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EGES 2014-2015 Welcome! Find your child’s desk and have a seat. We will begin in a moment.

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Presentation on theme: "EGES 2014-2015 Welcome! Find your child’s desk and have a seat. We will begin in a moment."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGES 2014-2015 Welcome! Find your child’s desk and have a seat. We will begin in a moment.

2 This is my ninth year of teaching here at Eastern Greene Elementary. I taught Kindergarten for three years and have taught third grade for the past five years. In the past few years of teaching, my passion for making a difference in students’ lives has increased. I attended Indiana University where I received my Bachelors of Science in Education. I completed my Masters in Education from Indiana Wesleyan in April of 2013.

3 Your son or daughter will have homework every night. They are given 20 or so minutes every day to start and work on homework in class. Homework should not take more than 30 minutes in the evening.

4 We no longer have the A,B,C grading scale. We are using the Marzano grading scale. (see handout)

5 We have our clothespin behavior system. (See closet door.) Everyone starts in the same place each day. They move up or down depending on homework and behavior. Each day is a FRESH start!

6 7:40-8:10—turn homework in, breakfast, bathroom, morning work, read, and AR 8:10– 9:05—Math 9:10-9:55—Specials 10:00-12:00 Reading, English, Writing 12:05-12:35—Lunch 12:40-1:10—Recess 1:15-2:00—Writing, Social Studies, Science 2:00-2:45— F.O.C.U.S. 2:45-3:00-Clean up, pack up, walk to bus

7 Planners- This contains the student handbook at the front. Students write their assignments down each day in this. Take home/homework folder- This is where graded papers, important papers for you to read and homework should come home each evening.

8 There will be projects throughout the school year. The projects will be started here at school, and then your child will need to complete the project at home.

9 Please don’t hesitate to call or email me with any questions. Take the business card magnet that is on your child’s desk with you to stick on the fridge.

10 REMIND-in the words of the creators… "Remind is a free communication platform built for teachers. Our product enables you to safely and efficiently interact with students and parents about important information relating to the classroom and school activities. Remind is safe and easy because teachers can engage students and parents without needing to upload cell phone numbers and without having to give their personal phone numbers out. Remind has already been adopted by more than 15% of the entire K-12 teacher population in the United States and we're growing quickly."

11 We will take at least one field trip this year. We will send home information as soon as the destination is decided.

12 If you are interested in volunteering in the classroom please fill out the paper on the desk. As per the guidelines, if you are interested in volunteering please get a background check. This can be completed in the Elementary Office. Volunteer in our Classroom!

13 for taking the time to attend Open House! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!

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