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DO NOW Imagine you are a history teacher and you have to give a test to your students on Ancient India. What five questions would you ask your students.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW Imagine you are a history teacher and you have to give a test to your students on Ancient India. What five questions would you ask your students."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW Imagine you are a history teacher and you have to give a test to your students on Ancient India. What five questions would you ask your students on your test? (10 minutes, make them challenging!)

2 TEACHER TIME! I’m going to pick 2 volunteers to come up and be the “teacher” You get to ask the class your test questions You may call on any students who have their hands raised! CLASS: You need to be respectful to the “teacher”

3 AGENDA 1.Review Sheet Check! 2.Ancient India Mini-Test 3.Ancient India Videos 4.Homework: Begin Reviewing ALL notes on Greece and India for the Test next week!

4 Review Sheet Please take out your review sheet so we can check the answers!

5 Review Sheet Answers 6.5.4: The Hindu Caste System: 1.Untouchables 2.Caste System 3.Brahmins 4.Shudras 5.Brahmins, Kashvatryas, Vaishyas, Shudras

6 Review Sheet Answers 6.5.5: Buddhism 1.Buddhism started with a prince named Siddhartha Guatama who left his royal life and became the Buddha. He taught people who to end suffering and obtain peace 2.The four noble truths and the eightfold path 3.Buddhism spread in three ways: a)Buddhist monks taught people about enlightenment b)Buddhist missionaries traveled throughout India and Asia to spread its teachings c)King Asoka spread Buddhism by building temples and sending missionaries all over Asia

7 Review Sheet Answers 6.5.7: Contributions of Ancient India ContributionExplanationExamples Literature Literature was written in Sanskrit, which was the language spoken and written in ancient India The Bhagavad Gita was a poem written during the Gupta Empire. It means “Song of the Lord” Mathematics The Hindu-Arabic numeral system and zero 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Medicine Used plants to make medicine First to perform surgery Medicine used to heal and relieve pain Metallurgy The science of working and mixing metals together to create alloys Gold and silver coins to honor kings

8 Test Time The test only has 15 questions Please read each question and answer carefully EARLY FINISHERS: Complete the short answer bonus worksheet –This must be done in complete sentences

9 Videos Ancient Civilizations DVD Ancient India and Medicine Ancient India and Mathematics

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