Individual project or in a small group  15 ECTS  Different possibilities:  To pose and answer research questions in game or media technology by experimentation  To develop, together with art students, a game based on technological innovation

10 Master Thesis  Large, full-time, individual research project  At the department or as an internship  42 ECTS (~ 7 months full-time)  Closely supervised by one of our staff members  Projects are linked to our research activities

11 Example Thesis Projects  Simulating and visualizing the behavior of crowds of pedestrians

12 Example Thesis Projects  Automatically computing animations of people falling, based on biomechanical models

13 Example Thesis Projects  3D building generation from height data and areal photographs Internship at Vicrea, Amersfoort

14 Example Thesis Projects  Tracking and fitting 3D body models using multiple cameras

15 Extracurricular Activities  Many students are active outside their studies  DGDARC ( is our student game development  Joint game projects  Symposia, lectures, excursions  Dutch Game Garden ( is an incubator for new game  Meetings  Game Jams  Advise and support for new companies

16 After Your Graduation  Percentage of recent graduates having a job: 97%  Average search time for first job: 2 months  Job types  Developing new technologies in game companies  Software development at innovative multi-media companies  Academic research (PhD positions)  Research in R&D departments of large companies (e.g. Philips)  Creating a start-up company in game or media technology

17 More information See website Also for our other master’s programmes: -Artificial Intelligence -Business informatics -Computing science

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