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Thurs, March 15  Beware the Ides of March…. Julius Caesar R.I.P. 44 BCE  DUE TODAY: 31.3  DUE MONDAY, 3/19: 31.4 (back page)  Quiz on 31.2-31.4, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Thurs, March 15  Beware the Ides of March…. Julius Caesar R.I.P. 44 BCE  DUE TODAY: 31.3  DUE MONDAY, 3/19: 31.4 (back page)  Quiz on 31.2-31.4, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thurs, March 15  Beware the Ides of March…. Julius Caesar R.I.P. 44 BCE  DUE TODAY: 31.3  DUE MONDAY, 3/19: 31.4 (back page)  Quiz on 31.2-31.4, and Stock Market graphs/q’s on Monday, 3/19 – can use your notes  Don’t forget to work on your outside sources for your museum research. You will not have enough time in the computer lab next week to do all that research AND your resource list AND search for your visuals AND write your descriptions… So be on top of it!

2 When people are desperate…  Must find a way to bring economic prosperity back to their countries during the global depression  U.S. & FDR  Only the strongest democracies survive in Europe– Britain, France  Elsewhere: Abandon the governments that have failed the people  new leaders USSR - Communists Italy – Mussolini Japan - Militarists Germany – Hitler

3 The Age of Fascism  Five prominent countries come under a form of government called “fascism” – Soviet Union, Italy, Germany, Japan, and Spain.  We need to make sense of this word “fascism” – You might be wondering: Is it like totalitarianism? Is it always a dictator? Let’s find out!

4 The Age of Fascism Directions – 25 minutes  Read the front-and-back handout explaining ITALY, USSR, GERMANY, and JAPAN. Fill out the “Fascism Chart”  Use your 31.3 notes and your Fascism chart to add information to your Archive Collection Sheet. Brainstorm what to look up in some outside resources!

5 The Age of Stock Market Speculation  In order for us to gain a better understanding of how the stock market operated in the beginning of the 20 th century we will be running a stock market simulation in class.  Speculation: Unsound or risky investments in hopes of making money quickly.  This simulation will allow us to gain first hand experience in stock market speculation and the practice of buying stocks on margin. Your group will get a chance to test your investment chops!

6 Stock Market Vocab:  What is the stock market?  A system for buying and selling shares of companies. This was how corporations were able to raise funds very quickly.  What is “buying stock on margin”?  Purchasing stock with only a small down payment and taking a loan to purchase the rest. ($1,000 = $10,000 in stock because if you have the $1,000 cash you can get a $9,000 loan)  What is a “margin call”?  To protect their loans, stockbrokers could demand the investor repay the loan at once. This would occur if the price of a stock tanked. Not all stocks tanked!!

7 Stock Market Simulation :  You will begin with $1,000.  You may use it to buy any combination of shares.  Appoint a stock broker in your group to check your math each time you make a trade.  Throughout the simulation we will be supplying you with business news and tips to help make your investment decisions. You should decide how much to trust these tips based on what you see happening in the market.  YES! you may purchase stock on margin paying 10% cash and 90% on loan. Stock: is a share in the Company. You buy stock. Then, if the stock price goes up you may sell your shares for a profit. If it goes down you can either hold your shares or sell them at a loss.

8 Stock Market Simulation :  You will begin with $1,000.  You may use it to buy any combination of shares.  Appoint a stock broker in your group to check your math each time you make a trade.  Throughout the simulation we will be supplying you with business news and tips to help make your investment decisions. You should decide how much to trust these tips based on what you see happening in the market.  YES! you may purchase stock on margin paying 10% cash and 90% on loan. Stock: is a share in the Company. You buy stock. Then, if the stock price goes up you may sell your shares for a profit. If it goes down you can either hold your shares or sell them at a loss. *REMEMBER: The stock market can go up and it can go down. It is up to you to decide your level of risk. More expensive stock have a higher payoff, but you can lose more if they tank. You must make at least four trades during the game (buying or selling stocks). You can only make two moves during each round.

9 Companies Selling Shares  American Can: Tin Can manufacture  American Telephone and Telegraph: AT&T  General Electric: G.E.  General Motors: G.M.  United States of Steel: Steel manufacture  Radio Corporation of America: R.C. A.

10 Example Stock Record Sheet: BUYINGSELLING

11 Example Stock Record Sheet: Round 1 open Round 1 close BUYINGSELLING

12 Example Stock Record Sheet: Example of loan Example of selling w/ loan BUYINGSELLING

13 The Simulation Set Up:  Stock Tip: You will be given investment news or tips that accurately reflect events in American business history.  Price Graph: A visual representation of the price movement of your investment.  Opening Bell: Stock prices for each companies’ stock at the open of trading.  Closing Bell: Prices at the end of trading. Usually will be the opening price for the next day.

14 Investment News!  General Electric stock looks to be on the rise with the introduction of their newest electric refrigerator!  The new features and added shelf space has all the competition beat.  I recommend investing heavily in General Electric!

