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Allergies in American Kids: Comparisons of Children aged 4 to 17 with and without Allergies Conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. April, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Allergies in American Kids: Comparisons of Children aged 4 to 17 with and without Allergies Conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. April, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allergies in American Kids: Comparisons of Children aged 4 to 17 with and without Allergies Conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. April, 2007 Conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. April, 2007 Supported by:

2 1 Study Design for Comparisons of Child Health and Nasal Allergies National Sample of the Parents of 1,000 children, aged 4-17 500 with current nasal allergies 500 without current nasal allergies Conducted by random digit dialing of a national sample of households Conducted 3/07/07 to 4/25/07

3 2 Age of Designated Child Age (years)

4 3 Gender of Designated Child

5 4 Q1. In general, would you say that your (AGE)’s health is excellent, very good, good, only fair, poor or very poor? General Health Rating

6 5 N2a. During the past four weeks has your (AGE)… been limited in the kind of work or other activities he/she could do as a result of his health? N2b. … had difficulty in performing work or other activities …? N2c. … had to cut down on the amount of time spent on his/her regular daily activities…? N2d… accomplished less than he/she would like to….? Activity Limitation in Past 4 Weeks

7 6 N3a. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) felt full of life --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? Felt Full of Life in Past 4 Weeks Percent of respondents

8 7 N3b. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) been nervous --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? Been Nervous in Past 4 Weeks

9 8 N3c. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) felt calm and peaceful --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? Felt Calm and Peaceful in Past 4 Weeks

10 9 N3d. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) had a lot of energy --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? Had a Lot of Energy in Past 4 Weeks

11 10 N3e. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) been downhearted and blue --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? Been Downhearted or Blue in Past 4 Weeks

12 11 N3f. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) felt worn out --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? Felt Worn Out in Past 4 Weeks

13 12 N3g. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) been happy --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? Been Happy in Past 4 Weeks

14 13 N3h. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) felt tiredt --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? Felt Tired in Past 4 Weeks

15 14 Q3c. Has your (AGE) ever been diagnosed with asthma? Ever Diagnosed with Asthma

16 15 Q3c. Has your (AGE) ever been diagnosed with asthma? Q3d. Has your (AGE) had asthma in the past 12 months? Asthma in the Past 12 Months

17 16 Q3a. Does your (AGE) have any other chronic or serious health conditions? Any Other Serious Health Condition

18 17 Q3b. What are these other chronic or serious health conditions? Base: Reported other health conditions Other Chronic or Serious Health Conditions

19 18 Q37. During the last week has your (AGE) had ………….? Other Conditions in the Past Week

20 19 N5. Has your (AGE) had his/her tonsils or adenoids removed? Tonsils or Adenoids Removed

21 20 N6a. Has your (AGE) had tubes put in his/her ears? Tubes in Ears

22 21 N6b. Has your (AGE) ever had nasal or sinus surgery? Nasal or Sinus Surgery

23 22 Q14. During the worst one month period in the past year, did your (AGE) have (symptom) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, less than that, or never? Every/Most Days During Worst Month

24 23 N7. In your opinion, how important are each of the following to your (AGE)? Would you say it is extremely important, very important, somewhat important or not too important? Extremely or Very Important to Child

25 24 D6. Are you currently employed full-time, employed part-time, in the military, unemployed and looking for work, retired and not working, student, homemaker, disabled or too ill to work? Employment Status of Parents

26 25 Q15a. Has your (AGE) asthma/health caused you or your spouse to miss work in the past 12 months? Q15b. How many work days have you or your spouse lost as a result of your (AGE) asthma/heath in the past 12 months? Base: Employed or in the military Mean work days lost for allergy: 8.4 Mean work days lost non-allergy: 3.6 Work Days Missed by Parents in Past 12 Months due to Child’s Health

27 26 N8. Is your (AGE) currently enrolled in a school or daycare facility? Educational Status of Children

28 27 Q22a. Has you (AGE) missed (school/daycare) in the past 12 months due to his nasal allergies/health? Base: In school or daycare Missed School or Daycare in the Past 12 Months due to Allergies/Health

29 28 Q23a. Aside from actually missing (school/daycare), has his/her allergies/health interfered with his/her performance at school? Base: In school or daycare Allergies/Health Interfered with School or Daycare in the Past 12 Months

30 29 Q27a. Does your (AGE) avoid any activities because of his/her nasal allergies/health? Avoid Activities

31 30 N9. How much do you feel your (AGE)’s allergies/health limit what he/she can do in the following areas --- a lot, some, only a little or not at all? Allergies/Health Interferes a Lot or Some

32 31 QR3a-c. How troubled has your (AGE) been by each of these symptoms during the last week as a result of his/her nasal symptoms --- not troubled, hardly troubled, somewhat troubled, moderately troubled, quite a bit troubled, very troubled or extremely troubled? At Least Somewhat Troubled by Symptoms

33 32 N10. How often does your (AGE) snore while sleeping? Would you say he/she snores --- every night, most nights, some nights, rarely or never? How Often Snores While Sleeping

34 33 Q41. Is the place that you usually go for your overall medical care, medical advice or treatment a……? Usual Source of Medical Care

35 34 Q41b.Who does your (AGE) see most often for his/her health care, medical advice or treatment ……? Primary Health Care Provider

36 35 Q42a.Has your (AGE) seen a doctor or other health practitioner about his/her health in the past 12 months? Seen Health Practitioner in Past 12 Months

37 36 Q110. Now I am going to read you a series of statements. As I read each statement, please tell me whether you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly with the statement. Attitudes about Nasal Allergies: Agree

38 37 Q111a.Do you have any sort of health insurance or health plan to cover your (AGE)’s health care costs? Patient Has Health Insurance

39 38 Q111c.Is your (AGE)’s coverage under that/those plan(s) from….? Base: Has health insurance for child Source of Health Insurance

40 39 Q111d.How much of the costs of your (AGE)’s prescription drugs is covered by your health plan? Base: Has health insurance for child Amount of Prescription Drug Costs Covered by Health Plan

41 40 Q113. How much need do you think there is for better education of parents of children with nasal allergies about their condition and its treatment? Need for Parent Education

