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Luminis 4.x Upgrade Checo Fall 2008 Meeting Sept 22-24, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Luminis 4.x Upgrade Checo Fall 2008 Meeting Sept 22-24, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Luminis 4.x Upgrade Checo Fall 2008 Meeting Sept 22-24, 2008

2 Who is doing what? Mike Johnson – University of Denver –Upgraded from III.3.3.127  Mike Meens – Mesa State –No upgrade, started at Luminis 4 Bill Waggoner – Aims –Upgraded from III  4 Matt McGlamery – Fort Lewis –Non Luminis. Went with uPortal

3 About D.U. 20,000+ active people –4,000 Undergrad students –6,000 Graduate students –10,000 Faculty and staff –70,000+ courses in Luminis –500,000+ people in Luminis Hardware –Web/Portal/Calendar: 2x v890’s, (8)-1.3GhZ CPUs, 32Gb Memory (Clustered) –Oracle/uPortal Tier: 2x v440’s, (4)-1.2GhZ CPUs, 16Gb Memory (Clustered) –Mail (Ext. IMS) Tier: 2x v1280’s, (8)-900MhZ CPUs, 16Gb Memory (Clustered) –Hitachi NSC55 Fiber disk

4 Our upgrade concerns Authentication for other Apps Banner (7 & 8) –Integration (LMG/LMB) –Single Sign On (Channels) Blackboard (7.1 & 7.3) –Integration Building Block (SCT Gateway http client) –Single Sign On (General and Coursemap) Cost of Migration –SCT Recommends 850 hours of contracted services to prep and migrate. (!!!!) Migration Tools and Timeframe –We’ve been through migration before – tools sucked –We were hearing weeks of outages for this migration

5 Problems we hit Immutable ID (Fix documented) –We already used banner id’s. No need for immutable ID –Generate Mappings list –Configure LMG to use banner ID’s Migrator Memory Problems (FIXED) –Lots of memory problems and oracle problems that were finally addressed in migration jar file 2.8 Targeted Announcements (Holy Cow) –Uid=* caused mail not to work (FIXED) –Creating announcements failed to render at all –Can create but then can’t see –Can’t use imported groups unless role admin –Missed the boat with the boolean logic –Created new roles to replace imported groups and screwed up boolean logic

6 More problems Calendar & Messenger Express –Messenger Express gone – we cheated –Calendar Skin is sun’s skin unless you install com express –Calendar Functionality degraded –Address books now in calendar (due to com express) Icon Caching (FIXED) –Fixed in Platform III.3.3, removed for Platform IV, fixed (we complained) in IV.1.0.21, and finally fixed IV.1.0.27 Blackboard Single Sign On (FIXED) –We pay for support contract for them to keep it maintained, then help them design the working product to sell to you guys…they have no dev environment Getting Roles from LDAP (Custom uPortal code) –cpicons functionality changed (documented)

7 Timeframes Originally planned upgrade 6/12/08 Started testing late Jan/early Feb –Seemed like plenty of time…it wasn’t Still not a successful migration as of 6/11/08 –Poor communication with Sungard Support, migration just taking too long to fix problem and repeat to hit next problem Migration postponed till mid August 2008 Scheduled outage window was from 12:01am Friday morning – 6am Monday morning. 80 hours was all we were able to squeeze out of the academic calendar.

8 How’d we do? Great Success!! –Testing took 80+ hours (little V210’s) –Production took a little over 48 hours + customizations

9 Suggestions TEST! EARLY! OFTEN! Tune oracle (both instances) –Roll over logs –Archive mode Engineer on call for OH $@#! moments if you don’t contract Rummage support site (known issues doc) Take your problems to support and for faster resolution

10 My contact info Mike Johnson (303) 871-3722

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