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Cambrian School District October 27, 2011 Transitional Kindergarten Overview Planning for Long-Term Student Success Adapted from Lisa Kaufman, Ph.D. Director,

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Presentation on theme: "Cambrian School District October 27, 2011 Transitional Kindergarten Overview Planning for Long-Term Student Success Adapted from Lisa Kaufman, Ph.D. Director,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cambrian School District October 27, 2011 Transitional Kindergarten Overview Planning for Long-Term Student Success Adapted from Lisa Kaufman, Ph.D. Director, Early Learning Services Department Santa Clara County Office of Education

2 Overview Kindergarten Readiness Act of 2010 (SB 1381) Overview TK Design and Implementation Planning for TK: Key Components Next Steps

3 Kindergarten Readiness Act of 2010 Senate Bill (SB) 1381 Amends CA Ed code to change the required birthday for admission to kindergarten and first grade and established a transitional kindergarten program beginning in the 2012-13 school year.

4 SB 1381 Overview First year of a two-year kindergarten program Student enrollment voluntary Districts must provide, yet flexibility in how to implement Curriculum is modified to be age and developmentally appropriate Focus on readiness for school success

5 SB 1381 Overview Changes in age for entrance into kindergarten; 5 years of age by:  For 2011-12 school year: December 2  For 2012-13 school year: November 1  For 2013-14: October 1  For 2014-15 and beyond: September 1

6 SB 1381 Overview Source: Preschool California

7 SB 1381 Overview Benefits  Students better prepared to succeed in traditional kindergarten and beyond  Improves social-emotional and cognitive development  Increases test scores  Reduces grade retention and special education placement  Tremendous opportunity to integrate early learning and elementary systems

8 Preschool Kindergarten TK TK a Bridge for Success  The bridge gives students the essential skills they need to be successful in kinder and beyond. TK Design and Implementation

9 Two Levels of Implementation District office: Infrastructure, systems planning and development Sites: Classroom design and instruction, implementation of of districts systems Key Considerations for Implementation

10 TK implementation committee Board policies Site identification  Development of criteria (if TK not at every site) Key Components District Office Implementation

11 Curriculum Selection Procurement  Curriculum  Indoor/outdoor materials and equipment Key Components District Office Implementation

12 Professional Development for Teachers  Early learning environments  Social-emotional development  Developmentally appropriate instructional practice  Preschool Learning Foundations  Oral language and literacy development Key Components District Office Implementation

13 Teacher Selection and Support  Ideally has early learning experience  Important to provide professional development and support Key Components Site Implementation

14 Classroom and Program Design  Environment is nurturing and engaging  Outdoor areas are extensions of the classroom  Developmentally appropriate materials easily accessible to students  Classroom materials reflect all cultures, families and communities of students Key Components Site Implementation

15 Outreach to Families  Important to message TK as opportunity for long- term student success  Open, transparent, and frequent communication with families is vital Key Components Site Implementation

16 Next Steps SCCOE TK Steering Committee Discussion and decisions about vision for TK in Cambrian Logistic decisions and timeline Timeline implementation

17 Implementation Strategies to Consider Class Configuration  TK only  TK and K in one class Implementation Timeline  Phase in  Full implementation

18 Implementation Strategies to Consider 2 Ways to Implement: Phase-In 2012-13: must be 5 years old by November 1 2013-14: must be 5 years old by October 1 2014-15: must be 5 years old by September 1 Full Implementation 2012-13: must be 5 years old by September 1

19 Advantages of Full Implementation in 2012-2013 Enrollment and Logistics Projected Enrollment  phase-in - 18 students  full implementation – 66 students Class Requirements  phase-in – 1 class district-wide  full implementation - 3-4 classes Full implementation provides a greater likelihood that students will have a TK class in their neighborhood school.

20 Advantages of Full Implementation in 2012-2013 Staffing and Professional Development A larger cohort of TK teachers (3-4) will transfer or be re-assigned and collaborate on development of the new program guidelines Professional development on transitional kindergarten frameworks can be conducted in the first year. Professional development on elements of a transitional kindergarten in the first year for teachers and principals.

21 Advantages of Full Implementation in 2012-2013 Communication One year communication campaign about the change versus 3 years of campaigns about the change Kindergarten/TK registration materials created once versus changing forms to reflect the different cut off dates; eliminates need for detailed tracking of birthdays

22 Advantages of Full Implementation in 2012-2013 Communication TK orientation for parents. Parents of children born in the latter quarter of the year may feel less isolated as part of a larger cohort than the parents who have children in the one month that is being excluded from regular kindergarten during each phase in year

23 Summary If we believe the 2-year kindergarten option is good for “young 5’s,” why would we not give the maximum number of students that opportunity, as soon as possible?

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