42 41 Q116. Do any of the following relatives of yours have nasal allergies? Family History of Nasal Allergies

43 42 Q117a.Do you have pets living in your house? Pets in Household

44 43 Q65b.What kind of pet or pets? Base: Has pets in household Type of Pet

45 44 Q118a.Does anyone in your household smoke? Smokers in Household

46 45 N119.Do you live within a quarter of a mile of a highway? Lives Near a Highway

47 46 N120. How often do heavy trucks pass your home? Would you say ……….? Heavy Trucks Pass Your Home

48 47 D3. How old are you? Age of Parent or Caregiver

49 48 D4. What is the last year or grade of school you completed? Education of Parent or Caregiver

50 49 D7. Are you of Hispanic origin or decent? Hispanic Descent

51 50 D8. In which of the following categories do you feel you belong? Race of Patient or Caregiver

52 51 D9. Which of the following categories best describes your 2006 household income before taxes? Household Income

53 52 D10. Did the (AGE) take formula or solid food before he/she was five months old, or was he/she exclusively breast fed for the first four months? Breast Fed for First Four Months

54 Pediatric Allergies in America: Comparisons of Children aged 10 to 17 with Allergies and their Parents Conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. April, 2007 Conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. April, 2007 Supported by:

55 54 Study Design for Comparison of Parents and Children with Nasal Allergies National Sample of the Parents of 500 children, aged 4-17 with current nasal allergies Permission to interview children aged 10-17 was requested after parent interview Questions in the child interview were a subset of the questions asked of the parent about the child Conducted 3/07/07 to 4/25/07

56 55 QCS1. Could we interview the child now, or at some better time? N=260 parents of children aged 10-17 with current nasal allergies Interviews with Children 10-17

57 56 Q1. In general, would you say that your (AGE)’s health is excellent, very good, good, only fair, poor or very poor? C1. In general, would you say that your health is excellent, very good, good, only fair, poor or very poor? N=158 General Health Rating

58 57 N3a. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) felt full of life --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? N=158 Felt Full of Life in Past 4 Weeks

59 58 N3b. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) been nervous --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? N=158 Been Nervous in Past 4 Weeks

60 59 N3c. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) felt calm and peaceful --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? N=158 Felt Calm and Peaceful in Past 4 Weeks

61 60 Had a Lot of Energy in Past 4 Weeks N3d. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) had a lot of energy --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? N=158

62 61 N3e. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) been downhearted and blue --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? N=158 Been Downhearted or Blue in Past 4 Weeks

63 62 N3f. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) felt worn out --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? N=158 Felt Worn Out in Past 4 Weeks

64 63 N3g. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) been happy --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? N=158 Been Happy in Past 4 Weeks

65 64 N3h. During the past 4 weeks how often has your (AGE) felt tired --- all of the time, most of the time, a good bit of the time, some of the time, little of the time, or none of the time? N=158 Felt Tired in Past 4 Weeks

66 65 Q3c. Has your (AGE) ever been diagnosed with asthma? N=158 Ever Diagnosed with Asthma

67 66 Q3c. Has your (AGE) ever been diagnosed with asthma? Q3d. Has your (AGE) had asthma in the past 12 months? N=158 Asthma in the Past 12 Months

68 67 Q3a. Does your (AGE) have any other chronic or serious health conditions? N=158 Any Other Serious Health Condition

69 68 Q37. During the last week has your (AGE) had ………….? N=158 Conditions in the Past Week

70 69 Q12.Would you describe your nasal allergies as seasonal or do they occur throughout the year? N=158 Seasonal or Persistent Allergies

71 70 Q13c.Are your nasal allergies symptoms worse when you are outdoors or inside, or is it about the same? N=158 Allergies Worse Inside or Out

72 71 Q14. During the worst one month period in the past year, did your (AGE) have (symptom) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, less than that, or never? N=158 Every/Most Days During Worst Month

73 72 Q15. When you have nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually --- extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome? Base: Had symptom Extremely or Moderately Bothersome

74 73 Q16. Which of these symptoms was the most bothersome to you? Base: Had bothersome symptoms. Most Bothersome Symptom

75 74 Q22a. Has you (AGE) missed (school/daycare) in the past 12 months due to his nasal allergies/health? Base: In school or daycare Missed School due to Allergies

76 75 Q23a. Aside from actually missing (school/daycare), has his/her allergies/health interfered with his/her performance at school? Base: In school or daycare Allergies Interfered with School

77 76 Q24. Thinking about your productivity on a scale of 0 to 100, where 100 means 100% productivity, where would you rank your productivity on days when you don’t have nasal allergy symptoms? Q25. Where would you rank your productivity on the same scale of 0 to 100 … when your nasal allergies are at their worst? Productivity and Allergies

78 77 Q27a. Does your (AGE) avoid any activities because of his/her nasal allergies/health? N=158 Avoid Activities

79 78 N9. How much do you feel your (AGE)’s allergies/health limit what he/she can do in the following areas --- a lot, some, only a little or not at all? Allergies Interferes a Lot or Some

80 79 Q30.During allergy season, how often do you feel (ITEM) – frequently, sometimes, rarely or never? N=158 Frequently or Sometimes Felt During Allergy Season

81 80 Q31. During allergy season, would you say the condition impacted your daily life …..? N=158 Impact of Allergies on Daily Life

82 81 Q32.Overall, how well would you say that your nasal allergies have been controlled in the last week? Would you say it was completely controlled, well controlled, somewhat controlled, poorly controlled, or not controlled at all? N=158 Nasal Allergy Control in Past Week

83 82 Q33.How would you describe your nasal allergies during the last week? Would you say you had … no symptoms, mild symptoms, moderate symptoms, or severe symptoms? N=158 Allergy Symptom Severity in Past Week

84 83 QR3a-c. How troubled has your (AGE) been by each of these symptoms during the last week as a result of his/her nasal symptoms --- not troubled, hardly troubled, somewhat troubled, moderately troubled, quite a bit troubled, very troubled or extremely troubled? At Least Somewhat Troubled by Symptoms

