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ERO Filing and WECC Delegation Agreement Steve Rueckert Director – Standards and Compliance Joint Guidance Committee Meeting January 23-24, 2007 Salt Lake.

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Presentation on theme: "ERO Filing and WECC Delegation Agreement Steve Rueckert Director – Standards and Compliance Joint Guidance Committee Meeting January 23-24, 2007 Salt Lake."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERO Filing and WECC Delegation Agreement Steve Rueckert Director – Standards and Compliance Joint Guidance Committee Meeting January 23-24, 2007 Salt Lake City, Utah

2 WECC Delegation Agreement Consists of Pro Forma agreement and 5 Exhibits Regional Footprint Bylaws Standards Development Process Compliance Monitoring Enforcement Program Budget

3 Timeline Sent to NERC on November 21, 2006 NERC Sent all eight regional Delegation Agreements to FERC in a filing on November 29, 2006 Identified concerns with Exhibits C (Standards Development) and D (Compliance) WECC filed to intervene and submitted comments to FERC on December 27

4 NERC Concerns – Exhibit C WECC Committee voting structure for standards development FERC criterion that no two stakeholder sectors should be able to control and no single sector should be able to defeat WECC response indicates that the voting structure is a part of the WECC bylaws Meetings open to members and public Clarification of class structure Consensus of WECC membership

5 Additional NERC Concerns Standards Request form not included in process document Standards Template not included in process document NERC notification not required Process does not explicitly state that each WECC Reliability Standard will enable support of NERC reliability principles

6 NERC Concerns – Exhibit D WECC did not agree to use NERC Pro Forma CMEP document and identify differences WECC submitted their own CMEP document NERC indicates there are non material differences Raised no specific concerns

7 Other Comments Several WECC members submitted comments on the Delegation Agreement filing Generally supported California IOUs identified concern over billing issues –Seeking more details on how CALISO will bill reliability costs WIRAB identified confidentiality CALISO concerned over governance CALISO identified cost allocation concerns

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