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India Chapter #25. I. Physical Geography A. Physical FeaturesA. Physical Features –World’s highest mountains? –Subcontinent: A very large landmass that.

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Presentation on theme: "India Chapter #25. I. Physical Geography A. Physical FeaturesA. Physical Features –World’s highest mountains? –Subcontinent: A very large landmass that."— Presentation transcript:

1 India Chapter #25

2 I. Physical Geography A. Physical FeaturesA. Physical Features –World’s highest mountains? –Subcontinent: A very large landmass that isA very large landmass that is smaller than a continent smaller than a continent –Supercontinent (Gondwanaland)

3 225 million yrs. ago200 million yrs. ago 135 million yrs. ago 65 million yrs. ago Present day

4 B. Landforms 1) Himalayan Mtns.?1) Himalayan Mtns.? –Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra Rivers 2) Gangetic Plain (alluvial soils)2) Gangetic Plain (alluvial soils) –Indo-Gangetic Plain *(Indus & Ganges Rivers) 3) Deccan Plateau/Peninsula?3) Deccan Plateau/Peninsula? –Dominant landform

5 The Holy Ganges 1) Human use1) Human use 2) Healing powers2) Healing powers 3) Highly polluted3) Highly polluted –Sewage, industrial waste, ag. runoff –Nothing can pollute its purity


7 C. Monsoons Process:Process: Wet season:Wet season: –Summer –Sun strikes land LOW pressureLOW pressure Winds blow INWinds blow IN from the sea! from the sea! Dry season:Dry season: –Winter –Sun strikes water LOW pressureLOW pressure Winds blow OUTWinds blow OUT to the sea! to the sea! Wind blows from high to low pressure!

8 II. History & Culture Aryans = warlike seminomadic herdsmen from Central Asia (1500 BCE) –they brought…Aryans = warlike seminomadic herdsmen from Central Asia (1500 BCE) –they brought… –1. Sanskrit? (Hindi developed from) –2. Hinduism Pantheon = all the gods of a religionPantheon = all the gods of a religion –3. Caste System = social classes

9 A. European Influence Europeans in India (1490s)Europeans in India (1490s) –To trade, expand empires, & spread Christianity –Mid-1800s: British East India Company was in control –Raw material = COTTON! COTTON!

10 World’s 2 nd Largest Cotton Producer

11 B. British Rule Brits discriminated against IndiansBrits discriminated against Indians Sepoys = Indian troops underSepoys = Indian troops under the command of Brits. the command of Brits. –Sepoy Revolt (1857): led to… –Brit govt takes control (1858) “Jewel in the Crown”“Jewel in the Crown” Products of India:Products of India: –Cotton, tea, jewels, – & spices India acted as a market for Brit goodsIndia acted as a market for Brit goods

12 C. Independence Indian National CongressIndian National Congress Mohandas GandhiMohandas Gandhi –the “Mahatma” –Method of liberation? Satyagraha (nonviolent noncooperation)Satyagraha (nonviolent noncooperation) Boycott = to refuse somethingBoycott = to refuse something –Salt marches & textile boycott Independence = 1947Independence = 1947 Tension betw. Hindus & Muslims?Tension betw. Hindus & Muslims? –Partitioned into India & Pakistan Govt of India = DemocracyGovt of India = Democracy

13 D. Religion Constitution on religion = secularConstitution on religion = secular HinduismHinduism –% of followers? –Mono or Polytheistic? –Life = full of desire & suffering – one must escape this! –Reincarnation = soul is born again & again in different forms –Atman = personal soul –Dharma = one’s duty in life/job –Karma = positive/negative force caused by a person’s actions & will determine their status in the next life –Brahman = universal soul that unites all atmans –Moksha = liberation from this world

14 Hinduism = world’s largest ethnic religion

15 Caste System:Caste System: –Caste: A group of people who are born into a certain position in society born into a certain position in society –Brahmins = priests/intellectuals –Kshatriyas = kings & warriors –Vaisyas = merchants/traders –Sudras = laborers/farmers/artisans –Dalits or “untouchables?” –Social mobility? Constitution on the Caste System?Constitution on the Caste System? Modern day discrimination?Modern day discrimination?

16 Caste System

17 Summary of Hinduism If one completes their, they will have good, & will be reincarnated into a higherIf one completes their, they will have good, & will be reincarnated into a higher, & eventually their atman will reach, and join with. DHARMA KARMA CASTE MOKSHA BRAHMAN


19 E. Islam & others Indian pop = 1.2+ billionIndian pop = 1.2+ billion –2028: will be largest in world Muslims = largest minorityMuslims = largest minority Sikhism:Sikhism: –Muslim belief in 1 god w/Hindu beliefs in reincarnation & karma Majority pop. = Aryan (72%)Majority pop. = Aryan (72%) National language = HindiNational language = Hindi Language of commerce =Language of commerce = English English

20 III. India Today A. India’s EconomyA. India’s Economy –One of the B.R.I.C.S. –Economic growth b/c of growing service industry –Basis of economy = FARMING (WEALTH GAP!) 70% of pop. = rural villages & >50% = Ag.70% of pop. = rural villages & >50% = Ag. –Improved infrastructure = more foreign investment

21 India's infrastructure and transport system has labored under the country's continually rising population.

22 Bangalore & Globalization Globalization = the process of increased interaction betw. people of different countries (aided by technology)Globalization = the process of increased interaction betw. people of different countries (aided by technology) Y2K = when India made a name for itself in ITY2K = when India made a name for itself in IT India Institute of Technology (I.I.T.s?)India Institute of Technology (I.I.T.s?) –Information Technology (IT)? US firms have moved R & D centers to India?US firms have moved R & D centers to India? –General Electric, Texas Instruments, Hewlett Packard Outsourcing the service industry?Outsourcing the service industry? –Medicine? –Education? –Accounting? –WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR AMERICA?

23 B. Challenges Rapid population growthRapid population growth –Services & resources are stressed –Enviro destruction KashmirKashmir –A disputed region betw. India & Pak.

24 The MaldivesThe Maldives –1,192 islands 200 are inhabited200 are inhabited World’s lowest countryWorld’s lowest country –Avg. elevation = 4’11’’ Environmental concernsEnvironmental concerns –Rising sea levels –Sea water encroachment on ground water on ground water Pics of the MaldivesPics of the MaldivesPics of the MaldivesPics of the Maldives

25 Videos on Globalization in India The Other Side of OutsourcingThe Other Side of OutsourcingThe Other Side of OutsourcingThe Other Side of Outsourcing India RisingIndia RisingIndia RisingIndia Rising

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