85 84 Q64a. In the past 4 weeks, have you used any prescription nasal spray for your nasal allergies? Q64b. When was the most recent time that you used a prescription nasal spray? N=158 Prescription Nasal Spray for Allergies in Past 4 Weeks

86 85 Q65. Does your current prescription nasal spray give you relief from all of your symptoms, most symptoms, some symptoms, or no symptoms? Base: Use prescription nasal spray How Many Symptoms Relieved by Nasal Spray

87 86 Q68. How long does it take for your current prescription nasal spray to begin giving you symptom relief? Base: Use prescription nasal spray How Quickly Does it Relieve

88 87 Q69a. Does your current prescription nasal spray lose effectiveness over the course of the day or night, or does it remain as effective as when you first took it? Base: Used prescription nasal spray Does Effectiveness Wear Off

89 88 Q69b. How long after taking your current nasal allergy medicine does it begin losing effectiveness? Base: Nasal spray loses effectiveness. When Begins Losing Effectiveness

90 89 Q70a. How satisfied are you with the prescription nasal spray you used for your nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks? Base: Used Rx nasal spray for nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks. Satisfaction with Recent Rx Nasal Spray for Nasal Allergies

91 90 Q85. How quickly are prescription medicines supposed to begin providing symptom relief for nasal allergies? N=158 How Quickly Supposed to Relieve

92 91 Q87a. Have you ever found that the effectiveness of a product that promised 24 hour relief began wearing off earlier? N=158 Effectiveness Ever Wore Off before 24 Hours

93 92 Q87c. About how long after you started taking it does a nasal allergy medicine’s effectiveness begin wearing off? Base: Found nasal allergy medicine offering 24 hour relief wearing off. When Does Effectiveness Wear Off

94 93 Q88a. Have you ever found that a product’s effectiveness in treating your nasal allergy symptoms wears off over time even when you are taking the medicine as prescribed? N=158 Effectiveness Wears Off Over Time

95 94 Q88c. About how long after you started taking it does a nasal allergy medicine’s effectiveness begin wearing off even when taken as prescribed? Base: Found nasal allergy medicine wearing off. When Does Effectiveness Wear Off

96 95 Q89a. Have any of the medicines that you have taken for your nasal allergy ever caused nosebleeds? Nasal Allergy Meds Cause Nosebleeds

97 96 Q89b. How bothersome were those nosebleeds? Base: Medicine caused nosebleeds. How Bothersome were Nosebleeds

98 97 Q98. In choosing a nasal allergy medicine, which would be the most important to you …? N=158 Most Important for Nasal Allergy Medicine

99 98 Q117a.Do you have pets living in your house? N=158 Pets in Household

100 99 Q118a.Does anyone in your household smoke? N=158 Smokers in Household

101 Allergies in American Kids: Treatment Survey of Nasal Allergy Sufferers Conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. April, 2007 Conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. April, 2007 Supported by:

102 101 Children Diagnosed with Nasal Allergies: Household Screening QA3. How many persons under age 18 live in this household (even if they are not there right now)? QB. Have any of these persons under age 18 been diagnosed by a medical professional as having hay fever, allergic rhinitis, or nasal allergies? QC. How many persons, under age 18 in this household have been diagnosed by a medical professional as having hay fever, allergic rhinitis or nasal allergies? N=7,504 adults in 33,522 households

103 102 QD. Has this person/have these persons had symptoms like sneezing, itching, watery eyes, nasal congestion, or other nasal allergy symptoms in the past 12 months? QE. Does this person/do any of these persons take any medication for their hay fever, rhinitis or nasal allergies? N=6,315 households with allergic rhinitis Current Nasal Allergies: Household Screening

104 103 Children with Current Nasal Allergies aged 4 to 17 H1. What are the ages of the persons with have fever, allergic rhinitis or nasal allergies? Base: Children diagnosed with allergies and either symptoms in past year or current medication N=680

105 104 S1a. Has a doctor or other medical professional ever diagnosed the (AGE) as having …….? Base: Household screened as diagnosed and current nasal allergies aged 4 to 17 N=506 Individual Screening for Diagnosis

106 105 QS1b.Do you still suffer from hay fever or nasal allergies? S1c. When was the most recent time that you experienced hay fever or symptoms of nasal allergies for a month or longer? QS2. In the past 12 months, have you taken a prescription medication to treat your nasal allergies? N=478 persons diagnosed Current Nasal Allergies: Individual Screening

107 106 When Diagnosed With Nasal Allergies Q4. At what age were you first diagnosed with nasal allergies, rhinitis or hay fever? N=407 Age (years)

108 107 Who Diagnosed Nasal Allergies Q5. What was the medical specialty of the doctor who diagnosed your (AGE) with nasal allergies? N=407

109 108 Skin and Blood Tests for Allergies Q6a. Were you given a skin test to see what you were allergic to? Q6b. Were you given a blood test to see what you were allergic to? Unweighted N=407

110 109 Seasonal or Persistent Allergies Q12.Would you describe your nasal allergies as seasonal or do they occur throughout the year? Unweighted N=407

111 110 Allergy Symptoms Worse During a Particular Season or Time of Year Q12. Would you describe your nasal allergies as seasonal or do they occur throughout the year? Q13a.In the past 12 months, have your nasal allergy symptoms been more frequent or worse during a particular season or time of year? Unweighted N=407

112 111 Season Allergies Are the Worse Q13b.During what times of the year are your nasal allergies the worse? Base: Worse at certain times Unweighted N=350

113 112 Allergies Worse Outdoors or Inside Q13c. Are your nasal allergies worse when you are outdoors or inside, or is it about the same? Unweighted N=407

114 113 Symptoms During Worst Month Q14. During the worst one month period in the past year, did you have (symptom) every day, most days a week, a few days a week, a few days a month, less than that, or never? Unweighted N=407

115 114 How Bothersome are Symptoms Q15. When you have nasal allergy attacks, how bothersome are the following symptoms usually --- extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome, or not bothersome ?

