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Welcome to the 2015 Football Season!. KCOA Football  Code of Conduct  Independent Contractor Form  W-9 if you are new this season.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 2015 Football Season!. KCOA Football  Code of Conduct  Independent Contractor Form  W-9 if you are new this season."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 2015 Football Season!

2 KCOA Football  Code of Conduct  Independent Contractor Form  W-9 if you are new this season

3 Saturday, 8/1/2015 1 st class meeting  8:00 to 12:00  Introduction - Mark  Attendance – Sign in every class. Guy Cook  CIF Representative – Bill Ver Huel  KHSD Activities Director – Stan Green  Introduce Beginning Officials  Evaluators  Handout – KCOA Football Policies and Procedures Manual  Go through the manual.  Rules/Testing – Guy  Honig’s  Beginning Officials Break Out to room 201  Rule Changes and interpretations.  Dues - $85. These are due no later than the fifth class meeting 8/20. Assignments will not be granted to those not paying dues on time.  Mechanics – Mark

4 KCOA Football  State of the Unit -Injuries, retirees, leaves Beginning Officials - introductions Changes -Valley Playoffs -State Playoffs

5 KCOA Football  Recognitions  Alex Edillor – 30 years  George Kieke – 45 years

6 KCOA Football  Guests  Bill Ver Huel - CIF Section representative.  Stan Greene – KHSD Activities Director.

7 KCOA Football  Error is mechanics manual.  Page 4. Kickoffs. LJ counts K not R.  If you find any please let me know.

8 KCOA Football Policies and Procedures 2015

9 Mission Statement  Provide appropriately qualified officials through proper recruiting, development, instruction, evaluation, and assigning.  Establish a method of accomplishing the above that is effective and will become the standard method of doing things for years to come.  Provide leadership that strives to promote professionalism, teamwork, enthusiasm, honesty, and integrity.

10 Kern County Official’s Association  Instructional Chair: Mark Roberts  Assigner: Mark Roberts  Administrator: Guy Cook  Testing: Guy Cook  Evaluations: Guy Cook  Referees – Mark Roberts  Umpires – Brian Landis & Dan Harris  Flanks – Joe Nunez & Rocky O’Neill  Back Judges – David Zulfa & Guy Cook  Beginning Officials: Dennis Matthews

11 Sports Committee  ChairmenDan Harris  MemberRandy Blay  MemberTom Trees  MemberBrian Landis

12 KCOA Officers  President: Steve Laird  Vice President: Brian Landis  Treasurer: Guy Cook  Secretary: Chris Fleming  Code of Conduct & Chain of Command Protocol  Code of Conduct: See your Code of Conduct Handout  Chain of Command: 1. Instructional Chair. 2. Sports Committee. 3. KCOA Board of Directors

13 Policies and Procedures Class Requirements  To maintain eligibility to officiate high school football, officials must attend a minimum of 7 class sessions. There will be nine two-hour regular class meetings, one four-hour class on August 1st, and two make-up meetings.  You must remember to sign in at the beginning of every class for your attendance to be counted.  KCOA dues must be paid BEFORE the first games of the year in week one.  Must be a member of the KCOA in good standing.  If you are not able to attend the minimum number of required classes, you must submit a letter to the football sports committee explaining your reasons for not attending class. The sports committee will then make a recommendation to the board either allowing or denying you the privilege of officiating regular season games. Officials not attending the required number of classes are not eligible for postseason games.

14 Pay Scale 20152016 Varsity Referee$76 Other Positions$69 Lower Referee$59$60 Lower Positions$55$56 Box$20

15 Professionalism  Punctuality.  Be on time to your game!  It is important for you to be on time for pre-game. Pre- game is at least one hour before kick-off of the first game played that night. Unless you have an unusual circumstance that does not allow you to be in attendance for pre-game, you must be there. This will need to be discussed with Mark Roberts and the game’s crew chief.  If you are unsure, ask.

16 Dress Code to the Game  Collared shirts.  NO T-SHIRTS!  Slacks or nice jeans.  No shorts whatsoever!  No jeans with holes.  Nice shoes, i.e. dress shoes or clean tennis shoes.  No sandals or flip flops  No hats.

17 Official Game Uniforms  Hats  -White, black with white piping.  Shirts  2 inch or 2 ¼ inch striped shirts - Undershirt must be black, NO WHITE or GRAY!  Pants  -Black only. 1 ½ inch white stripe down sides. Pants will be worn on ALL high school level  games, i.e., frosh/soph, JV, and Varsity.  Shorts  -Black only. No stripes. Must be official’s shorts. No gym shorts, casual shorts, or workout shorts. No “Dickies” brand black shorts.  Belt  -Black. Patent leather looks the best and lasts the longest.

