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Ms. Yamazaki’s Kindergarten News December 17, 2007 Dear Parents, Well, one half of our kindergarten year is coming to a close, and it’s hard to believe.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Yamazaki’s Kindergarten News December 17, 2007 Dear Parents, Well, one half of our kindergarten year is coming to a close, and it’s hard to believe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Yamazaki’s Kindergarten News December 17, 2007 Dear Parents, Well, one half of our kindergarten year is coming to a close, and it’s hard to believe that the time has gone by so quickly. But then, when I stop to reflect on how much your children have grown, both socially and academically, it seems a long time ago that they entered kindergarten in August. They are so much more independent and self- reliant in class. They see themselves as writers---authors and illustrators---and as class leaders. I have watched them gain the confidence to lead the class calendar and lunch math activities, and assist one another in these tasks.They often correct me when I have altered the routine, or left something out. And they are quick to applaud a classmate who is successful at something new. Your children are becoming more adept at judging their own progress as well. In all, I am quite pleased with where this class is headed, and how far they have come in just a few short months. I look forward with anticipation to the next semester to see even more growth. We will begin our formal reading program with guided reading when when return from the holiday break. Your child will bring home a small book to read aloud to you about every other day. This is the book s/he will have read with me in the guided reading lesson that day. You should continue to do the nightly read aloud, even on days when your child reads to you. This is an important part of our literacy program, and the only real homework that is required in kindergarten. Have a wonderful holiday break. I wish you safe travels if you are leaving Taipei, and a very happy new year. See you in 2008!

2 Ms. Yamazaki’s Kindergarten News December 17, 2007 Guidance Lesson ~ My Body Belongs to Me Last week, Ms. Foley came to class to do a guidance lesson on ‘good touches’ and ‘bad touches,’ part of our character education program. She brainstormed with the children what some good and bad touches would be. Here are a few of the things they came up with: GOOD TOUCHES: High five Pat on the back Hug from your mom or dad Holding hands with a friend BAD TOUCHES: Kicking Hitting Pinching Biting Pushing and pulling The children watched a video with Ms. Foley called My Body Belongs to Me. Please read Ms. Foley’s very informative and important article on the kindergarten webpage.

3 Ms. Yamazaki’s Kindergarten News December 17, 2007 This week, we will make a Good-bye Book for our classmate and friend, Benjamin. Benjamin and his family are traveling to California for an extended holiday. We wish Benjamin, Maggie, and Ken all the best. Benjamin’s family will return to Taipei in January 2008, and Benjamin will attend another school. He will still be available for play dates. Benjamin’s telephone number is in the class directory that you received earlier in the year. We miss you, Benjamin!

4 Ms. Yamazaki’s Kindergarten News December 17, 2007 Happy Holidays to all of The Rainbow Class Families From Ms. Yamazaki and Mrs. Liu School will reconvene on Monday, January 7, 2008. It will be Day 1 of our ten-day specials cycle. Please see our latest Photo Gallery and eBook.

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