116 115 Most Bothersome Symptom Q16. Which of these symptoms was the most bothersome to you? Base: Had bothersome symptoms. Unweighted N=356

117 116 Degree of Discomfort from Allergies Q17. In general, when you have a nasal allergy attack would you say that your discomfort is usually something you can ignore, you can’t ignore it, but you can tolerate it, or you can’t tolerate it without relief? Unweighted N=407

118 117 What Triggers Allergy Symptoms Q19. What things usually trigger or make your nasal allergy symptoms worse? Unweighted N=407

119 118 What Triggers Allergy Symptoms (cont.) Q19. What things usually trigger or make your nasal allergy symptoms worse? Unweighted N=407

120 119 Productivity and Allergies Q24. Thinking about your productivity on a scale of 0 to 100, where 100 means 100% productivity, where would you rank your productivity on days when you don’t have nasal allergy symptoms? Q25. Where would you rank your productivity on the same scale of 0 to 100 when your nasal allergies are at their worst? Base: Employed full time Unweighted N=1,315

121 120 Symptoms During Worst Month Q30.During allergy season, how often do you feel (ITEM) – frequently, sometimes, rarely or never? Unweighted N=407

122 121 Impact of Allergies on Daily Life Q31. During allergy season, would you say the condition impacted your daily life …..? Unweighted N=407

123 122 Nasal Allergy Control in Past Week Q32.Overall, how well would you say that your nasal allergies have been controlled in the last week? Would you say it was completely controlled, well controlled, somewhat controlled, poorly controlled, or not controlled at all? Unweighted N=407

124 123 Allergy Symptom Severity in Past Week Q33.How would you describe your nasal allergies during the last week? Would you say you had … no symptoms, mild symptoms, moderate symptoms, or severe symptoms? Unweighted N=407

125 124 Specialty of Doctor Treating Nasal Allergies Q43.What is the medical specialty of the doctor that you see most often for your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=351 Base: See a doctor for nasal care

126 125 Seen Doctor for Nasal Allergies in Past 12 Months Q42a.Have you seen a health practitioner about your nasal allergies in the past 12 months? Unweighted N =407

127 126 Shots for Nasal Allergies QN47a. Has your doctor or health practitioner ever given you nasal allergy shots? QN47b. When was the most recent time you had nasal allergy shots? Unweighted N =407

128 127 Drops or Extracts for Nasal Allergies QN47c. Has your doctor or health practitioner ever given you nasal allergy drops or extracts by mouth or under the tongue to treat your nasal allergies? QN47d. When was the most recent time you had nasal allergy drops or extracts by mouth or under the tongue? Unweighted N =407

129 128 Shown How to Use Nasal Spray Q48a. Has a health practitioner ever shown you how to use a nasal spray for your nasal allergies? Q48b. When was the most recent time a health practitioner showed you how to use a nasal spray for your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=407

130 129 Follow Health Practitioner’s Advice Q49. Would you say that you follow your health practitioner’s advice on the management and treatment of your nasal allergies – all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, rarely or never? Unweighted N=407

131 130 Satisfaction with Health Practitioner’s Management of Your Allergies Q51. Overall, how satisfied are you with your health practitioner’s management and treatment of your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=407

132 131 Changed Doctors due to Dissatisfaction Q52a. Have you ever changed doctors because you were dissatisfied with their management of your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=407

133 132 Seen Specialist for Nasal Allergies Q54a. Have you seen a specialist about your nasal allergies in the past 12 months? Unweighted N=407

134 133 Satisfaction with Specialist’s Management of Your Allergies Q54c. Overall, how satisfied are you with your specialist’s management and treatment of your nasal allergies? Base: Seen specialist other than primary doctor in the past year. Unweighted N=57

135 134 Types of Medications Used for Allergies Q62. For the current management and treatment of your nasal allergy symptoms do you use prescription medications only, non-prescription medications only, or both? Unweighted N=407

136 135 Non-Prescription Medicine for Allergies in Past 4 Weeks Q63a. In the past 4 weeks, have you used any over-the-counter, non-prescription medicine to give you relief from nasal allergy symptoms? Unweighted N=407

137 136 Non-Prescription Medicine for Allergies: Recency of Use Q63a.In the past 4 weeks, have you used any over-the-counter, non-prescription medicine to give you relief from nasal allergy symptoms? Q63b. When was the most recent time that you used an over the counter, non-prescription medicine for relief from nasal allergy symptoms? Unweighted N=407

138 137 Which OTC Medicine Used Q63c. What is the name of the over-the-counter medicines you take/took for nasal allergies? Base: Used in past 4 weeks. Unweighted N=220

139 138 Satisfaction with Recent OTC Medicine for Nasal Allergies Q63f. How satisfied are you with the over-the-counter medicine you used for your nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks? Base: Used OTC for nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks. Unweighted N=220

140 139 Prescription Nasal Spray for Allergies in Past 4 Weeks Q64a. In the past 4 weeks, have you used any prescription nasal spray for your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=407

141 140 Prescription Nasal Spray for Allergies: Recency of Use Q64a. In the past 4 weeks, have you used any prescription nasal sprays for your nasal allergies? Q64b. When was the most recent time that you used a prescription nasal spray for your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=407

142 141 Which Prescription Nasal Spray Used Q64c. What is the name of the prescription nasal spray you take/took for nasal allergies? Base: Used in past 4 weeks. Unweighted N=132

143 142 How Many Symptoms Relieved by Nasal Spray Q65. Does your current prescription nasal spray give you relief from all of your symptoms, most symptoms, some symptoms, or no symptoms? Base: Use prescription nasal spray. Unweighted N=132

144 143 How Quickly Does it Relieve Q68. How long does it take for your current prescription nasal spray to begin giving you symptom relief? Unweighted N=132

145 144 Does Effectiveness Wear Off Q69a. Does your current prescription nasal spray lose effectiveness over the course of the day or night, or does it remain as effective as when you first took it? Base: Used prescription nasal spray Unweighted N=132

146 145 When Begins Losing Effectiveness Q69b. How long after taking your current nasal allergy medicine does it begin losing effectiveness? Base: Nasal spray loses effectiveness. Unweighted N=66

