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A geometric sequence is found by multiplying the previous number by a given factor, or number. 5, 15, 45, 135,… Set up a proportion to compare the first.

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Presentation on theme: "A geometric sequence is found by multiplying the previous number by a given factor, or number. 5, 15, 45, 135,… Set up a proportion to compare the first."— Presentation transcript:

1 A geometric sequence is found by multiplying the previous number by a given factor, or number. 5, 15, 45, 135,… Set up a proportion to compare the first 3 numbers 5 = 15 15 45 The cross products are equal! The # in the middle is the GEOMETRIC MEAN

2 I. Geometric Mean This is the geometric mean: So The geometric mean has to be a positive number!

3 Example 1: Find the geometric means for: 1 and 257 and 23 and 1/3 X² = 25 X = 5 x² = 14 X = x² = 1 X = 1


5 II. Similar Triangles P Q R S  QPS  QRP  PRS This is the geometric mean!

6 III. Altitude Formula In a right triangle, the altitude is the geometric mean of the two parts of the hypotenuse mean h1 h2

7 Example 2: Find h. 925 h² = 225 h = 15

8 IV. Leg Formula In a right triangle, the leg is the geometric mean of the hypotenuse and the part of the hypotenuse adjacent to that leg. h1 h 2 mean

9 Example 3: Find the value of a and b 4 2 a b a² = 24 A = 2 b² = 12 B = 2

10 V. The Pythagorean Theorem a 2 + b 2 = c 2 Pythagorean Triples: whole number side lengths that fit the theorem.

11 Example 4: 6. Do 8,18, and 20 form a right triangle? 7. Name two other Pythagorean triples you can think of.


13 Try P 401: 7 - 14 7.10 8.A.  PTG  PGA  GTA B. <PAG <TAG 9.X=  10 Y =  14 10.2  13 11.  51 12.Yes 13.A. Yes 3 4 5 B. Each is a multiple of 3 4 5 C. Each is a multiple of 3 4 5 D. Yes: sides are multiples of the primitive triple 14. About 179.29 feet

14 7-3 Special Right Triangles I. Review What is the geometric mean of two numbers a and b? Solve for x. X 5 25


16 II.The isosceles right triangle ( 45-45-90) RATIO:

17 Looking for the hypotenuse? Multiply the leg by √2

18 Looking for the leg? Divide the hypotenuse by √2

19 Examples 1. Find AB and AC for isosceles triangle ABC. 3

20 2. Find a and b. a b

21 3. Find a and b. a b 10

22 4. Find x and y. x y 19

23 III. The 30-60-90 right triangle RATIO: 1 : : 2

24 You know the longest leg! 15 60° DIVIDE BY √3 AND MULTIPLY BY 2 DIVIDE BY √3

25 You know the shortest leg! 18 30° MULTIPLY BY 2 MULTIPLY BY √3

26 You know the hypotenuse! 40 DIVIDE BY 2 DIVIDE BY 2, MULTIPLY BY √3 30°

27 5. Find b and c. c b 60 30 You know the longer leg!

28 c a 9 30 60 10 a b 30 60 6. Find the indicated measures. a = c = a = b =

29 7. The measures of both legs of a right triangle are 4. What is the measure of the hypotenuse?


31 9. The length of a diagonal of a square is 20 centimeters. Find the length of a side of a square


33 A trigonometric ratio is a ratio of the lengths of two sides of a right triangle. II. Trig Ratios A. THE SINE RATIO



36 1. Compare the sine, the cosine, and the tangent ratios for  A in each triangle below. SOLUTION Large triangleSmall triangle sin A = opposite hypotenuse cos A = adjacent hypotenuse tan A = opposite adjacent  0. 4706 8 17  0. 4706 48.548.5  0. 8824 15 17  0. 8824  0. 5333 8 15  0. 5333 47.547.5 Trigonometric ratios are frequently expressed as decimal approximations. A B C 17 8 15 A B C 8.58.5 4 7.57.5

37 2. Find the sine, the cosine, and the tangent of the indicated angle. SS R TS 5 13 12 SOLUTION The length of the hypotenuse is 13. For  S, the length of the opposite side is 5, and the length of the adjacent side is 12. sin S  0. 3846 = 5 13 cos S  0. 9231 = 12 13 tan S  0. 4167 = 5 12 opp. adj. hyp. R T S 5 12 13 opp. hyp. = adj. hyp. = opp. adj. =

38 3. Find the sine, the cosine, and the tangent of 45º. SOLUTION Because all such triangles are similar, you can make calculations simple by choosing 1 as the length of each leg. 1 1 45º hyp. tan 45º = 1 = 1111 sin 45º  0. 7071 cos 45º opp. hyp. = adj. hyp. =  0. 7071 opp. adj. = From the 45º-45º-90º Triangle Theorem, it follows that the length of the hypotenuse is 2. = 1 2 = = 1 2 = 2

39 4. Find the given length. a.b. X 20 53 ° 15 X 35 °

40 III. Finding the angle. A. If you know the side lengths, and need to find the angle, you just use the inverse button. 20 6 X°X° Tan X ° = opp adj = 6 20 Press tan -1 (6 / 20)=

41 Your turn! 6. Find the angle. a.b. 32 14 X ° 42 18 X °

42 7-5 Angles of Elevation and Depression I.Angle of Elevation Up from the point of reference - the Horizon Perspective to the Horizon


44 II. Angle of Depression Down from the point of reference - the Horizon

45 1. FORESTRY You are measuring the height of a Sitka spruce tree in Alaska. You stand 45 feet from the base of a tree. You measure the angle of elevation from a point on the ground to the top of the tree to be 59°. To estimate the height of the tree, you can write a trigonometric ratio that involves the height h and the known length of 45 feet. tan 59° = opposite adjacent 45 tan 59° = h 45(1. 6643)  h 74. 9  h The tree is about 75 feet tall. Write ratio. Substitute. Multiply each side by 45. Use a calculator or table to find tan 59°. Simplify. tan 59° = opposite adjacent h 45

46 2. ESCALATORS The escalator at the Wilshire/Vermont Metro Rail Station in Los Angeles rises 76 feet at a 30° angle. To find the distance d a person travels on the escalator stairs, you can write a trigonometric ratio that involves the hypotenuse and the known leg length of 76 feet. sin 30° = opposite hypotenuse d sin 30° = 76 d = 152 A person travels 152 feet on the escalator stairs. Write ratio for sine of 30°. Substitute. Multiply each side by d. Divide each side by sin 30°. Simplify. sin 30° = opposite hypotenuse 76 d d = 76 sin 30° d = 76 0. 5 Substitute 0.5 for sin 30°. 30° 76 ft d

47 3. Find how high the plane is from the ground. 12° 16 km

48 4. How far is the base of the tower from the fire? 5°5° 43 ft

49 5. Find the angle of elevation. 24 ft 11 ft

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