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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Angles in Triangles Triangle Congruency Isosceles.

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3 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Angles in Triangles Triangle Congruency Isosceles And Equilateral Proofs More Triangle Congruency

4 The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of what?

5 What is the two remote interior angles?

6 $200: In an isosceles triangle what is measure of x? 38 x

7 What is 71?

8 $300: If triangeABC is congruent to triangle PQR and the measure of <B is 3v + 4 and m<Q is 8v – 6, find the measure of <B.

9 What is 10?

10 $400: In an A-frame house, two congruent sides extend from the ground to form a 24 degree angle at the peak. What angle does each side form with the ground?

11 What is 78?

12 $500: In an equilateral triangle the measure of one angle is 3x. What is the value of x?

13 What is 20?

14 $100: What Does the “S” stand for in the congruency Theorems?

15 What is side?

16 $200: What does the “L” stand for in the HL congruence Theorem?

17 What is Leg?

18 $300: How many congruence Theorems are possible?

19 What is 5

20 $400: What does CPCTC stand for?

21 What is Corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent?

22 $500: What is the condition for using CPCTC in a proof?

23 What is It can only be used after two triangle are already proven to be congruent

24 $100: An isosceles triangle has two equal ___ and ___?

25 What is sides and angles?

26 $200: A triangle that is both equilateral and equilangular has how many equal sides and angles?

27 What is 3?

28 $300: If one of the base angles in an isosceles triangle is 65 degrees, what is the vertex angle?

29 What is 50?

30 $400: If the base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal to 4x and the vertex angle is 20 degrees, what is the value of x?

31 What is 20?

32 $500: The base angles of an isosceles triangle are 3x-50 and the vertex angle is x. Solve for X

33 What is 40?

34 $100: A shared side in a proof is referred to as the ____.

35 What is reflexive property?

36 $200: a “bow-tie” shaped proof will most likely include this type of angles.

37 What is vertical?

38 $300: The first lines of a two-column proof should be filled with the ____.

39 What is givens?

40 $400: What are the conditions for using the HL Theorem?

41 What is right triangles, equal hypotenuse, and one other pair of sides equal?

42 $500: What reason would you give for why <A is congruent to <D if triangle ABC is congruent to triangle DEF?

43 What is CPCTC?

44 $100: Which Theorem makes these triangle congruent?

45 What is SSS?

46 $200: Which Theorem makes these triangle congruent?

47 What is SAS?

48 $300: Which Theorem makes these triangle congruent?

49 What is AAS?

50 $400: Which Theorem makes these triangle congruent?

51 What is HL?

52 $500: Which Theorem makes these triangle congruent?

53 What is no theorem? These triangles are not congruent

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