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All of creation testifies

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1 All of creation testifies

2 Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. – Simply said, All creation testifies to Him and His Glory!

3 God uses nature as an example
Creation, as well as man, face struggles as a result of the fall of man Genesis 3:17-19 The ground was cursed Thorns Thistles Wasps Poison Ivy Hydrogenated oils CFCs Pollution Disease

4 Where do they all come from?
Pollution – Our lack of stewardship over the land Ozone depletion – Our desire to have things quicker and easier AIDS – Mans spiral of sin (Romans 1:27) Receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due… Global Hunger – We hoard (Mal 3:10) that there may be food…

5 Pastures for rest Psalm 23:2 – He makes us to lie down in green pastures Ezekiel 34:14-16 – He will restore and we abide He’ll seek what was lost Bring back what was driven away Bind up the broken Strengthen the sick Destroy the fat and the strong

6 He is the living water John 4:10-14 – Let the streams remind you always have access to living waters Isaiah 44:3-4 – That He desires to pour out His Spirit upon and refresh us Water is still his chosen method of cleansing for sin (just ask Noah, or anyone who has been water baptized)

7 The trees should remind us as well
He gave them the fruit bearing trees to sustain them in the garden (Gen 1:29) It is still a symbol of strength and shelter Psalm 1:1-6 – Consistent provision and blessing Psalm 104:16-17 – Not only will you be strong, but others will benefit from your security

8 A little more regarding trees
Don’t forget the potential in a mustard seed (Luke 13:19) The tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil started the fall (Gen 2:17) The tree of life is the reward paid for by Christ (Rev 2:7) Notice the one right behind me – blight and death are part of creations struggle

9 Can’t forget the birds It took man 6000 years to figure out how to fly – the birds did it on day 1 Evidence of God’s provision – Matthew 6:25-27 The freedom that was bought for us on the Cross Songs are sung to praise something – what (who) do you think their songs praise?

10 So then what???? Recognize that all of creation is currently testifying to His glory Recognize that when you are alone, down in the dumps, not feeling well, disappointed, or confused – creation is still testifying Creation constantly invites you to join with it in praising Him

11 Final thoughts…. If we don’t praise Him, the rocks will cry out
A fast pace of life does not allow you to praise Him quicker, it causes you to forget to praise Him At some time in the future, it will all be redeemed, just like those who have accepted Christ for their salvation

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