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Pregnancy and Birth. Qualities Parents need to have to have children are…. -- -- -? -?

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnancy and Birth. Qualities Parents need to have to have children are…. -- -- -? -?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnancy and Birth

2 Qualities Parents need to have to have children are…. -- -- -? -?

3 Planning A Family  Practical; budget, care, work, school, religion/beliefs.  Prenatal Care – Health of the mother.  Contraception  Infertile? –Adoption is an option –Foster Parents

4 Each of us begins when two cells, one from the mother and one from the father, join. These cells are too small to be seen without a microscope, yet their union is the beginning of every human life.



7 Conception and Pregnancy  Fertilization – also called conception, is the union of an egg from the mother and a sperm from the father.  Zygote – the united egg and sperm. Within 36 hours, the zygote begins to divide into two cells, then into four, and so on.  Blastocyst – The zygote grows into a hollow sphere. Once this happens, it begins to attach itself to the wall of the uterus.


9  Implantation – Within four to five days after fertilization, the blastocyst reaches the uterus and implants itself.  Pregnancy Testing – During the implantation process, progesterone levels remain high which causes menstruation to stop. Pregnancy can be determined once implantation occurs due to HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin).


11 The Embryo  Placenta – the attachment that holds the embryo to the wall of the uterus. After about 25 days a cord develops between the embryo and the placenta. The cord is called the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is the embryo’s lifeline.  The developing embryo is enclosed in a bag of thin tissue called amniotic sac. The sac is filled with amniotic fluid.  At the end of the second month of pregnancy, the embryo is called a fetus.


13 The Fetus  Between 3 rd and 6 th months; the fetus grows to 1.5 lbs, hair grows, facial features and ears develop, nervous system begins to develop, and sense organ begin to function.  During the sixth to the ninth month the fetus continues to grow and develop until it is ready to be born.

14 Expectant Parents (Divided into trimesters)  First Trimester –Morning sickness –Increase breast size and tenderness  Second Trimester –Abdomen begins to swell and fetus starts to move –Placenta grows  Third Trimester –Mother close to greatest weight gain 25-30 pounds. –Fetus moves exercising its muscles




18 Why have to #2?

19 Child Birth

20 How cute!

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