147 146 Satisfaction with Recent Rx Nasal Spray for Nasal Allergies Q70a. How satisfied are you with the prescription nasal spray you used for your nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks? Base: Used Rx nasal spray for nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks. Unweighted N=132

148 147 Satisfaction with Rx Nasal Sprays for Nasal Allergies Q70b. In general, how satisfied have you been with the prescription nasal spray you have used for your nasal allergies in the past? Base: Ever used Rx nasal spray for nasal allergies. Unweighted N=275

149 148 Reason for Not Using Rx Nasal Spray Recently Q71. Why haven’t you used a prescription nasal spray you take/took for nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks? Base: Used in past but not past 4 weeks. Unweighted N=151

150 149 Other Prescriptions for Allergies in Past 4 Weeks Q72a. Have you taken any other prescription medications for your nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks? Unweighted N=407

151 150 Other Prescription Medicine Used Q72b.What is the name of the other prescription medicine you take/took for nasal allergies? Base: Used in past 4 weeks. Unweighted N=112

152 151 How Many Symptoms Relieved by Nasal Spray Q73. Does this prescription medicine give you relief from all of your symptoms, most symptoms, some symptoms, or no symptoms? Base: Use other prescription medicine. Unweighted N=576

153 152 How Quickly Does it Relieve Q76. How long does it take for this prescription medicine to begin giving you symptom relief? Base: Use other prescription medicine. Unweighted N=112

154 153 Does Effectiveness Wear Off Q77a. Does this prescription medicine lose effectiveness over the course of the day or night, or does it remain as effective as when you first took it? Base: Use other prescription medicine. Unweighted N=112

155 154 When Begins Losing Effectiveness Q77b. How long after taking this nasal allergy medicine does it begin losing effectiveness? Base: Other prescription medicine loses effectiveness. Unweighted N=43

156 155 Satisfaction with Other Prescription Medicine for Nasal Allergies Q78. How satisfied are you with the other prescription medicine you used for your nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks? Base: Used other prescription medicine for nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks. Unweighted N=112

157 156 Medicine for Allergies in Past 4 Weeks Q63a.In the past 4 weeks, have you used any over-the-counter, non-prescription medicine to give you relief from nasal allergy Symptoms? Q64a. In the past 4 weeks, have you used any prescription nasal spray for your nasal allergies? Q72a. Have you taken any other prescription medications for your nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks? Unweighted N=407

158 157 Use of Prescription Meds for Nasal Allergies Q79.Do you take prescription medicines for your nasal allergies all through the year or only during the times of the year that your nasal allergies are the worst? Unweighted N=407

159 158 Change Prescription Medicines for Nasal Allergies Q81a.How often do you change nasal allergy medicines ---several times each year, once a year, every few years, only rarely or never? Unweighted N=407

160 159 Why Changed Medicine for Nasal Allergies Q81b.Why have you changed nasal allergy medicines? Anything else? Base: Have changed nasal allergy medicines. Unweighted N=241

161 160 Asked Doctor to Change Medication Q82a.Have you ever asked your doctor to change your nasal allergy medication because you were dissatisfied with it? Unweighted N=407

162 161 Why Dissatisfied with Nasal Allergy Medicine Q82c. Why were you dissatisfied with that medicine? Base:Have asked doctor to change nasal allergy medicines. Unweighted N=106

163 162 How Quickly Supposed to Relieve Q85. How quickly are prescription medicines supposed to begin providing symptom relief for nasal allergies? Unweighted N=407

164 163 How Long Supposed to Relieve Q86. How long are prescription medicines supposed to provide symptom relief for nasal allergies? Unweighted N=407

165 164 Effectiveness Ever Wore Off before 24 Hours Q87a. Have you ever found that the effectiveness of a product that promised 24 hour relief began wearing off earlier? Unweighted N=407

166 165 Effectiveness Wore Off: Multiple Products Q87a. Have you ever found that the effectiveness of a product that promised 24 hour relief began wearing off earlier? Q87b. Has this happened with more than one nasal allergy product? Unweighted N=407

167 166 When Does Effectiveness Wear Off Q87c. About how long after you started taking it does a nasal allergy medicine’s effectiveness begin wearing off? Base: Found nasal allergy medicine offering 24 hour relief wearing off. Unweighted N=152

168 167 Stopped Taking Because Effectiveness Wore Off Q87d. Have you ever stopped taking a product for your nasal allergies because its effectiveness had worn off?

169 168 Effectiveness Wears Off Over Time Q88a. Have you ever found that a product’s effectiveness in treating your nasal allergy symptoms wears off over time even when you are taking the medicine as prescribed? Q88b. Has this happened to you with more than one nasal allergy product? Unweighted N=407

170 169 When Does Effectiveness Wear Off Q88c. About how long after you started taking it does a nasal allergy medicine’s effectiveness begin wearing off even when taken as prescribed? Base: Found nasal allergy medicine wearing off. Unweighted N=124

171 170 Stopped Taking Because Effectiveness Wore Off Q88d. Have you ever stopped taking a product for your nasal allergies because its effectiveness had worn off?

172 171 Nasal Allergy Meds Cause Nosebleeds Q89a. Have any of the medicines that you have taken for your nasal allergy ever caused nosebleeds? Unweighted N=407

173 172 How Bothersome Were Nosebleeds Q89b. How bothersome were those nosebleeds? Base:Medicine caused nosebleeds. Unweighted N=47

174 173 Side Effects of Allergy Medicines Q90.How many of the medicines that you have taken for allergy had the following types of side effects --- all, most, some, few or none? Unweighted N=407

175 174 How Bothersome are Side Effects Q91. How bothersome are the following side effects of nasal allergy medicines --- extremely, moderately, slightly or not bothersome? Unweighted N=407

176 175 Try to Avoid Certain Medicines Q100a. Are there any nasal allergy medications that you try to avoid using? Unweighted N=407

177 176 Reason Stopped Taking Nasal Allergy Prescription Q94.Have you ever stopped taking a nasal allergy medicine prescribed by your doctor because…. Unweighted N=407

178 177 Tell Doctor When Stop Taking Rx Meds Q95. When you have stopped taking a nasal allergy medicine for one of these reasons, do you always tell your doctor right away? Base: Have stopped taking nasal allergy medicine prescribed by doctor. Unweighted: N=264

