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 2007 by David A. Prentice We have no new notes Find page 14 in your Old Notes We have no new notes Find page 14 in your Old Notes ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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1  2007 by David A. Prentice We have no new notes Find page 14 in your Old Notes We have no new notes Find page 14 in your Old Notes ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 

2  2007 by David A. Prentice Contents: Overheads to be used with Chapter 3 of “Truth in the Balance,” copyright 2003 by David Prentice, M.Ed., M.A.S.T. REVISION DATE 09/07/2009 This material is made available by the author at no charge. It may be reproduced for use in a Christian environment such as Sunday schools or Bible classes, but it may not be used for any commercial purposes. To be certain that you have the most up-to-date version of this material, go to the Origins Resource Association website, Follow the links to “Bible College Materials” and check that the revision date shown online is the same as shown above. If not, download the latest version.

3  2007 by David A. Prentice Why Believe the Bible? Why Believe the Bible? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 

4  2007 by David A. Prentice Testing the Bible’s Quality with Tests Given to All Literature

5  2007 by David A. Prentice You’re Never too Young to Enjoy Bible Study! Just Ask Baby D.! You’re Never too Young to Enjoy Bible Study! Just Ask Baby D.! 

6  2007 by David A. Prentice

7 Let’s See How to Answer Contradictions

8 But in 3 of the gospels, Jesus eats the Passover meal, which included the lamb! Doesn’t that mean the lambs were slain the day before He died?

9 He ate the Passover meal the day the Lambs were killed He died the after the death of the Lambs Whatever scripture says, with that I agree

10 Did the people with him hear the voice or did they not?

11 Comparing the 2 Passages Acts 9:7Acts 22:9 And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one. And those who were with me indeed saw the light and were afraid, but they did not hear the voice of Him who spoke to me. “Hearing a Voice” vs. “did not hear a voice” Ahh!!! Contradiction in my Bible! How can it not be?


13 Comparing the 2 Passages Acts 9:7Acts 22:9 He uses the word “phones” in the genitive case That means they heard without understanding He uses “phonen” in the accusative case This means they did not hear with understanding “Hearing a voice without understanding” “Not hearing a voice with understanding” Hu?

14 Like This Why didn’t you clean your room? Why didn’t you clean your room? I heard your voice but my brain did not understand what you said! I did not hear your voice with a brain that understood what you said! Yay! It says the same thing! No contradictions in my Bible!

15 Do Not be Afraid to Take on Contradictions in the Bible! Pg. 14 Blank: Because they are not contradictions at all!!! Why? There are none in our Bible!

16 Mr. Prentise is Done Exploring the “contradictions” for Now But wait, I’ve got one I’ve always wondered about! Let’s sink our teeth into this one on our own, shall we?

17 Comparing the 2 Passages John 5:31John 8:14a If I testify about Myself, My testimony is not true. Jesus answered and said to them, “Even if I testify about Myself, My testimony is true, See why it’s always confused me?

18 Comparing the 2 Passages – Answer not in the Greek like I thought but in the context! John 5:27-32John 8:12-14, 18 The whole thing is speaking of a court case scenario! In the Jewish mindset, people can not be witnesses for themselves Not a court case scenario! It is okay for someone to tell people where he came from and where they’ll end up if they follow him! But I came across another question...

19 Comparing the 2 Passages – Answer not in the Greek (like I thought it was) but in the context! John 8:15John 8:16 You judge according to the flesh; I am not judging anyone. At that time, He was not in the world as a Judge But even if I do judge, My judgment is true; for I am not alone in it, but I and the Father who sent Me. But He will be and not alone either! Yay! I’ve always been afraid to tackle those two! It was a lot less complicated than I thought!

20 So, Now I Know... John 5 – court case John 8 – not court case 8:15 – past 8:16 - future

21 Have You Come Across Anything Like That? Well, don’t let it bother you! Bring it to light! We’ll Tackle it Together! God wants us to seek understanding of His Word: Prov. 2:1-11

22 Oops, Mistake Oops, Mistake Page 14 – please change little a. to little c.

23 Is the Bible Consistent? Written over a vast period with many different authors, languages, political situations... Does it all flow?

24 Many Authors! At least 40 human authors, some identified but many anonymous Shepherds, kings, priests, fishermen, farmers, and a medical doctor Some well educated, others were unschooled

25 It took a Long Time to Write the Bible! Another fix, Prentise says only 1,600 years but it’s Around 4,000 if Adam wrote his own story which is extremely likely!

26 Now, Let’s Look at a Miracle! I’ve found that most people are curious as to what the baby looks like as it develops

27 Ecclesiastes 11:5 “As you do not know what is the way of the wind, Or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child, So you do not know the works of God who makes everything.”

28 We’re on Week 6 size of a Raisin

29 Week 7, Hands & Fingers

30 Week 8, size of a Big Grape

31 Week 9, size of a Small Walnut

32 Week 10, size of a Golf Ball

33 Bring tonight’s notes back next time! You’ll need page 14 on Dec. 7 th ! Bring tonight’s notes back next time! You’ll need page 14 on Dec. 7 th ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 

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