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Kindergarten to College. The concept: Kindergarten to College: Outreach UC Berkeley in the Schools Partnering with communities and schools to support.

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten to College. The concept: Kindergarten to College: Outreach UC Berkeley in the Schools Partnering with communities and schools to support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten to College

2 The concept: Kindergarten to College: Outreach UC Berkeley in the Schools Partnering with communities and schools to support students, families, and teachers "Our Field Trip to UC Berkeley, the fifth graders of International Community School in Oakland

3 Letter Highlights from the students: International Community School Oakland,CA We are from many cultures. We are Mexican, Central American, Puerto Rican, Vietnamese, Chinese, Laotian, Filipino, African- American, and Hawaiian. On March 1st, 2002, we went on the most amazing field trip, to the University of California, Berkeley. We went on the field trip because our teachers want to see us graduate from college one day. It was like a dream for us.

4 Virginia Statistics: 2009- 2010 High School Graduates & Completers by Plans For a list by county/city click below: completion/hs_grads_completers/2009- 2010/grad_plans.pdf completion/hs_grads_completers/2009- 2010/grad_plans.pdf Division2 year4 year Continuing Ed Employment MilitaryNo PlansTotal 22,97141,265424190753260352289154

5 Virginia Statistics: 2009- 2010 High School Graduates & Completers by Plans For a list by county/city click below: mpletion/hs_grads_completers/2009-2010/grad_plans.pdf mpletion/hs_grads_completers/2009-2010/grad_plans.pdf Division2 year4 year Continuing Ed Employment MilitaryNo PlansTotal 22,97141,265424190753260352289154 26%46%7%10%5%

6 Then what happens? Just 53 percent of students who enter four-year colleges graduate within six years. At two-year community colleges, half of all students drop out before their second year, and only 25 % finish their programs within three years. One fifth of all students who borrow to pay for college drop out, and nearly one in five who drop out leave only after accumulating $20,000 in debt.

7 Who is college material? Research by sociologists Jennie Brand and Yu Xie has shown that with the decline of the manufacturing economy, the students who have the most to gain from a four-year college degree are the same disadvantaged students least likely to attend college, in part because they are counseled into less demanding courses throughout their school careers.

8 Who does not attend college: To attend or not to attend: Guiding all students in the right direction by Smith, Irving, Johnson, Robert E Journal of College Admission Spring 2003 Students from homes of parents without college degrees Students who do poorly on Middle School assessments Students who are placed in lower level high school classes

9 What are the reasons? Family Business Homemaker Do not see the value of a post secondary education Parents are not informed of educational milestones Parents are “intimidated” by the college application process Parents feel they can not afford the cost and push students away from unrealistic expectations

10 First Generation College Students What particular needs do first-generation students have, and how can you best guide them? – Misconceptions about college – Pressure to enter the workforce from family – Do not know what their options are for higher education –

11 How did you hear about college? g&feature=related g&feature=related

12 What do the parents of first generation college students need to know? -Parents must be educated on the impact of the track that their children select or that they have selected for them -Parents must become a part of the process and understand the implications of the decisions made early in their child's secondary education. -Those households where neither parent has received a college education must receive particular attention. -The bottom line is that all parents must become knowledgeable and informed about the process before their children make long-term commitments. -Source: - /pg_2/?tag=mantle_skin;content /pg_2/?tag=mantle_skin;content

13 A way to present college as a viable, realistic option for a child and a parent at the elementary level. Kindergarten to College

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