179 178 Get Money’s Worth From Rx Meds Q97. Overall, do you feel that patients get their money’s worth out of prescription medicines for nasal allergies? Unweighted N=407

180 179 Most Important for Nasal Allergy Medicine Q98. In choosing a nasal allergy medicine, which would be the most important to you …? Unweighted N=407

181 180 Important for Nasal Allergy Medicine Q98. In choosing a nasal allergy medicine, which would be the most important to you …? Q99. What would be the next most important to you? Unweighted N=407

182 181 How Many Symptoms Relieved for Success Q101. How many symptoms would a nasal allergy medicine have to relieve for you to consider it a successful treatment --- all, most, some, a few or none? Unweighted N=407

183 182 Percent Relief for Success Q102.On a scale of 0 to 100 percent, what percent symptom relief would you expect from a nasal allergy medicine for it to be considered a successful treatment? Q33.How would you describe your nasal allergy symptoms in the past week?

184 183 How Quickly Must Relieve Q103. How quickly after taking would a nasal allergy medicine have to begin relieving symptoms for you to consider it a successful treatment? Unweighted N=407

185 184 How Long Must Last Q104.How long after you take a dose of nasal allergy medicine should symptom relief last for you to consider it a successful treatment? Unweighted N=407

186 185 Failed to Follow Physician Instructions Q108. People with nasal allergies sometimes fail to follow their physician’s instructions about their medicines for allergies. Have you ever failed to take an allergy medicine as prescribed because of …… Unweighted N=407

187 186 Insurance Restricts Type Of Medicine Q111f. Does your insurance restrict your doctor from prescribing specific nasal allergy medications for you? Unweighted N=407

188 Pediatric Allergies in America: Survey of Health Professionals Conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. April, 2007 Conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. April, 2007 Supported by:

189 188 PopulationSampling Frame Interview Length Completed Sample Population Aged 4-17 with allergies without allergies National RDD minutes 500 Cross-section: 1/5/06-1/31/07 Health Professional Survey -- Pediatrics -- Family Practice -- Allergy -- Otolaryngology -- Nurse practitioner -- Physician assistant AMA/AOA Master List minutes 100 101 100 50 Physician Survey: 1/17/06-2/14/07 Study Design

190 189 Health Provider Type Base: Total completed interviews N=501

191 190 Primary Ambulatory Care Setting Q3. In what type of ambulatory care setting do you spend MOST of your (out-patient) patient care time during a usual work week? Is it… N=501

192 191 Patients Seen on Outpatient Basis Q4. In an average week, about how many patients aged 4 to 17 do you see on an outpatient basis? N=501

193 192 Percent of Patients with Rhinitis Q5. About what percent of the patients aged 4 to 17 you see each week have allergic rhinitis? N=501

194 193 How Bothersome are Symptoms Q6. For most patients 4 to 17 that you see with allergic rhinitis, how bothersome are their nasal allergy symptoms? Would you say they are extremely bothersome, moderately bothersome, slightly bothersome or not bothersome? N=501

195 194 Most Bothersome Symptoms Q7. Which of the following nasal allergy symptoms are most bothersome to your patients? N=501 PQ16. Which of these symptoms was the most bothersome to you? Base: Had bothersome symptoms. Unweighted N=2,362

196 195 Most Bothersome Symptoms (Cont.) Q7. Which of the following nasal allergy symptoms are most bothersome to your patients? N=501 PQ16. Which of these symptoms was the most bothersome to you? Base: Had bothersome symptoms. Unweighted N=2,362

197 196 Discomfort During Allergy Attack Q8. In general, would you say that patients’ discomfort during a nasal allergy attack is usually something they can ignore, they can’t ignore it, but they can tolerate it, or they can’t tolerate it without relief? N=501 PQ17. In general, when you have a nasal allergy attack would you say that your discomfort is usually something you can ignore, you can’t ignore it, but you can tolerate it, or you can’t tolerate it without relief? Unweighted N=2,501

198 197 Patients Missing Work Due to Rhinitis Q9. Among your patients 4 to 17 with allergic rhinitis who are in school, how many would you estimate have missed school in the past 12 months due to their nasal allergies? N=501 PQ22a.Have you missed work in the past 12 months due to your nasal allergies? Base: Employed full time Unweighted N=1,315

199 198 Productivity When Nasal Allergies are at Their Worst Q10.Thinking about productivity at school on a scale from 0 to 100, where 100 means 100% productivity, where would you rank the productivity of patients 4 to 17 with allergic rhinitis, when their nasal allergies are at their worst? N=501 PQ24.Thinking about your productivity on a scale of 0 to 100, where 100 means 100% productivity, where would you rank your productivity on days when you don’t have nasal allergy symptoms? PQ25. Where would you rank your productivity on the same scale of 0 to 100 … when your nasal allergies are at their worst?

200 199 Impact of Allergies on Daily Life Q11. For the average patient aged 4 to 17 with allergic rhinitis, during allergy season, would you say the condition impacted their daily life a lot, impacted their daily life a moderate amount, impacted their daily life some, impacted their daily life a little, or does not really impact their daily life? N=501 PQ31.During allergy season, would you say the condition impacted your daily life …..? Unweighted N=2,500

201 200 Classification of Nasal Allergies Q12. Do you classify the severity of nasal allergies in patients aged 4 to 17 [DOCTOR VERSION: when you make the diagnosis] [PA/NP VERSION: when you initially see them]? N=501

202 201 Percent of Patients with Perennial Allergies Q13a.What proportion of your patients aged 4 to 17 with nasal allergies would you classify as having perennial allergies? N=501 PQ12.Would you describe your nasal allergies as seasonal or do they occur throughout the year? Unweighted N=2,500

203 202 Proportion of Patients Classified by Symptom Severity Q13b. What proportion of your patients aged 4 to 17 with nasal allergies would you classify as having…? N=501

204 203 Skin Test to Confirm Diagnosis Q14. How often do you conduct a skin test, either in your office or by referral, when making or confirming a diagnosis of allergic rhinitis in patients aged 4 to 17…? N=501 PQ6a. Were you given a skin test to see what you were allergic to? Unweighted N=2,500

