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Lindsey Hokanson  6 th year teaching at Chandler  Bachelor’s in Psychology  Masters of Education  Grew up and currently resides in Duxbury.

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Presentation on theme: "Lindsey Hokanson  6 th year teaching at Chandler  Bachelor’s in Psychology  Masters of Education  Grew up and currently resides in Duxbury."— Presentation transcript:


2 Lindsey Hokanson  6 th year teaching at Chandler  Bachelor’s in Psychology  Masters of Education  Grew up and currently resides in Duxbury.

3 Monday 2:30-3:10 PE (Panchuk) Tuesday 10:40-11:20 Music 2:40-3:00 Library Wednesday9:20-10:00Art Thursday9:20-10:00 Spanish Friday9:20-10:00PE (Panchuk) 2:30-3:10Computer Lab

4 Literacy Block (120 minutes) Sample time breakdown Whole Group Instruction 20 min. Small Group Instruction 20 min. each group X 4 groups Wrap-up Whole group 20 min. Literacy Centers (while teachers work with small groups)  Literacy Games  Journal Writing  Listening Center  Word Work (phonics skill practice)  ipads

5 Math Block 60-80 min. Sample Time Breakdown Whole Group Introduction 10 min. Math Centers 20 min. each center M ath Facts - practicing math facts with games, partners and independent activities A t Your Seat Work- Practicing previously taught skills, math boxes, math journals T eacher Time- direct math instruction and review H ands On- games/activities to review previously taught skills (when At Your Seat Work is finished)

6 30-40 min. daily (alternating units with Social Studies)  Hands on exploration and experimentation  Predictions, observations, recording  Real world connections  iBooks

7 30-40 min. daily (alternating units with Science) o Connecting with students real life experiences o Knowledge of the world around us o Duxbury past and present CHECK OUT CHANDLER SCHOOL CURRICULUM PAGE FOR CURRICULUM/ REPORT CARD INFO

8 Homework Expectation 20 min/night Math homework goes home daily and is expected back the next day completed. Spelling contracts go home Mondays, due on Fridays with parent and student signatures. Students must complete at least 20 points worth of activities. There will be an occasional social studies Project.

9 Communication Class website- announcements, important dates, etc. Group emails- website update, reminders Individual emails Phone calls/ conferences

10 Town Policy- All field trip money MUST be collected at least 2 months prior to field trip. Look for field trip info to come home early 2015!

11 Important Information  Online subscriptions- Reading Eggs, Everyday Math Online, Study Island,  Parent Confirmation Form (internet/photo)  PD ½ days Important Dates Conferences- 10/23 (night) 10/29 & 10/30 (1/2 days)

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