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Proteomics BIOL 4900. Section 1 – Amino Acid Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Proteomics BIOL 4900. Section 1 – Amino Acid Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proteomics BIOL 4900

2 Section 1 – Amino Acid Structure


4 Formation of Peptide bond H2OH2O

5 Section 2 – Polypeptide Diversity Insulin primary structure Primary Structure – linear sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain 20 100 = 1.27 x 10 130 possible combinations 9 x 10 78 atoms estimated in universe


7 Section 3 – Secondary Structure Resonance prevents bond rotation of peptide bond


9 Ramachandran Plot

10 Pitch = 5.4 Å Turn = 3.4 aa C=O forms H bond With N-H of n+4 residue


12 Anti parallelParallel


14 Helical Wheel

15 All problems at end of chapter except 6, 13, and 19

16 Section 4 – Tertiary Structure

17 X-ray Crystallography

18 NMR



21 Section 5 – Quaternary Structure

22 Section 6 – Protein Stability

23 Salt Bridges Metal Ions

24 Section 7 – Membrane Proteins




28 Section 8 - Glycoproteins

29 Sialic acids are important for glycoproteins and glycolipids; recognition site of Influenza Viruses

30 Sugar derivatives Should be able to draw

31 N-linked oligosaccharides

32 O-linked oligosaccharides

33 Glycoproteins Carbohydrates can account for up to 70% of a protein by mass Half of all mammalian proteins are glycosylated

34 Biological Activity Define protein structure – Usually on surface – limit conformation; stabilize fold Recognition – Glycoconjugates Lectins – identify specific oligosaccharides Selectins – attachment of leukocytes – Blood groups

35 Section 9 – Lipid Classification Functions of lipids – essential component of biological membranes – Hydrocarbon chains serve as energy – intra- and intercellular signaling

36 saturated polysaturated unsaturated ω-3 fatty acid Δ 9 double bond almost always cis even number of carbons 18:0 18:1cΔ9 18:2cΔ9, 12 18:2cΔ9, 12, 15


38 Glycerophospholipids


40 Lipid anchors for proteins prenylated fatty acylated glycosylphatidylinositol

41 Occurs at CXXY If Y = Ala, Met, Ser; farnesylated If Y = Leu; Geranylgeranylated Prenylation

42 Fatty acylated Can add myristic acid or palmitic acid Myristoylation is very stable – amide linkage between α-amino of N-terminal G and myristic acid Palmiyolation can be undone by palmitoyl thioesterases – involved in protein signaling

43 GPI-Anchored Proteins


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