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Reading Meeting Thursday 20 November 2014. Welcome! * This meeting will focus on how reading is taught in early years. Give you some ideas to enable you.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Meeting Thursday 20 November 2014. Welcome! * This meeting will focus on how reading is taught in early years. Give you some ideas to enable you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Meeting Thursday 20 November 2014

2 Welcome! * This meeting will focus on how reading is taught in early years. Give you some ideas to enable you to support your children’s learning and development at home.

3 Reading can be like Russian for children ЗдравствуйтеДорогая мояМилая мояЯ так люблю тебяКак ваши дела?Доброе утроДоброй ночиЧем ты сейчас занимаешься?Я мечтаю встретить женщину, чтобы разделить с ней мою жизньНеплoхоОчень рад, что у тебя все хорошоКак поживаешь?Хорошо, а как ты?НеплохоТы выйдешь замуж за меня?Мне очень понравилась ваша фотография и письмоЯ хотел бы переписываться с вамиЯ тебя понимаюЯ не понимаю тебяК сожалению, я пока не говорю по- русски

4 Reading How do children learn to read? Use pictures; Phonics -become familiar with letter sounds Blend sounds to help with reading; Learn tricky words as sight vocabulary; Use context; PRACTISE, PRACTISE and more PRACTISE! Specific!

5 What do we do in school? Phonics lessons - Letters and Sounds; Jolly Phonics; Individual, shared and guided reading; Word walls; Story telling; Print rich environment; Reading buddies; Independent activities to promote reading. Specific!

6 Letters and Sounds What’s involved at Phase 1? These skills are crucial for your child’s development as reader, writers and speakers; You can help by sharing nursery rhymes, singing simple songs, playing alliteration and rhyming games, listening and describing sounds. Sound discrimination, rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, oral blending ;

7 What’s involved in Phase 2? Letter sounds taught individually at first, not in alphabetical order; It is very important to say the pure sound and not add an ‘uh’! m a t Some words cannot be ‘sounded out’ and children need to learn these by sight eg the, said, was.

8 What are ‘Word Walls’? Tricky words High frequency words

9 What’s involved in Phase 3? The aim of phase 3 phonics is to recognise digraphs (this is when 2 letters make one sound) and use them when they are reading and writing more complex words e.g. toad, feet, boat, farm; Children are expected to read and spell these words in simple sentences.

10 How do books at school cater for children’s needs? Text-less books; Book band colours Wide range of books Changing books regularly, different types of books.

11 What can I do to help my child at home? * Quiet place for regular reading; * Use school books; * Word Walls; * Enjoyable shared reading experiences eg bedtime; * Provide other reading material; comics, instructions, recipes, on screen. * Visit the library together.

12 Remember: All children learn in different ways and at different rates; Be positive and patient; Read on a regular basis, aiming for 5-10 minutes each night; Speak to your child’s teacher if you have any concerns; Keep home reading books in book bags; Children may like to go back to their favourite stories again and again.

13 Thank you for listening and for your continued support -it makes a massive difference!

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