15 Opening Bell Day 1  American Can30  American Telephone and Telegraph115  General Electric140  General Motors10  United States of Steel85  Radio Corporation of America2

16 Closing Bell: Day 1 AAmerican Can75 AAmerican Telephone and Telegraph125 GGeneral Electric180 GGeneral Motors15 UUnited States of Steel10 RRadio Corporation of America6

17 Investment News!  I just got a tip that American Can is a hot stock!  The rumors on Wall Street are that Tin prices are on the decline allowing American Can to increase profit margins.  This stock is sure to go sky high!

18 Investment News! General Motors has just introduced their new Cadillac Coach and Landau car models. With a new look, stylish interior, and more horse power these cars have taken over the competition. I’d recommend investing heavily into General Motors!

19 Investment News!  American Can is making big moves!  “American Can is sure to continue and expand its domination of the manufacturing industry. C.E.O., Nelson Peltz, just announced that with the companies assembly line innovations they will be able to increase production by 12% over the next 2 years.” -Business Weekly, 1929

20 Opening Bell: Day 2  American Can160  American Telephone and Telegraph130  General Electric320  General Motors65  United States of Steel120  Radio Corporation of America65

21 Closing Bell: Day 2 AAmerican Can290 AAmerican Telephone and Telegraph140 GGeneral Electric325 GGeneral Motors115 UUnited States of Steel125 RRadio Corporation of America75

22 Stock Movements

23 Investment News!  There is speculation that a merger between AT&T and their European counterpart is in the final stages of approval.  With this merger the company would control 75% of the telephone and telegraph lines around the globe.  My advise: BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

24 Opening Bell: Day 3  American Can290  American Telephone and Telegraph140  General Electric325  General Motors115  United States of Steel125  Radio Corporation of America75

25 Closing Bell: Day 3 AAmerican Can50 AAmerican Telephone and Telegraph150 GGeneral Electric85 GGeneral Motors155 UUnited States of Steel155 RRadio Corporation of America60

26 Stock Movement

27 Investment News!  RCA has just put the finishing touches on their 10 acre radio manufacturing facility in New Jersey.  The success of the nation’s first private radio station will increase public demand for radios over the next decade.  This new facility will be able to produce more than 2.5 million radio units over the next 8 years to meet the publics demand.

28 Opening Bell: Day 4  American Can50  American Telephone and Telegraph150  General Electric85  General Motors155  United States of Steel155  Radio Corporation of America60

29 Closing Bell: Day 4 AAmerican Can75 AAmerican Telephone and Telegraph180 GGeneral Electric135 GGeneral Motors140 UUnited States of Steel150 RRadio Corporation of America100

30 Stock Movement

31 Investment News!  U.S. Steel makes way for their new 20 acre steel and iron processing facility in Youngstown, OH.  Groundbreaking has begun and in anticipation of their increased production stock prices are expected to sky rocket.  Jump on this flight before it is too late.

32 Opening Bell: Day 5  American Can75  American Telephone and Telegraph180  General Electric135  General Motors140  United States of Steel150  Radio Corporation of America100

33 Closing Bell: Day 5 AAmerican Can110 AAmerican Telephone and Telegraph195 GGeneral Electric220 GGeneral Motors205 UUnited States of Steel150 RRadio Corporation of America420

34 Stock Movement

35 Investment News!  The Market can do no wrong!  The American economy has never been stronger.  Invest across the board.  With RCA’s sharp gains this stock is sure to continue into the black.

36 Opening Bell: Day 6  American Can110  American Telephone and Telegraph195  General Electric220  General Motors205  United States of Steel150  Radio Corporation of America420

37 Closing Bell: Day 6 AAmerican Can180 AAmerican Telephone and Telegraph335 GGeneral Electric395 GGeneral Motors180 UUnited States of Steel280 RRadio Corporation of America100

38 Stock Movement

39 Investment News!  RCA flounders while the rest of the market gains.  GE, AT&T, and US Steel lead the way as the market surges forward.  Diversify your portfolio.

40 Opening Bell: Day 7  American Can180  American Telephone and Telegraph335  General Electric395  General Motors180  United States of Steel280  Radio Corporation of America100

41 Closing Bell: Day 7 AAmerican Can85 AAmerican Telephone and Telegraph195 GGeneral Electric165 GGeneral Motors35 UUnited States of Steel150 RRadio Corporation of America25

42 Stock Movements

43 Discussion  Did you make money, break even, or owe money to your stock broker?  What was your investment strategy? Did you play it safe or take risk? Explain why you chose this strategy?  Did your knowledge of the causes of the stock market crash affect your choice of strategy?

44 Effects  Signaled the beginning of the greatest economic depression in the 20 th century.  30 billion in losses.  Spread fear and panic throughout financial markets  Caused 3,000 banks to fail.

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