18 Official Game Uniforms  Shoes  -Black. You may have some white on them but must be predominately black. CLEAN and shined if leather!  Socks  -Black only. When wearing black shorts for youth games, black socks are required.  Bean Bags  -Black, white, or blue.  American Flag  -White bordered only. No more gold bordered flags. Those are only for military.  Sunglasses  -Allowed during games except varsity but must be placed in an inconspicuous place when not being worn, i.e. on belt or in pocket. Not on top of hat bill.  Gloves  -Black or predominately black. We are not players, so we do not wear gloves that players do.  Whistles & Lanyards  -Black only. Pink is allowed during October only.  Pink equipment during the month of October. Pink whistles and penalty flags are allowed during month of October to observe breast cancer awareness. No pink wristbands, towels, or piping on hats. The entire crew must be the same.

19 2¼ inch striped shirts Sublimated flag above the pocket.

20 2 inch striped shirt Sublimated Flag above the pocket

21 Crew Chiefs  Contact crew & school AD no later than 48 hours prior to game. Varsity/JV only.  Hold pre-game  Hold crew accountable for game day procedures and policies, i.e. dress, arrival time, mechanics, professionalism.  Evaluation of entire crew.  Instruction and evaluation of beginning officials on your crew.

22 Scrimmages  A minimum of two varsity/JV scrimmages are required for officials to be eligible to officiate varsity high school football.  Scrimmage Dates:  Friday, August 14 th  Saturday, August 15 th  Thursday, August 20 th  Friday, August 21 st  Saturday, August 22 nd – Golden Empire  Friday, August 28 th – Beginning Officials at Stockdale  Saturday, August 29 th - Beginning Officials at NOR

23 Ejection Procedures  Instructional chair must be contacted in person or by phone the night of the game in which the ejection occurred. E-mails and texts are not considered a phone call. You must verbally speak with the instructional chair.  A factual, written report, (see attached ejection report) must be completed and e-mailed to the instructional chair within 24 hours of the ejection. The instructional chair will then forward the report to the relevant athletic directors and the CIF.  Ejection reports are in the Arbiter under the Forms tab.

24 Evaluations  Evaluations will be completed by outside, independent sources as well as the instructional team, and head coaches. In addition to the aforementioned evaluations, referees will be asked to evaluate officials during the season. Evaluations will be standardized. Evaluators are trained on exactly what they are to be evaluating. This will allow for each evaluator’s evaluations to be consistent with the other’s. Areas to be evaluated: Mechanics adherence. Appearance and demeanor. Hustle and communication. Professionalism. Evaluations will be made available to officials as a means of feedback to improve their officiating. These evaluations will form the basis of ranking officials for the valley and state playoffs.

25 Evaluations Evaluation Staff  Mike Patton  Phil Diebel  Jim Reed  James Taplin  Nick Ellis  Rick Rodriguez  George Kieke

26 Official’s Evaluation Name_________________Position______Date__________AVG.________ Overall Performance: 5 – Official is a valley final and semi-final ready official. One of the best in the KCOA at his position. 4 – Official is a local playoff ready official. Official is above average official in the KCOA. 3 – Official is a varsity ready official. He is qualified to work varsity assignments. 2 – Official is qualified to officiate assignments at the JV level. Official is still mastering many of the skills required to be a varsity official. 1 – Official is qualified to officiate assignments at the freshman/sophomore level. He is still learning all of the skills required to be a high school official. Mechanics & Rules: 5 – Official follows NF mechanics at all times. Scores 90% or higher on all tests. 4 – Official seldom varies from NF mechanics. Scores 81 to 89% or higher on all tests. 3 – Official occasionally varies from NF mechanics. Scores at least 80% or higher on all tests. 2 – Official is still mastering the NF mechanics. Scores 70% to 79% on all tests. 1 – Official is still learning the NF mechanics. Scores below 70% on all tests.

27 Demeanor: 5 – Official carries himself with supreme confidence and professionalism. Is not cocky or arrogant. Is approachable to coaches and game administration. Stays in control of himself and game, at all times. Outstanding at handling situations. 4 – Official carries himself professionally. Confident but not arrogant or cocky. Approachable to coaches and game administration. Manages game well. 3 – Official carries himself with confidence. Approachable to coaches and game administration. 2 – Official still learning confidence in officiating a Game. Still learning to manage game. Still learning how to properly handle situations during game. 1 – Official lacks skills required to officiate a high school football game. Does not manage game well. Hustle & Communication: 5 – Communicates all facets of the game with crew and coaches. Hustles, but does not over hustle. 4 – Usually communicates all facets of game with crew and coaches. Hustles, but sometimes over hustles. 3 – Generally communicates all facets of game with crew and coaches. Hustles most of the time but sometimes appears uninvolved. 2 – Seldom communicates all facets of game with crew and coaches. Seldom hustles and walks most of game. 1 – Never communicates with crew or coaches. Walks during game and appears lazy.

