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6. Walk in our Humanity Psalm 32; Colossians 3:1-17 p. 514, 1089.

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2 6. Walk in our Humanity Psalm 32; Colossians 3:1-17 p. 514, 1089

3 Being Human  An essential part of being human – our emotions.  Often misunderstood, misused, neglected.

4 1. Emotions: Part of our Humanity  Jesus experienced deep emotions (Heb 5:7, Jn 11:33)  Indignation (Mark 10:14)  Angry (Matt 21:12, John 2:13)  Exasperated (Mark 8:12, Matt 17:17)  Compassion(Mark 6:34, Matt 20:34)  Love(Mark 10:21, John 11:5)

5 1. Emotions: Part of our Humanity...  Emotions fundamental in our relationship with God.  Historically two extreme opinions:  Indifference to and freedom from emotions  Emotions intentional part of spiritual formation

6 2. Emotions should be Managed  Clear in our passage (Col 3:8, 12)  Emotions are key in Ignatian Discernment.  Spiritual exercises – consolation & desolation.  “Fruit” of Spirit have affective component (Gal 5:22-23)  Describes a state of the soul.

7 2. Emotions should be Managed...  Managing how we feel is a choice we make.  “set our hearts on things above” (Col 3:1)  Jesus: Sermon on the Mount (Matt 6:21)  Paul: directions on how to think (Phil 4:8)  The peace of Christ will rule in our hearts (Col 3:15)

8 2. Emotions should be Managed...  Choosing how we feel – Emotional Intelligence (EQ).  Emotional awareness  Ability to harness emotions  Ability to manage emotions.  Can transcend our circumstances (Acts 5:41)

9 3. Sin affects our Emotions  Sin has a real effect of everyone  Things the Bible calls “sin” affect emotional health.  “Sin wages war on our souls” (1 Peter 2:11)  Well described in the Psalms – e.g. Psalm 32, 38.  Feel burdened, crushed, unmotivated – maybe sin?

10 3. Sin affects our Emotions...  Sin has to be dealt with:  “I acknowledged my sin... Confessed” (Ps 32:5)  “You forgave the guilt of my sin”

11 Living It  Emotions are a GOOD part of our humanity  Emotions have to be managed and guided  and RESPECTED !!  Emotions are effected by sin:  They are dealt with by confession.


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