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WMO Update on WIGOS Implementation Within CHy ICG-WIGOS-4 17-20 February 2015 WMO; Climate and Water Department.

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Presentation on theme: "WMO Update on WIGOS Implementation Within CHy ICG-WIGOS-4 17-20 February 2015 WMO; Climate and Water Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 WMO Update on WIGOS Implementation Within CHy ICG-WIGOS-4 17-20 February 2015 WMO; Climate and Water Department

2 WMO WIGOS Implementation Achievements by CHy  The CHy Advisory Working Group endorsed the concept and development of the WMO Hydrological Observing System (WHOS) and agreed that WHOS should represent the CHy contribution to WIGOS.  Completed input to WMO Technical Regulation Vol. 1, Part 1, Section 8 on WIGOS.  Completed section 8 of the WIGOS Manual addressing the WMO Hydrological Observing System (WHOS).  Released a Sensor Observation Service (SOS) profile for hydrology that defines how WaterML 2.0 should be made available using the OGC web service.

3 WMO WIGOS Implementation Achievements by CHy  A candidate standard WaterML 2.0, Part 2, on Ratings, Gaugings and Sections has been developed, and is currently being tested in an interoperability experiment in Australia, the USA, and the UK.  Tested and applied WaterML 2.0 in a pilot project in Italy aimed at demonstrating the value and utility of WaterML 2.0 and providing a basis for it to become a WMO information exchange standard. Similar pilot projects are underway in the Arctic and within RA I, RA III and RA-IV.

4 Remaining Challenges  Convincing developing countries that hydrological networks, data base development, maintenance, and sharing are essential to social and economic progress.  Establishing a better process for WMO to engage NHSs Prerequisite to expanding the number of countries adopting the principles of water data sharing, the use of web services, and for fully contributing to the WMO Hydrological Observing System.

5 Mechanisms for TC and RA collaboration CHy is developing water data sharing demonstrations in conjunction with RA-IV, RA-VI, and RA-II: 1.Establishing an RA-IV hydrological information system central web service registry; to improve monitoring, data accuracy, availability and dissemination of information in North America, Central America and the Caribbean. 2.Building a map-based web portal within WHOS for accessing the online hydrological data of the nine countries participating in the Arctic-HYCOS; ultimately, this will evolve into a comprehensive water data sharing capability with all the services utilizing WaterML 2.0 and providing web services.

6 Thank you for your attention Harry F. Lins President, Commission for Hydrology +1-571-218-5077

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