28 Professionalism: 5 – Official’s conduct is above reproach. Does not complain in class, at games, or in public. Always dresses professionally to games. Communicates with crew and game administration, (if crew chief), at least 48 hours before game. Is early to pre-game and actively participates. 4 - Official’s conduct is above reproach. Does not complain in class, at games, or in public. Always dresses professionally to games. Communicates with crew and game administration, (if crew chief), at least 48 hours before game. 3 - Official’s conduct is above reproach. Does not complain in class, at games, or in public. Usually dresses professionally to games. Sometimes communicates with crew and game administration, (if crew chief), at least 48 hours before game. 2 – Official is still learning how to conduct himself as an official on and off the field. 1 – Official does not know how to appropriately conduct himself on and off the field. Appearance: 5 – Official wears approved uniform. Uniform is in excellent condition and is worn properly. Official looks outstanding in uniform and is physically fit. 4 – Official wears approved uniform. Uniform is in good condition and is worn properly. Official looks good in uniform and is in good physical condition. 3 – Official wears approved uniform. Uniform is in generally good condition and is worn properly. Official look acceptable in uniform and is in acceptable physical condition. 2 – Official mostly wears approved uniform. Uniform may be in good condition and is worn properly. Official looks sloppy in uniform and could be in better physical condition. 1 – Official does not wear or have complete approved uniform. Uniform is old or in poor condition. Official is still learning how to wear uniform appropriately.

29 Assignments  Mark Roberts will be the assignor for all football games this year.  All games will be assigned individually. The instructional staff feels that by assigning each game individually rather than by set crews there will be more flexibility in making sure each week’s more important games are covered by properly qualified officials.  It is our hope that officials will now be motivated to continue to improve their officiating so they can earn “bigger” games. The intent here is to motivate officials to continue to improve rather than become content on guaranteed assignments. Years of experience will not outweigh performance on the field. The idea here is that, as officials, we need to have an attitude of trying to always be improving and earning the games we are assigned rather than feeling we are entitled to games because we have officiated for twenty years. If you are passed over for a game you felt you deserved or for a level, i.e. varsity etc., don’t complain about why you did not get the game and why the other guy got it. Ask yourself what can I do to improve as an official so I don’t get passed over next time? Don’t get bitter, get better! Then celebrate the official who did get the game. We are all in this together. Let’s make each other better.

30  This will also help us become used to working with different officials as we work with split crews from other units during the regular season and playoffs.  The games will be assigned two to three weeks at a time and posted on Arbiter.  Only Mark is allowed to make any schedule changes. Do not make changes yourself!  If you decline a game you are available to work you may be subject to being removed from all of your games for the rest of the season. If you are available in the arbiter you are to accept the games assigned to you. We are not a unit that will “pick and choose” what games to work.  Make sure your availability is ALWAYS up to date. You are also able to “block” teams you are not able to work. Per the KCOA by-laws, you are not allowed to officiate a school’s games if a member of your immediate family is employed by or attends that school. Immediate family includes: spouse, children, step-children, parents, step-parents, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister and grandchildren of the official and his/her spouse.

31  If you are assigned a game and fail to show up to work the game, you may be subject to being removed from all of your games from the rest of the season. You must also contact Mark Roberts as soon as possible if you fail to show up for an assigned game. This includes all youth games.  Youth, freshman, and JV levels are the "training grounds" for football, with our ultimate goal to get every official to his highest level of officiating, and as quickly as he is ready.  1) Newer officials will work youth & freshman games before the veterans.  2) Veteran officials working freshman games will be expected to: Evaluate and train the newer officials on the game, and submit the evaluation.

32 If you are a veteran, prior to the season we will ask some of you if you are interested in helping out at the freshman level. If you are, we will expect you to evaluate and train. Veterans are to teach the new guys. There will be instances in which an entirely veteran crew will be assigned to a freshman game. This will occur when the number of freshman games to cover is greater than the number of newer officials and teaching veterans available. If you are a new official this year, we will be watching you during the scrimmages. If you show a strong commitment to officiating football, and show promise in progressing quickly, we will begin assigning you games at the freshman level. As you improve, you will be moved up accordingly. It is possible that some new officials will have a chance to work JV games in their first season, based on their ability and the need for officials.

