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World Consumption Maps Spencer Tredwell. Population What country has the largest column? What are the reasons that you think that this country has.

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1 World Consumption Maps Spencer Tredwell




5 Population What country has the largest column? What are the reasons that you think that this country has the highest amount? United states has the highest column. Some of the reasons they have the highest column is because it is a developed country. It is also because there is a lot of jobs fro new people. What country has the smallest/lowest? What reasons would cause this country to have a low amount? Haiti has the smallest column hey are not a developed country. Plus they have a little island and do not have a lot of hospitals electronics and many more stuff people are looking for. Look at the 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Are they developed, developing, or one of each? Why do you think that they are where they are in the rankings? Use data to help you answer the question. Ghana and Canada were the 5 th and 6 th countries. Canada is developed but Ghana is not developed. They are 5 th and 6 th because they have a lot of land for people to live in. Look at the 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. Are they developing countries? If so, what do they need to do in order to get to the top half of the rankings? Use data from any information to help you answer the question. Australia and Cameroon are 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. Australia is developed but Cameroon is not. They coud make for room for houses and areas Name another country (other than the US) that stands out to you on the chart. Describe the country and what type of impact it has on world consumption. Germany stands out on chart. Germany has a lot of people so they probably buy a lot of stuff meaning a lot of shipping over sea or by truck.

6 Internet users What country has the largest column? What are the reasons that you think that this country has the highest amount? United states has the largest column. I think United States hast he highest column because are electronics is so much developed than other countries. What country has the smallest/lowest? What reasons would cause this country to have a low amount? Cameroon has lowest internet users. It is lowest because it has small population and is not developed in electronics. Look at the 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Are they developed, developing, or one of each? Why do you think that they are where they are in the rankings? Use data to help you answer the question. Canada and south Africa are 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Canada is developed but south Africa is not. I think Canada is there because they have a lot of land but not a lot of people and for south Africa they probably just cant afford to get internet. Look at the 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. Are they developing countries? If so, what do they need to do in order to get to the top half of the rankings? Use data from any information to help you answer the question. Ghana and Zimbabwe are 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. They are both not developing countries. They don’t have device to get internet so maybe they could get cheap laptops. Name another country (other than the US) that stands out to you on the chart. Describe the country and what type of impact it has on world consumption. United Kingdom stands out to me. It is third in the list and has a lot of users. United Kingdom is very rich so that is probably why they have a lot of internet users.

7 Oil consumption What country has the largest column? What are the reasons that you think that this country has the highest amount? United States has the largest oil consumption. In the United States almost every one has cars which require gas. We also use oil for a lot of other stuff like plastic, buses, trains, and many other things. What country has the smallest/lowest? What reasons would cause this country to have a low amount? Zimbabwe has the lowest column. Zimbabwe doesn’t have a lot of roads for cars and transportation. Plus they proaly don’t use a lot of plastic. Look at the 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Are they developed, developing, or one of each? Why do you think that they are where they are in the rankings? Use data to help you answer the question. Australia and south Africa are the 5 th and 6 th ranked countries. Australia is develop but south Africa is not. Australia is very environmental so they don’t use a lot of oil, South Africa people probably just walk were they need to go. Look at the 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. Are they developing countries? If so, what do they need to do in order to get to the top half of the rankings? Use data from any information to help you answer the question. Haiti and Cameroon are the 7 th and 8 th ranked countries. They are both non developed countries. They both have little populations to start with plus the people are very or so they cant afford cars or other stuff like plastic water bottle. Name another country (other than the US) that stands out to you on the chart. Describe the country and what type of impact it has on world consumption. Germany sticks out. It is 2 nd on the list. It is big with a big population. Most people have a lot of money so they can afford stuff like cars and plastic.

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