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Base Case Coordination System RFP David Franklin BCCS System Review Group/Planning Tool Subcommittee (PTS) Pre-Bid Conference Salt Lake City, Utah.

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1 Base Case Coordination System RFP David Franklin BCCS System Review Group/Planning Tool Subcommittee (PTS) Pre-Bid Conference Salt Lake City, Utah

2 BCCS Pre-Bid Conference Agenda Introductions Meeting Arrangements BCCS Purpose Overview – Planning Model – Operating Planning Interface – Change Control Methodology PTSs Evaluation Methodology of Vendor Proposals Responses to Vendors Questions on BCCS RFP Next Steps – Meeting with Final Vendors – Kick Off Meeting

3 Purpose of RFP Centralized Data Base Improve Communications Improve Data Accuracy – NERC Requirements (MOD Standards) – Load & Resources Increase number of base cases per year Produce Base Cases Independent of Power Flow Platform BCCS Integration – Bus/Branch Model and Node/Breaker Model – Topology Processor

4 BCCS – Node-Breaker Integration Planning models have Bus-Branch structure BCCS will be able to hold Node-Bkr and Bus-Br data Planning data can be produced from node- breaker data BCCS data will be used in operation models as projects are constructed and are placed in- service Operations/Planning coordination is required

5 Development MilestonesWeight 1Develop and demonstrate database structure, viewing and filteringHigh 2Data Security and Access controlHigh 3Manual Data entry and RetrievalHigh 4Entry and Retrieval of Data in EPC and RAWHigh 5Project Definition and Model Update StructureHigh 6Load Scaling and ManipulationHigh 7Queries and Data Checking, Including Notifications Regarding Jointly-Managed Data High 8Provide Coordination Between UsersHigh 9Dynamic Database Structure and Coordination with Powerflow DataMedium 10Produce Base Cases from the BCCSMedium 11Powerflow Solution and Dynamic InitializationMedium 12Generate Reports of Base case Data for L&RMedium 13Import and Export Data in CIM/XML FormatMedium 14BCCS Breaker-Node InterfaceMedium Development Milestones Weights

6 RFP Distribution Operating Committee Planning Coordination Committee Technical Studies Subcommittee System Review Work Group Interested Vendors, System Integrators, and Consultants Seven vendors responded they intend to bid

7 Date Business Days ElapsedEvent Monday, August 9, 20100RFP issued Friday, August 20, 20109Vendors provide notice to submit Monday, Aug 23, 201010Opening date for receiving written questions from vendors Wednesday, 9/1/201017review pre-bid presentation materials Friday, Sep 3, 201019Closing date for receiving written questions from vendors Sep 8-9, 201021BCCS Pre-Bid PTS Meeting (Salt Lake City) Thursday, Sep 9, 201022Pre-bid conference Friday, Sep 10, 201023Posting deadline for responses to all questions on WECC Web site Friday, October 01, 201038Bid submittal deadline Tuesday, Oct 5-7, 201040PTS evaluate bids Tuesday, Oct 12-15, 201044Meetings with individual vendors Tuesday, Oct 19-21, 201049fall-back days for individual vendor meetings Wednesday, Nov 3-5, 201056SRWG (Salt Lake City) Monday, November 08, 201059 Release BCCS final recommendation to TSS/PCC for review/approval of selected vendor December 8-9Vendor Presentation to TSS Wednesday, TSS Meeting 19-2178Present to TSS for Approval

8 Pre-Bid Conference Existing processes and problems BCCS Structure and use Explanation of Project concept BCCS RFP response review process Next Steps after review process – SRWG, TSS, PCC approval of selected vendor

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