205 204 Blood Test to Confirm Diagnosis Q15. How often do you conduct a blood test, either in your office or by referral, when making or confirming a diagnosis of allergic rhinitis in patients aged 4 to 17…? N=501 PQ6b.Were you given a blood test to see what you were allergic to? Unweighted N=2,500

206 205 Allergy Shots to Treat Nasal Allergies Q16. Among your patients aged 4 to 17 with allergic rhinitis, do you give allergy shots to or refer patients to get allergy shots to treat nasal allergies to all, most, some, a few or none? N=501 PQN47a. Has your doctor or health practitioner ever given you nasal allergy shots? Unweighted N =2,500

207 206 Allergy Drops to Treat Nasal Allergies Q17. Among your patients aged 4 to 17 with allergic rhinitis, do you give or refer patients to get allergy drops or extracts by mouth or under the tongue to treat nasal allergies to all, most, some, a few or none? N=501 PQN47c. Has your doctor or health practitioner ever given you nasal allergy drops or extracts by mouth or under the tongue to treat your nasal allergies? Unweighted N =2,500

208 207 How Often Show How to Use Nasal Spray Q18. How often do you show patients aged 4 to 17 how to use a nasal spray for their nasal allergies? N=501 PQ48a. Has a health practitioner ever shown you how to use a nasal spray for your nasal allergies? PQ48b. When was the most recent time a health practitioner showed you how to use a nasal spray for your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=2,500

209 208 Difficulty in Using Spray Dispensers Q18b. How much difficulty do your patients aged 4 to 17 have in using nasal spray dispensers for their allergy medicine? In general would you say they have a…N=501 PQ51. Overall, how satisfied are you with your health practitioner’s management and treatment of your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=2,500

210 209 How Often Patients Follow Advice Q19. Would you say that most of your patients aged 4 to 17 with allergic rhinitis follow your advice on the management and treatment of nasal allergies…? N=501 PQ49. Would you say that you follow your health practitioner’s advice on the management and treatment of your nasal allergies – all of the time, most of the time, some of the time, rarely or never? Unweighted N=2,500

211 210 Percent of Patients Very Satisfied With Disease Management Q20. Approximately, what proportion of your patients aged 4 to 17 with nasal allergies would you say are VERY satisfied with the management of their disease? Would you say… N=501 PQ51. Overall, how satisfied are you with your health practitioner’s management and treatment of your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=2,500

212 211 Effect of Medical Treatment on Quality of Life Q21. How much effect does medical treatment have on the quality of life for a patient aged 4 to 17 with allergic rhinitis? N=501

213 212 How Often Patients Change Allergy Medications Q22. How often do your patients aged 4 to 17 with allergic rhinitis change allergy medicines – several times each year, once a year, once every few years, only rarely or never? N=501 PQ81a.How often do you change nasal allergy medicines ---several times each year, once a year, every few years, only rarely or never? Unweighted N=2,500

214 213 Patients Ask to Change Allergy Medicine Q23a. What proportion of your patients aged 4 to 17 with allergic rhinitis or their parents have asked you to change their allergy medication because they were dissatisfied with it – all, most, some, only a few or none? N=501 PQ82a.Have you ever asked your doctor to change your nasal allergy medication because you were dissatisfied with it? Unweighted N=2,500

215 214 Reasons for Dissatisfaction with Medicine Q23b. Why are patients dissatisfied with their allergy medicine? [Unaided question] Base: Have asked to change medicine because dissatisfied N=395 PQ82c. Why were you dissatisfied with that medicine? Base: Have asked doctor to change nasal allergy medicines. Unweighted N=860

216 215 Reasons for Dissatisfaction with Medicine (cont.) Q23b. Why are patients dissatisfied with their allergy medicine? [Unaided question] Base: Have asked to change medicine because dissatisfied N=395 PQ82c. Why were you dissatisfied with that medicine? Base: Have asked doctor to change nasal allergy medicines. Unweighted N=860

217 216 Most Important Attribute of Allergy Medicine Q38. In choosing a medicine for nasal allergies, which would be most important to your patients aged 4 to 17? N=501 PQ98. In choosing a nasal allergy medicine, which would be the most important to you …? Unweighted N=2,500

218 217 Preferred Medicines for Moderate to Severe Persistent Allergy Symptoms Q31. What class or classes of medication is your preferred choice for adults with moderate to severe persistent allergy symptoms? [Unaided response] N=501

219 218 Preferred Medicines for Moderate to Severe Persistent Allergy Symptoms (cont.) Q31. What class or classes of medication is your preferred choice for adults with moderate to severe persistent allergy symptoms? [Unaided response] N=501

220 219 Patients Using Intra-Nasal Corticosteroids for Allergies Q32.What proportion of your patients aged 4 to 17 with allergic rhinitis are currently using an intra-nasal corticosteroid for their condition? N=501 PQ64a. In the past 4 weeks, have you used any prescription nasal sprays for your nasal allergies? PQ64b. When was the most recent time that you used a prescription nasal spray for your nasal allergies? Unweighted N=2,500

221 220 Symptoms Relieved by Intra-nasal Corticosteroids Q33. Do intra-nasal corticosteroids give most patients aged 4 to 17 relief from all of their symptoms, most symptoms, some symptoms, few symptoms, or no symptoms? N=501 PQ65. Does your current prescription nasal spray give you relief from all of your symptoms, most symptoms, some symptoms, or no symptoms? Base: Use prescription nasal spray. Unweighted N=919

222 221 Time for Intra-nasal Corticosteroids Relief Q34.For patients aged 4 to 17, how long does it take an intra-nasal corticosteroid to begin giving symptoms relief? N=501 PQ68. How long does it take for your current prescription nasal spray to begin giving you symptom relief? Unweighted N=919

223 222 How Long Intra-nasals Provide Relief Q25.For patients aged 4 to 17, how long are intra-nasal corticosteroids supposed to provide symptoms relief for nasal allergies? N=501

