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1 SCG/TEPPC November 18-19, 2009. 2 CCPG Primary Transmission Participants.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SCG/TEPPC November 18-19, 2009. 2 CCPG Primary Transmission Participants."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SCG/TEPPC November 18-19, 2009

2 2 CCPG Primary Transmission Participants

3 3 CCPG Activities Last Meeting 8/20/09 Joint with SWAT, SSPG 8/19/09 Charter Work Groups: NERC Compliance WECC Data Coordination Senate Bill 100 Long Range (10-Year) Planning Subcommittee (Sub-subregional) Studies Regional Project Participation WestConnect / TEPPC 10-Year Plan WestConnect 10-Year Workshop November 4, 2009

4 4

5 5 Org Chart

6 6 New Lamar- Comanche 345 kV & Lamar - Missile Site 345 kV ISD 2016 New San Luis Valley- Calumet-Comanche 230 & 345 kV lines ~ ISD 2013 New Midway-Waterton 345 kV ~ISD 2011 New Lamar –Vilas 345 kV ISD 2016 New Pawnee-Daniels Park 345 kV -2 nd circuit ~ISD 2016 New Missile Site 230 kV ISD 2010) & 345 kV (ISD 2013) New Ault-Cherokee 230 kV ~ISD 2015 New Pawnee-Smoky Hill 345 kV, ISD 2013 2009 SB-100 Transmission Plan

7 7 2018 CLRTPG MAP

8 8 Regional Project Task Forces Tot 3 Archer Interconnection Project Phase 2 Studies Wyoming – Colorado Intertie Open Season Phase 2 Studies High Plains Express Initiative Stage 2 of Feasibility Studies WECC Regional Planning Stakeholder Meeting January 13, 2010

9 9 High Plains Express Initiative

10 10

11 11 Planned Projects Summary Ite m TPTransmission ProjectMiles Cost ($M) ISDPurpose 1PSCOComanche – Daniels Park 345kV125$150Q3-09 Planned Resource 750 MW at Comanche 2PSCOComanche – Reader 115 kV #21$2Q2-10Reliability 3PSCOChambers 230/115kV5$18Q3-10Planned Resource 1000 MW NE Denver-Metro 4PSCOMissile Site 230kV Switching Station0$3Q4-10 Potential Resource SB100 Zone 2 5PSCOSandown – Leetsdale 115kV5$13Q3-10Reliability 6PSCOGunbarrel – Niwot 230kV2$13Q2-11Reliability 7PSCOMidway-Waterton 345kV82$35Q2-11 Potential Resource SB100 Zones 3,4, 5 8PSCOPawnee-Smoky Hill 345kV95$120Q2-13 Potential Resource SB100 Zone 1 9PSCOMissile Site 345kV Substation0$15Q2-13 Potential Resource SB100 Zone 2 10PSCOSan Luis Valley-Calumet-Comanche 230/345kV 140$180Q4-13 Planned Resource SB100 Zones 4,5 *Project status and dates subject to change

12 12 Planned Projects Summary Ite m TPTransmission ProjectMiles Cost ($M) ISDPurpose 1TSGTBurlington – Wray 230 kV3013Reliability 2TSGTIron Horse – Shiprock 230 kV13-14 3 4BHAirport Tap – West Station 115 kV Resource Plan: Airport Tap Generation 5BHAirport Tap – Nyberg 115 kV 6 7WAPAMiracle Mile – Cheyenne - Ault 8 9 10 *Project status and dates subject to change

13 13 Potential Projects Summary ProjectSponsorMile s Tentative Year CostPurpose Lamar - Front Range Project: Lamar - Comanche 345 kV Lamar - Missile Site 345/500 kV" PSCo/ TSGT 35016-17$300SB100 TSGT Potential Resource Lamar to Vilas 230/345 kV ProjectPSCo6016-17$30SB100 Ault - Cherokee 230 kV ProjectPSCo9015-16$65SB100 Pawnee – Daniels Park 345 KVPSCo13016-17$75SB100 *Project scope, cost, and dates subject to change

14 14 Next Next CCPG meeting December 9, 2009; Denver TSGT office Notices/Materials Posted at: Contacts Thomas Green 303-571-7223 Or Jared Griffiths (Co-chair) Phone 970-461-7603 Email

15 15 TEPPC Subregional Self Certification Form (2008) RequirementYesNoPart a. Undertake transmission planning for its footprint b. Provide an open, transparent, and coordinated forum for transmission planning, including development and review of plans and reports; c. Provide data as required by TEPPC and TAS and participate fully in the planning activities of TEPPC and its subgroups; d. Convene regular meetings with notice, rules, scheduled on TEPPC & WECC calendars, formal agendas and minutes posted, web page for presentations, data, contacts and suggestions; e. Meet FERC Order 890 goals and requirements for transmission planning as delegated to it by its members and adhere to Standards of Conduct; f. Agree to comply with the TEPPC Planning Protocol for coordination with TEPPC and other sub-regional planning groups; g. Include at least three Transmission Provider or Transmission Owner members and in combination have a transmission footprint combined mileage of 10 % of the total WECC installed transmission system line

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