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Business Engagement Peer Learning Community Meeting June 25th, 2014 2:00 – 3:30PM (EST)

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Presentation on theme: "Business Engagement Peer Learning Community Meeting June 25th, 2014 2:00 – 3:30PM (EST)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Engagement Peer Learning Community Meeting June 25th, 2014 2:00 – 3:30PM (EST)

2 Welcome to the Business Engagement PLC! 2

3 Your PLC Leader Deborah Kobes, Jobs for the Future Workforce Innovation Fund Coach & Business Engagement PLC Leader 3

4 Purpose of PLCs To create a forum of similarly-focused grantees to: Offer frequent opportunities to learn about peer projects, challenges, and successes Provide a venue for peer discussion to support sharing and problem-solving Access to Business Engagement national subject matter experts and practitioners Learning events based on the Community’s identified technical assistance needs 4

5 PLC Information & Materials PLC Materials, Meetings, & Membership: To join the PLC, find meeting resources, or see upcoming meetings, visit the WIF Grantee Hub (  click on “Resources”  choose “Business Engagement PLC” from the dropdown menu 5

6 Welcome Presentation of creative strategies in Philadelphia Peer Discussion Identification of additional PLC topics Agenda 6

7 Presenters 7 Deborah Kobes, Moderator, Senior Project Manager, Jobs for the Future Jerry Tapley, Speaker, Chief Operating Officer, Federation of Neighborhood Centers

8 Subject Matter Resource 8 Jerry Tapley, Chief Operating Officer Federation of Neighborhood Centers

9 SBN Engagement Pyramid 9 10 Cultivated Relationships Employment & Training Liaision is primary contact for employer 25 Engaged Speak, Host, Mock Interview, Interview, Hire 45 Committed Has committed to at least one level of engagement 200 Prospects Has been identified and contacted

10 Social Impact Campaign 10

11 Social Impact Campaign Lunch 11

12 Social Impact Campaign Press 12

13 Survey Question #1 Have you ever partnered with a trade association on a training grant? Yes No 13

14 Survey Question #2 How do you currently identify new potential business partners? (select all that apply) Local industry or trade association Existing partners Marketing databases Industry Events Other (please explain in the chat) 14

15 Peer Discussion Questions for our presenters Let us know what has worked for you Peer sharing: challenges, successes, & questions 15

16 Which of these topics are you interested in for future PLCs? (select all that apply) Using Employer Advisory Committees effectively Hosting events for employers Working with small employers Engaging employers in training design and delivery Survey Question: Topics for Next Meeting 16

17 Other ideas? Please type suggestions for other topics into the chat box! 17

18 Upcoming Meetings 18 Upcoming virtual Business Engagement Peer Learning Community meetings: September 3, 2014 December 3, 2014

19 For Further Discussion 19 Workforce Innovation Fund Grantee Hub: grantees Workforce Innovators LinkedIn Group: grantees/discussions

20 Workforce Innovation Fund Hub 20

21 Workforce Innovators LinkedIn Group 21

22 Feedback Question #1 22 Did you find this PLC meeting informative and useful?

23 Feedback Question #2 23 How can we make future PLC meetings more valuable and useful for you?

24 Feedback Question #3 24 Would you participate in another PLC meeting?

25 Feedback Question #4 25 What discussion topics would you like to explore in future PLC meetings?

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