224 223 Do Intra-nasals Lose Effectiveness Q35a.For patients aged 4 to 17 do intra-nasal corticosteroids lose effectiveness over the course of the day or night, or do they remain as effective as when the patient first took it? N=501 PQ69a. Does your current prescription nasal spray lose effectiveness over the course of the day or night, or does it remain as effective as when you first took it? Base: Used prescription nasal spray Unweighted N=919

225 224 Time Until Intra-nasals Lose Effectiveness Q35b.How long after taking an intra-nasal corticosteroid does it begin losing effectiveness allergies? Base: Lose effectiveness over day and night N=183 PQ69b. How long after taking your current nasal allergy medicine does it begin losing effectiveness? Base: Nasal spray loses effectiveness. Unweighted N=440

226 225 Intra-Nasal Corticosteroids Wear Off Over Time Q27a. For patients aged 4 to 17, have you ever found that the effectiveness of intra-nasal corticosteroid products in treating nasal allergy symptoms wears off over time, even when taking the medicine as prescribed? N=501

227 226 Time Until Intra-nasal Corticosteroids Wear Off Q27b. About how long after the patient starts taking an intra-nasal corticosteroid does its effectiveness for allergy symptoms begin wearing off, even when being taken as prescribed? Base: Effectiveness wears off N=246

228 227 Q28.How many of the intranasal corticosteroids for nasal allergies have the following types of side effects in patients aged 4 to 17 -- all, most, some, few or none? N=501 Side Effects of Intranasal Corticosteroids

229 228 Patients Avoid Any Intra-Nasal Corticosteroids Q29a.Are there any intranasal corticosteroid medications for nasal allergies that your patients aged 4 to 17 try to avoid using? N=501

230 229 Satisfaction of Patients with Intra-nasal Corticosteroids Q36.In general, how satisfied are your patients aged 4 to 17 with allergic rhinitis patients with their intra-nasal corticosteroids? Would you say that they are very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied? N=501 PQ70b. In general, how satisfied have you been with the prescription nasal spray you have used for your nasal allergies in the past? Base: Ever used Rx nasal spray for nasal allergies. Unweighted N=2,033

231 230 Patients Avoid Using Intra-Nasal Corticosteroids for Nasal Allergies Q37a. Do patients aged 4 to 17 avoid using intra-nasal corticosteroids for their nasal allergies? N=501

232 231 Reasons Avoid Intra-nasal Corticosteroids Q37b. Why do they avoid using intra-nasal corticosteroids for their nasal allergies? Base: Avoid using intra-nasal corticosteroids for nasal allergies N=178 PQ71. Why haven’t you used a prescription nasal spray you take/took for nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks? Base: Used in past but not past 4 weeks. Unweighted N=1,156

233 232 Reasons Avoid Intra-nasal Corticosteroids (cont.) Q37b. Why do they avoid using intra-nasal corticosteroids for their nasal allergies? Base: Avoid using intra-nasal corticosteroids for nasal allergies N=178 PQ71. Why haven’t you used a prescription nasal spray you take/took for nasal allergies in the past 4 weeks? Base: Used in past but not past 4 weeks. Unweighted N=1,156

234 233 Number of Symptoms Relieved for Success Q40.How many symptoms would an intranasal corticosteroid have to relieve in patients aged 4 to 17 for you to consider it a successful treatment – all, most, some, a few or none? N=501 PQ101. How many symptoms would a nasal allergy medicine have to relieve for you to consider it a successful treatment --- all, most, some, a few or none? Unweighted N=2,500

235 234 Percent Symptom Relief for Success Q41.On a scale of 0 to 100 percent, what percent symptom relief would you expect from an intra-nasal corticosteroid for a patient aged 4 to 17 for it to be considered a successful treatment? N=501 PQ102. On a scale of 0 to 100 percent, what percent symptom relief would you expect from a nasal allergy medicine for it to be considered a successful treatment? Unweighted N=2,500

236 235 How Quick Symptom Relief for Success Q42. How quickly after taking would an intra-nasal corticosteroid have to begin relieving symptoms in a patient aged 4 to 17 for you to consider it a successful treatment? N=501

237 236 Time Intra-nasals Last for Success Q43.How long after taking a dose of intra-nasal corticosteroid should symptom relief last in a patient aged 4 to 17 for you to consider it a successful treatment? N=501

238 237 Opinions About Nasal Allergies Q44. Now I am going to read you a series of statements. As I read each statement, please tell me whether you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly with the statement. N=501 PQ110. Now I am going to read you a series of statements. As I read each statement, please tell me whether you agree strongly, agree somewhat, disagree somewhat or disagree strongly with the statement. Unweighted N=2,500

239 238 Patients Get Monies Worth From Rx Medicines Q30.Overall, do your patients aged 4 to 17 feel they get their money’s worth out of prescription medicines for nasal allergies? N=501 PQ97. Overall, do you feel that patients get their money’s worth out of prescription medicines for nasal allergies? Unweighted N=2,500

240 239 Need for Better Education of Patients Q45. How much need do you think there is for better education of PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH NASAL ALLERGIES about their condition and its treatment? Do you think there is a… N=501 PQ113. How much need do you think there is for better education of people with nasal allergies about their condition and its treatment? Unweighted N=2,500

241 240 Aware of Professional Guidelines Q46a. Are you aware of any professional guidelines for the diagnosis and management of allergic rhinitis? N=501

242 241 Publisher of Guidelines Q46b. Who publishes those guidelines? Base: Aware of Guidelines N=260

243 242 Publisher of Guidelines (cont.) Q46b. Who publishes those guidelines? Base: Aware of Guidelines N=260

244 243 Graduation Year D1. In what year did you [DOCTOR VER: graduate from Medical or Osteopathic school] [NP/PH VER: receive your license as a physician assistant]? N=501

245 244 Continuing Medical Education D2. Have you taken any continuing medical education (CME) courses related to the management and treatment of allergic rhinitis [DOCTOR VER: since medical school] [PA/NP VER: since receiving your license]? N=501

246 245 Primary Practice Location D3. Is your primary practice located in a central city, a suburb, a small city, a town or a rural area? N=501

247 246 Gender D4. Gender N=501

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