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K INDERGARTEN C URRICULUM N IGHT Mrs. Polich and Mrs. Hedstrom.

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Presentation on theme: "K INDERGARTEN C URRICULUM N IGHT Mrs. Polich and Mrs. Hedstrom."— Presentation transcript:

1 K INDERGARTEN C URRICULUM N IGHT Mrs. Polich and Mrs. Hedstrom

2 A DAY IN K INDERGARTEN …. Morning meeting Whole Group Instruction Literacy stations Cooperative Learning Specials (Library/Gym) *proper shoes

3 C URRICULUM Reading Fundamentals Jolly Phonics Math (Origo) Science Social Studies Other… Handwriting without Tears Number of the Week Journals Sight Words Monthly Calendar

4 E XTRAS …. Behavior Field Trips (2-3 a year) Birthdays Folders Homework – 1 st trimester, 2 nd trimester, 3 rd trimester Extra Clothes, Socks Newsletter/Calendar Report Cards Conferences Expectations

5 What can I do at home? Read, Read, Read!!!! Practice Jolly Sounds Support them during homework time Encourage them to do independent skills and be responsible

6 B EFORE YOU GO …. o Come back to our Homeroom o Sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences o Sign up for Volunteer Opportunities o Take home the packet of information Thank you for coming tonight!

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