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Warmup Which is the correct definition of isosceles? a.) a triangle with at least 2 congruent sides b.) a triangle with exactly 2 congruent sides.

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Presentation on theme: "Warmup Which is the correct definition of isosceles? a.) a triangle with at least 2 congruent sides b.) a triangle with exactly 2 congruent sides."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warmup Which is the correct definition of isosceles? a.) a triangle with at least 2 congruent sides b.) a triangle with exactly 2 congruent sides

2 4.5 Isosceles Triangles LEQ: How can we use properties of isosceles triangles to construct proofs?

3 Word Bank Leg Vertex Base Base Angles

4 Given ABC is isosceles. Prove m<A=m<B. Proof:
Statements Reasons 1.) AC=BC 1.) Definition of Isosceles *Construct CD so that it bisects <C* 2.)m<ACD=m<BCD 2.)Defn. of bisect 3.) CD=CD 3.) reflexive property 4.) ACD BCD 4.) SAS A What can you conclude about <A and <B? D B 5.) <A <B 5.) CPCTC

5 Isosceles Triangle Theorem:
If 2 sides of a triangle are congruent, then the base angles are congruent as well. Converse: If the base angles of a triangle are congruent, then the 2 opposite legs of the triangle are congruent as well. What kind of statement is this?

6 Given BC=AC, answer the following: a
Given BC=AC, answer the following: a.) If m<1=140, m<2=_____, m<3=______ and m<4=______ b.) If m<4=65, m<2=_____, m<3=______and m<1=______. C 1 2 4 3 A B

7 Corollaries (small theorem that follow a big theorem)
An equilateral triangle is also equiangular. An equiangular triangle has all 60 angles.

8 Perpendicular bisector:
Draw an isosceles triangle Bisect the vertex What do you notice about the intersection of the bisector and the base?

9 Corollary 3 The bisector of the vertex of an isosceles triangle is a perpendicular bisector of the base. (divides the base in half and is perpendicular to the base)

10 Try examples 1-3.

11 Ex. 1 An exterior angle of an isosceles triangle has the measure 11o degrees. What are the 2 possible sets of measures for the angles of the triangle? 40,70,70 and 70,55,55 110 110 40 70 70+x+x=180 x=55 x 110 x 70 70

12 Ex. 2: Find the values of m and n:
m+n= 45 60 m= n m

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