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WelcomeWelcome We are so glad that you are here!.

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Presentation on theme: "WelcomeWelcome We are so glad that you are here!."— Presentation transcript:

1 WelcomeWelcome We are so glad that you are here!

2 Staff Superintendent------Mr. Struble Federal Programs Coordinator---- Mr. Picarsic Supervisor and Building Principal of Ramsay and Rumbaugh -------- -Mr. Benteler Building Principal of Donegal and Norvelt -----Mr. Bryer

3 Technology –Mr. Robert Rizzo –Mr. Roger Ulery- Assistant Guidance Counselors –Miss Jessica Picarsic, Donegal and Rumbaugh –Mr. Frank Farrell, Ramsay –Mrs. Debbie Pierce, Norvelt

4 Title I Reading Specialists –Donegal-----Mrs. Stairs –Norvelt-----Mrs. Walker –Ramsay-----Miss Kelly 2-3 –Ramsay------ Mrs. Cavalier 4 - 6 –Rumbaugh— Mrs. Kaputa

5 Title I Reading Specialist’s Credentials. Graduated from Mt. Pleasant Area School District Received my Bachelor’s Degree from California University of PA, California, PA Received my Master’s Degree and Reading Specialist Certification from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA Classroom teacher for 10 years before applying for a job as a Reading Specialist Currently working as a Reading Specialist for 12 years My children attend Ramsay Elementary and the Mt. Pleasant Area Senior High here in Mt. Pleasant

6 No Child Left Behind A program initiated by the President of the United States to have all school districts plan programs so that all children will function on grade level.

7 What is Title I? Title I is a federally funded remedial program.

8 Our mission is to develop learners who should be successful at using the skills and thinking processes needed for their curriculum work. We encourage our students to apply these reading skills both in and out of the classroom so that they eventually become lifelong learners.

9 How was my child chosen for Title I? Results of Multiple Assessments

10 DIBELS Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills Different components based on grade level and benchmarks. Individualized test Given to every student in the building.

11 STAR Standardized Testing And Reporting A computer test given to all students first through sixth grade. Can be a group test or done individually at any time. Gives immediate reports for teachers and parents including suggestions. Ability to give us Grade Equivalents, Instructional Reading Levels, and a zone in which students should be reading.

12 Other Considerations Reading Grade PSSA results Performance Series Testing Teacher Recommendations

13 Who makes the decision if my child should be in Title I? The Title I Reading Specialists do, along with the supervisor and input from the classroom teacher, based on the multiple test results.

14 Will my child stay in Title I forever? Not necessarily. We are a flexible program. We will assess three times a year.

15 Technology we use Computer Labs Computers in the library Laptops for our Title I students to use right in the classroom.

16 Technology we use Promethean Boards in the Title I classrooms and Computer labs

17 Technology we use Staff uses Palm- pilots and netbooks for testing and progress monitoring with INSTANT results.

18 Computer Programs we use Imagination Station is used for all kindergarten students and first grade Title I students. This program CANNOT be used at home. Study Island- all Title I students and other students that need extra practice. This program can be used at home. Other educational websites used by the Reading Specialist such as starfall.

19 SchedulingScheduling Students receive Title I instruction in addition to their regular Reading class. In the Title I classroom, we work individually and in small groups with students usually three times a week. We also assist students in the classroom as needed.

20 Title I Reading Specialist’s Job Drill Review Reteach Assess/Diagnostic Testing

21 Materials Used by the Title I Reading Teachers

22 The materials used are on the instructional level of your child. Title I coordinates their skill work with the classroom teacher. We use materials aligned with the McGraw Hill reading series as well as the Technology mentioned previously.

23 We drill the same vocabulary that is taught in the regular classroom and reinforce skills that are presented in that lesson. Regular meetings with the classroom teacher are held to discuss progress of the student as well as weaknesses that need to be addressed.

24 Parent/Guardian Involvement District Wide Parental Involvement Policy Building Parental Involvement Policy for Rumbaugh Building Compact for Rumbaugh Parent Advisory Committee –Our schedule will be finalized soon. State Parent Advisory Council (SPAC) Conference at Seven Springs –

25 Afterschool Tutoring- Rumbaugh Monday & Wednesday 3:30 – 4:00

26 What can the parent do? READ Review Support

27 Home/School Communication

28 Parent Resource Center Housed at Ramsay


30 Websites PA State Parent Advisory Council PA Parent and Information Resource Center Newsletter. Helpful information. Teacher Website and/or Federal Programs website for MPASD See handout for other websites in folder

31 Don’t Forget Parent/Teacher Conferences November 11, 2010 12:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

32 To contact me Email Telephone 724-547-4100 EXT. 5133 Teacher Website Teacher websites Kaputa, J’s website


34 Thank you!! We look forward to working with your children and you!

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