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Pregnancy and Childbirth. Conception Conception –The union of an ovum and a sperm –Occurs in the upper third of the Fallopian tube Ovulation Ovulation.

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnancy and Childbirth. Conception Conception –The union of an ovum and a sperm –Occurs in the upper third of the Fallopian tube Ovulation Ovulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnancy and Childbirth

2 Conception Conception –The union of an ovum and a sperm –Occurs in the upper third of the Fallopian tube Ovulation Ovulation –On the 14 th day before the expected beginning of the next menstrual period –upon being released, it enters the fallopian tube –Fertilized in the F.T. if sperm are present

3 Pregnancy Embryo Embryo –Developing baby through the second month of growth after conception Fetus Fetus –Developing baby from the ninth week until birth Placenta Placenta –Organ that anchors the embryo to the uterus

4 Pregnancy Umbilical cord Umbilical cord –Ropelike structure that connects the embryo to the placenta –Blood from the mother carries nutrients and oxygen to the embryo –Waste products from the embryo move to the mother’s bloodstream to be excreted

5 Pregnancy Prenatal Care Prenatal Care –Given to the mother-to-be an dbaby before birth –Examinations –Proper nutrition –Reasonable exercise –Extra rest –Relaxation –Childbirth and child care education

6 Pregnancy Premature birth Premature birth –Birth of a baby before fully developed –Birth of a baby less then 38 weeks Low birth weight Low birth weight –Weight at birth of less than 5.5 pounds Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) –Presence of severe birth defects in babies born to mothers who drink during pregnancy –damage to brain, nervous system, facial abnormalities, small head, below normal IQ, poor coordination, heart defects, behavior problems

7 Pregnancy Miscarriage Miscarriage –The natural ending of a pregnancy before a baby is developed enough to survive on its own Other information Other information


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