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The Jackson Employment Center Pima County, Arizona Steven Nelson Mary Pat Sullivan.

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Presentation on theme: "The Jackson Employment Center Pima County, Arizona Steven Nelson Mary Pat Sullivan."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Jackson Employment Center Pima County, Arizona Steven Nelson Mary Pat Sullivan

2 Faith-based and Community-based Organizations Homeless Families: Primavera, New Beginnings for Women & Children, Salvation Army Homeless Veterans Reintegration Project: Comin’ Home, LVERS, DVOPS, Salvation Army La Casita: Homeless Youth Our Family, Inc. Open-Inn Project Advent: Chronically Homeless Christian Faith Center, Salvation Army Comin’ Home New Chance: Ex-Offenders Primavera, Old Pueblo Community Foundation, Arizona Housing and Prevention Services Bridges: Behavioral Health Treatment Providers COPE, Compass, CODAC CASA: Homeless Adults Primavera Foundation, Salvation Army, Open Inn LEVERAGED SERVICES REFERRALS         TRANSITIONAL HOUSING        

3 Interlocking Systems Local Continuum of Care WIA One Stop Career System Runaway and Homeless Youth Offender Discharge Planning Behavioral Health Networks Veterans’ Employment Services Interfaith Collaborative Networks

4 INTERLOCKING SYSTEMS Interfaith networks Runaway & Homeless Youth Offender discharge planning Behavioral health networks Local Continuum of Care Veterans’ services WIA One Stop System

5 Something for Everyone Chronic HomelessAdventHUD/SHP DisabledBridgesHUD/SHP AdultsCASAHUD/SHP FamiliesCASA for Families HUD/SHP YouthLa CasitaHUD/SHP VeteransHVRPDOL/VETS Ex-OffendersNew ChanceHUD/SHP

6 Who are the experts in a given area? How can we add value? How can we share resources? How can we align plans?

7 Individual Service Strategy Plan services according to individual needs Use network of partners to expand the menu of service options Define steps to reach the goal of employment and housing

8 Employability Skills 2-week vocational assessment workshop Teach labor-market savvy Provide a foundation for employment Assess motivation to work and maintain transitional housing

9 Jackson Employment Center Program Totals FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 FY 2004-2005 FY 2005-2006 2002-20032003-20042004-20052005-2006 Clients graduated254312271286 Number placed189213196200 Placement rate75%69%72%70% Average wage$8.38$9.18$9.43$9.33 6 mo. retention74%87%82%69%

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