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Matthew 9:35-38 How do I get started at the work of personal evangelism? What method or procedure should I follow? What Bible lessons should I teach and.

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Presentation on theme: "Matthew 9:35-38 How do I get started at the work of personal evangelism? What method or procedure should I follow? What Bible lessons should I teach and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Matthew 9:35-38 How do I get started at the work of personal evangelism? What method or procedure should I follow? What Bible lessons should I teach and in what order? Where can I find prospects? How do I initiate a Bible study? Some Often Asked Questions:

3 AT JACOB’S WELL John 4:1-15 Look for Opportunities in Ordinary Situations (vs. 6) –R–Resting Beside a Well –S–Story: “Acre of Diamonds” –“–“Lift up your eyes and look at the fields!” (4:35).

4 Start the Conversation with a Spiritual Goal in Mind (vs. 7) –A–Asked her for a Drink…Provided her with “Living” Water! Where do you go to church? Do you believe Bible is inspired of God? What do you believe about baptism?

5 Keep Your Message Plain and Simple (vs. 10) –M–Mark 12:37 – “the common people heard Him gladly” –J–Jesus Used “Water” to Teach Her –A–Acts 16 (Jailer) & 17 (Athenians) –W–What is their knowledge of the Bible?

6 Jesus Had the Every Creature Concept of Evangelism (vs. 9; Matt. 28:19; Mark 16:15) –S–Samaritan Woman (John 4:9, 27) –D–Do we have the every creature concept of evangelism? –P–Prospects Not Suspects!

7 Jesus Went to the Lost –“–“for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Lk. 19:10). –G–Good Shepherd (Luke 15:4) Zacchaeus (Luke 19:5) Man Formerly Blind (John 9:35) Philip (John 1:43) Matthew (Luke 5:27)

8 Jesus Went to the Lost –S–Setting a Good Example (I Tim. 4:13) is Important, HOWEVER we still Must Teach (2 Tim. 4:2)! –M–Mark 16:15…GO!! –W–We can’t expect lost to come to us. –W–We Need that Acts 20:20 Vision!

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