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English Language Arts Cambrian Schools Reaching Each & Every Student June 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "English Language Arts Cambrian Schools Reaching Each & Every Student June 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Language Arts Cambrian Schools Reaching Each & Every Student June 2009

2 Goal of English Language Arts Presentation  Provide ELA program information  Review student performance  Outline the role of ExCEL

3 K-8 English Language Arts Program  Reading Word Analysis Word Analysis Fluency Fluency Systematic Vocabulary Development Systematic Vocabulary Development Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension Shift to Informational Text as grades increaseShift to Informational Text as grades increase Literary Response & Analysis Literary Response & Analysis  Writing Strategies Applications  Written & Oral English Language Conventions  Listening & Speaking Strategies Applications – Genres

4 ELA Adopted Programs  Kinder to Grade 5 Houghton Mifflin, 2001 Cross-curricular connections Leveled readers  Grades 6 to 8 McDougal Littell, 2001 ‘The Language of Literature Online support

5 A day in the life of a Price Middle student in English Language Arts  All students receive 2 periods/day  English Learners (EL) are placed in a 2 period core that is supplemented with Social Studies for EL  Step-Up-To-Writing is integrated across all subject areas and grades  Intensive Reading uses regular assessments to ensure appropriate placement for struggling readers

6 How are our students doing?  In addition to our annual California Standards Tests, district benchmark, running records for reading, and informal assessments are used.  The state writing rubric is used on formative writing assessments at the middle school  The district writing rubric by grade-level





11 What did our district survey reveal about English Language Arts?  Parents believe their child is making satisfactory progress in English LA 93% satisifed with reading progress 93% satisifed with reading progress 90% satisfied with writing progress 90% satisfied with writing progress  Strong support for reading, writing, communications & critical thinking skills  Strong support for meeting the needs of accelerated learners

12 Initiatives taken….  ExCEL being implemented to support differentiated teaching/learning  Intensive Reading program targets struggling readers at Price  English language acquisition and development programs support English Learners  Step-Up-To-Writing used at all schools  HM reading records are used to support K & 1 instruction

13 Professional Development  Step-Up-To-Writing training provided for new teachers and others interested in August 2008  Elementary schools have received ExCEL training

14 What’s next for English Language Arts?  Expand and extend support for Step-Up-To- Writing and use of writing performance data  Apply for waiver to defer ELA adoption for one more year to August 2011  Support teaching of reading strategies appropriate for students at various reading levels  Provide additional PD for all schools using ExCEL  Support elementary teachers with additional Wednesday collaborative time

15 Cambrian Has Adopted the ExCEL Model Excellence: A Commitment to Every Learner  “To eliminate achievement gaps through a school- wide process that provides assistance to every student, both high achieving and struggling learners.” Supt. of Public Instruction O’Connell  Targets instruction in reading for all students for a portion of the school day  Addresses student needs through multiple tiers of instructional interventions  Does not wait until a student is diagnosed with a disability before he or she receives specialized services

16 ExCEL Emphasizes  High-quality instruction  Frequent progress monitoring  Increasingly intense levels of intervention  Data-based decision-making

17 ExCEL’s Components Include:  Universal Screening  Tiered instruction  Placement based on ongoing assessments  Collaborative teaming  Strategic use of support staff All Students Core Curriculum Differentiated Instruction Select Interventions for Struggling Students Intensive Interventions Sp. Ed. Tier 4 Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 2% 5% 20% 100% The RTI Tier Model

18 Tiered Instruction  All classes will provide direct, targeted, leveled instruction differentiated for all students  Grade 1-5 classes will provide tiered instruction by regrouping all classrooms across the grade- level with “push-in” support  Kindergarten will provide targeted, leveled instruction as determined by student needs… this may necessitate groups in different classrooms or within classrooms dependent upon the needs identified

19 Placement of Students in Instructional Tiers  Placement will be based on ongoing agreed-upon assessments that identify current student needs  Movement between tiers will be flexible and fluid to reflect changes in individual student needs All Students Core Curriculum Differentiated Instruction Select Interventions for Struggling Students Intensive Interventions Sp. Ed. Tier 4 Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 1 2% 5% 20% 100% The RTI Tier Model

20 Focused teaching with support staff

21 Collaborative Teaming  To coordinate tiered instruction at each grade level  To review the results of common, agreed-upon assessments in order to determine and plan for the instructional needs of all students  Monthly collaboration time provided on Wednesdays

22 Comparing Collaboration & Cooperation  The fundamental difference between collaboration and cooperation is the level of formality in the relationships…  Collaboration involves coming together and fundamentally changing individual approaches to a goal to allow for the sharing of resources and responsibilities.  Cooperation is an informal arrangement in which we maintain separate mandates and responsibilities, but do some work together to meet a common goal.

23 Cambrian’s ExCEL Timeline for Training and Implementation  2007Bagby  2008Fammatre  2009Farnham & Sartorette - ExCEL team shares out in May/June - Planning, implementation and coaching from August to November All of the students are OUR students.

24 Price Middle School Uses an RtI 2 Approach  Provides differentiated learning opportunities throughout the day  Examples include MathX2 MathX2 Accelerated Math Accelerated Math Intervention Reading Intervention Reading EL Reading EL Reading

25 Using a Powerful & Efficient Approach Why are we moving in this direction? It is based on the belief that a research proven early intervention, prevention and acceleration approach aimed at supporting the needs of all students is a powerful and efficient way to utilize our resources.

26 What does the data tell us about the success of ExCEL? In 2008… ExCEL > 9 months State Average % Schools increasing API 76%53% Average API Increase 25 points 14 points 14 points  98% of schools implementing ExCEL for a minimum of 3 years have shown an increase!

27 What Are The Teachers Saying?  Students Not Labeled “This was a major concern of mine, and it’s not happening.” “This was a major concern of mine, and it’s not happening.”  More Efficient Planning Time “Teachers more effectively use planning time to concentrate on one level and develop stronger plans than if they need to plan for four or more levels within their classrooms.” “Teachers more effectively use planning time to concentrate on one level and develop stronger plans than if they need to plan for four or more levels within their classrooms.”  More Rigorous Instruction “In the EXCEL model, teachers have an opportunity to delve more in depth with certain standards, as well as advance to the next grade level standards if appropriate.” “In the EXCEL model, teachers have an opportunity to delve more in depth with certain standards, as well as advance to the next grade level standards if appropriate.”  Meets Needs of All Students “The EXCEL model reaches all students, from below basic to advanced.” “The EXCEL model reaches all students, from below basic to advanced.”

28 What Are the Parents Saying  “In ExCEL, students can get through the stuff that they know more quickly, and move on to more enrichment.” (Bagby Parent)  “Parents voted to use recent fund-raiser money to support efforts to implement RTI” at Farnham

29 What Are the Students Saying? “I’m getting better grades… When it’s time for reading, the teachers made a program called RtI… I love this program.” “Reading is one of my favorite subjects. I have really enjoyed being in RtI class. I have learned many things such as how to make inferences and how to write a summary. I think this trimester’s reading grade is better than last trimester because of RtI.” “The thing I like about reading is going to RtI. The thing I’ve learned is how to do a summary.” “Thumbs up” – Grade 4 class at Bagby “It’s making me think too much” – Student in accelerated reading class

30 ExCEL Will Build On Best Practices And On Cambrian’s Strengths  As we adapt the framework to our schools and grade-levels, effective early intervention and enrichment learning experiences will be incorporated into ExCEL  Cambrian’s tradition of excellence and caring provides a sound foundation for our shared goal – providing powerful instructional experiences for all students

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