33 Postseason Assignments Eligibility:  Postseason eligibility will be based on several factors.  Attendance at a minimum of 7 class sessions. There will be one four hour class and 9 two-hour class meetings. Any combination is sufficient.  Participation in at least two pre-season scrimmages.  Score a minimum of at least 80% on the classification exam.  Work a minimum of at least six games at designated postseason position.  Note – eligibility for postseason does not guarantee a postseason assignment.

34  Valley Playoff Eligibility: This means valley semi-finals and finals.  Work a minimum of at least six varsity games at designated postseason position.  Attendance at a minimum of 7 class sessions. There will be one four hour class/clinic and 9 two-hour class meetings. Any combination is sufficient.  Participation in at least two pre-season scrimmages.  Score a minimum of at least 80% on the classification exam.  Must be ranked in the top five at your designated postseason position as determined by evaluators.

35 State Bowl Game Eligibility:  Minimum of ten years experience as a varsity official.  Must be on the valley semi-final or valley final list to be eligible for state bowl game.  Work a minimum of at least five varsity games at designated postseason position.  Officiated a valley final within the past three seasons.  Ask Mark for the application

36 Freshman Referee Requirements  -Requirements: Desire to improve as an official. You adhere to the KCOA Football Manual.  -Expectations: Run your crew as if it were a Friday night. Perfect practice makes perfect. Get there early enough to have a short pre-game. Call Dennis Matthews, Brian Landis, or Mark Roberts after the game if you have any issues.  -Philosophy: This level is to develop future white hats and inexperienced officials.  -We are only going to assign white hats that we feel have a legitimate chance at becoming the type of white hat that should represent the KCOA on the field at the varsity level. This means it will not be possible for all of you to become a white hat. This means some of us will need to be honest with ourselves.  -We will assign an inexperienced white hat as much as possible; there may be times when we simply have to have a veteran work the position because of numbers.  -We will assign a teaching veteran to each game. This person will be there to make sure things go smoothly. This person will also be providing feedback to us on each member of the crew. This is an invaluable tool in developing quality officials.  -The other two positions will be filled by beginning year officials, who need as much experience as possible.  The assignors will always be available to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your assignments, or the level of games you are assigned to work. We look forward to working with you this season.

37 Concussions KCOA Football Policy and Procedure on concussions. If an official observes a player who needs to come out of the game because of a head injury he will signal an official’s timeout and immediately inform the referee that said player has a head injury and needs to be removed from the game. At this point the referee will inform the injured player’s head coach that said player is out of the game because he is showing signs and symptoms consistent with a concussion and under no circumstances will the player be allowed to return to the game. All officials should make a note of time and player number.

38 CIF Concussion Bylaw Bylaw 313 A student-athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury in a practice or game shall be removed from competition at that time for the remainder of the day. A student-athlete who has been removed from play may not return to play until the athlete is evaluated by a licensed health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussion and receives written clearance to return to play from that health care provider. COACHES RESOURCES Coaches shall immediately remove from practice or game competition any athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury and remain out of practice or play for the rest of the day. Coaches shall not allow an athlete who has been removed from play because of a suspected concussion/brain injury to return to play until the athlete has received written clearance from a licensed health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of brain injuries.

39 Testing – Guy Cook  2015 Classification Rules and Mechanics Exam Testing window opens today and closes August 21 st.  Online in Arbiter under testing tab.  50 questions for each test and you must score at least 80%. You get two tries.  The tests are comprised of NFHS classification exams.

40 2015 Membership Dues  Dues are $85.  Must be paid before first games are assigned. August 20 th.

41 Honig’s  Be back in 15 minutes!  Beginning Officials will move to room 202

42 2015 Rule Changes  Power Point

43 KCOA Football  Drones

44 2015 Mechanics  Breakout to Classrooms  Flanks stay in room 204  BJ’s – break room  Umpires – room 202  Beginning Officials – room 201  60 minutes

45 KCOA Football  Comments from breakouts…

46 KCOA Football  Code of conduct  Independent contract form  W-9

47 KCOA Football  We will pursue excellence as officials, while knowing achieving excellence is an almost impossible journey and thus, hope to catch greatness along the way.

48 2015 Season  This is a great start to what promises to be a great season!  Good Luck!  Work Hard!  Beginning Officials at Liberty at 1:30pm.  Next meeting: Wednesday, August 5 th 6:30pm.

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