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By Phillip Hamrock For BA 516 – Management and Marketing.

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Presentation on theme: "By Phillip Hamrock For BA 516 – Management and Marketing."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Phillip Hamrock For BA 516 – Management and Marketing

2  Folklore  Research Methods  Findings  Primary Managerial Roles  Interpersonal Roles  Informational Roles  Decisional Roles  Summary 7/23/2008BA 516 - Management & Marketing2

3  Common beliefs  1. Managers are reflective, systematic planners  2. The effective manager has no regular duties  3. Senior managers need aggregated information  4. Management is a science and a profession 7/23/2008BA 516 - Management & Marketing3

4  New research  “Structural observation”  Five American CEO’s over one week  Analyzed mail and verbal contacts  Existing sources  International, all levels of management  Focused on time studies 7/23/2008BA 516 - Management & Marketing4

5  Myth:  “Managers are a reflective, systematic planners”  Fact:  Managers work at an unrelenting pace  Activities are brief, varied, action-oriented and discontinuous 7/23/2008BA 516 - Management & Marketing5

6  Myth:  “The effective manager has no regular duties”  Fact:  Numerous regular duties, including ceremonies and negotiations  Process “soft information” that links organization with its environment 7/23/2008BA 516 - Management & Marketing6

7  Myth:  “Senior managers need aggregated information, which are best provided by formal management information systems”  Fact:  Managers favor verbal media, telephone calls, and meetings over documents 7/23/2008BA 516 - Management & Marketing7

8  Myth:  “Management is, or at least is quickly becoming, a science and a profession”  Fact:  It is hardly known what procedures managers use  Managers’ programs – to process information, make decisions, etc. – are locked deep inside their brain 7/23/2008BA 516 - Management & Marketing8

9  Interpersonal  1. Figurehead  2. Leader  3. Liaison  Informational  4. Monitor  5. Disseminator  6. Spokesman  Decisional  7. Entrepreneur  8. Disturbance Handler  9. Resource Allocator  10. Negotiator 7/23/2008BA 516 - Management & Marketing9

10  Figurehead  Leader  Liaison 7/23/2008BA 516 - Management & Marketing10

11  Monitor  Disseminator  Spokesperson 7/23/2008BA 516 - Management & Marketing11

12  Entrepreneur  Disturbance Handler  Resource Allocator  Negotiator 7/23/2008BA 516 - Management & Marketing12

13  Authors research indicates that managers:  work at an unrelenting pace on various brief activities  perform regular duties  favor verbal communication  Schools need to:  identify managerial skills  put students in situations to develop skills 7/23/2008BA 516 - Management & Marketing13

14 7/23/2008BA 516 - Management & Marketing14

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