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Creative Commons and Libraries: A Copyright Solution? Gretchen Sauvey Bridging the Spectrum Symposium January 30, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Commons and Libraries: A Copyright Solution? Gretchen Sauvey Bridging the Spectrum Symposium January 30, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Commons and Libraries: A Copyright Solution? Gretchen Sauvey Bridging the Spectrum Symposium January 30, 2009

2 What is Creative Commons? Background The Licenses

3 Origins of Creative Commons “Copyleft” - open source/free software 1998 Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act Eldred v. Ashcroft ▫Lawrence Lessig Creative works unlocked - available for use

4 The Creative Commons License Three parts to each license: ▫License Deed ▫Machine-readable Code ▫Legal Code Four conditions to chose from: ▫Attribution - standard part of all licenses ▫Sharing ▫Commercial Use ▫Derivatives

5 Machine-Readable Code: This work is licensed under a Creativ e Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


7 Licenses and Copyright Libraries and licenses The -wrap licenses CC and Copyright

8 Licenses and more licenses From 1995-2004 librarians reported negotiating 12 times the number of license agreements Each of those covers hundreds or thousands of individual items - each CC license covers only one thing Currently there are six standard CC licenses ▫some are contradictory to each other ▫3 versions, number is increasing

9 Are they legal? EULAs ▫Shrink-wrap or click-wrap licenses (active) ▫Browse-wrap or web-wrap licenses (passive) ProCD, Inc. v. Zeidenberg Specht v. Netscape Communications Corporation

10 What about copyright? Not a challenge to copyright law ▫CC relies on copyright law for enforcement “Fair Dealing” language in licenses ▫Fair Use and Section 8 are still available License expires when the copyright does ▫works still enter public domain Shift from copyright law to contract law

11 Libraries and Creative Commons Issues to consider Education Participation

12 Creative Commons Risks Fair Use - use it or lose it Contracts on behalf of users UCITA and the ALA

13 Educate and Participate Need to educate librarians and users about the licenses - what they are, how they work ▫Flickr/Virgin Mobile case An opportunity to talk about copyright law and influence public opinion As efforts like this one move forward librarians need to be a part of the development process

14 Conclusions Are Creative Commons licenses good or bad? We need more discussion about the state of copyright protections. Librarians need to be aware of what’s happening and involved in the conversation.

15 For more information… ALA’s UCITA information page ▫ Questions? Comments? Please contact me at:

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