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YOUTH eNGAGEMENT and the rOLE of aDULTS. gOALS for today… Understand the role of an adult ally Be aware of the qualities and skills needed to be a strong.

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Presentation on theme: "YOUTH eNGAGEMENT and the rOLE of aDULTS. gOALS for today… Understand the role of an adult ally Be aware of the qualities and skills needed to be a strong."— Presentation transcript:


2 gOALS for today… Understand the role of an adult ally Be aware of the qualities and skills needed to be a strong adult ally Develop a greater understanding of youth engagement and how to keep youth motivated Feel confident that you can play a role in supporting youth engagement initiatives in your region

3 TermWhat it is…What it is not… TermWhat it is…What it is not… Youth engagement Youth feeling empowered as partners to make decisions Youth having little to no influence or decision- making power Youth/adult partnerships Youth and adults having equal control and accountability in the project Adults stepping back and surrender all power and responsibility Adult ally Adults acting as teachers and learners; Power with youth Power over youth Youth Untapped resources within communities Youth arent problems that need to be solved yOUTH eNGAGEMENT vOCABULARY…

4 yOUTH eNGAGEMENT… Empowering all youth as valued partners in addressing and making decisions about issues that affect them personally and/or that they believe to be important

5 its about pARTNERSHIPS… Youth engagement Youth engagement Youth– Adult partnerships Adult- initiated and shared decision making Assigned but informed Consulted and informed Youth-initiated and directed The New Mentality

6 gETTING it sTARTED and kEEPING it gOING… The New Mentality

7 a wORD about aDULT aLLIES… o utgoing n on-judgmental c ompassionate h elpful p ositive k nowledgeable f riendly e asy-going h onest f un f lexible s ensitive to the needs of youth

8 fOUR pILLARS of yOUTH eNGAGEMENT… Respect Listen Understand Communicate Source: Centre of Excellence for Youth Engagement

9 cOMMON cHALLENGES… Lack of organizational support Under-investment of time and resources Poor logistics Unclear roles and objectives Lack of training or understanding YE practice

10 tOP 10 tIPS to mAKE it wORK! 1.Take time to really LISTEN 2.Welcome ideas and validate opinions 3.Allow youth to make mistakes 4.Allow yourself to make mistakes 5.Balance the power 6.Hold realistic expectations 7.Never underestimate the potential of youth 8.Be real with young people 9.Practice what you preach 10.Treat youth with respect

11 a few hELPFUL links… Visit: Ready, Set, Engage! by Nancy Pereira A step-by-step guide to Youth Engagement in the Child and Youth Mental Health sector Erin Smith, Youth Engagement Coordinator The Provincial Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health at CHEO

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