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Twenty Questions … all about tennis! Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920.

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2 Twenty Questions … all about tennis!

3 Twenty Questions 12345 678910 1112131415 1617181920

4 1. How many sets are in a match? Two, unless there is a third set to determine a tiebreak situation.

5 2. What is the most common grip in tennis? The Eastern grip.

6 3. What is it referred to when someone is exhibiting good sportsmanship in a tennis match? Good tennis etiquette.

7 4. How many attempts is a person allowed to serve? Two attempts per side.

8 5. How many people can play in a game of tennis? 2 or 4 people? Both, two people can play against one another in a singles match and four people can play in a doubles match.

9 6. Which of the following can tennis help to improve? Eye-hand coordination, endurance, and foot speed. Tennis helps improve all three.

10 7. Where does a server stand? A server must stand behind the baseline.

11 8. How does a tennis game begin? Most people spin their racket and call “up” or “down” but some people choose to flip a coin.

12 9. At what age must one begin playing tennis? Tennis is for everyone! There is no particular age to begin but it is recommended that individuals begin playing in their youth to be a strong player as an adult.

13 10. What is it referred to if the server misses the first serve, then misses the second serve also? Two misses on serves is a double fault.

14 11. What is the minimum number of points required to win a tennis tie break? A minimum of 7 points is required.

15 12. How many times is a ball allowed to bounce on each side before it must be returned? The ball is only allowed to bounce once.

16 13. What is referred to when a server’s toe crosses the line? A “toe fault” refers to a server whose foot crosses the line when serving.

17 14. What is a serve called that is good and untouchable by their opponent? An “ace” is a serve that goes untouched.

18 15. If a serve hits the net but falls into the correct service box is it considered a fault? No, it is considered a “let”. A “let” will allow them another serve.

19 16. Is the ball considered in or out if it lands on the white line? A ball is always considered in if it lands on the line, even if 99% of the ball lands on the green.

20 17. In which decade was the tiebreak introduced to decide the outcome of a set in tennis? In the 1970’s.

21 18. Which side does the server serve from first? The server always begins a game from the right side of the court. This side is also known as the “deuce” or “even” side of the court. The left side is often referred to as the “add” or “odd” side.

22 19. When do you switch sides with your opponent? Sides are switched between odd games. For example, players will switch at 3-2 or 4-1 since both of these scores equal odd amounts.

23 20. What is the height at the center of a tennis net? The center is at 36 inches.

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