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Welcome to Back to School Night Please come in, find your child’s desk, and write them a little note of encouragement, and fill out the half sheet student.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night Please come in, find your child’s desk, and write them a little note of encouragement, and fill out the half sheet student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night Please come in, find your child’s desk, and write them a little note of encouragement, and fill out the half sheet student information form in the manila folder. Miss Davis Room 12

2 Teacher Introduction Third Grade Team: Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Cullen, Mrs. Jaques, Miss Martin, Mrs. Wells/Mrs. Cornell, Miss Davis Universities attended: University of Southern Maine California State University Northridge- Bachelors degree in Art Education Pepperdine University- Masters degree in Education with Psychology emphasis National University- Multiple Subject Teaching Credential I worked in LAUSD for two years before moving to San Diego. Last year I taught Kindergarten at Richland Elementary. I was born and raised in Maine. My first job at age 10 was working on the lobster boat. When I have free time, I spent it with my chihuahua/pug mix

3 Teacher Communication If you need to get in touch with me about something urgent during the day, it is best to call the school. If it is something I need to know for that particular day, just send a note with your child. Otherwise, email is the best way to get in touch with me. I check my email daily. 290-2121 ext. 3112 Classroom Website: I will post classroom information, assignments, important dates, and resources on my classroom website. Go to the La Costa Meadows website, click on “Classrooms,” then click on my name.

4 OurDaily Schedule Schedule 8:45Morning Work 9:00 Math 10:00Language Arts/PE 10:50Recess 11:10English Language Arts Rotations 12:25Lunch 1:10Writing 2:10Science/Social Studies 2:40DIRT/Number Talks/Daily Review/Jobs 3:10Dismissal** P.E. –Mondays and Thursdays 10:00-10:50 Please send your child in PE appropriate shoes Wednesday - Mystery Reader 1:10-1:40 Science Garden/Music – Alternating Fridays (1:10-1:40*) Library – Thursdays All library books need to be turned in by 9 am **Early dismissal every Wednesday at 2:10

5 Classroom Management I firmly believe in creating a positive atmosphere for learning. It is my goal to prevent discipline problems whenever possible by reinforcing positive behavior. In addition, I have consequences for students who disrupt the classroom. Classroom Rules: Students are expected to follow these rules: 1. Listen when your teacher is talking. 2. Follow directions quickly. 3. Respect yourself, respect others, respect your school 4. Raise your hand to speak 5. Make Smart Choices Rewards: I promote positive behavior with verbal or written praise, stickers, high fives, Dolphin Behavior tickets, table points, and other special privileges. Children who demonstrate excellent behavior can earn “bonuses” in our Classroom Economy and use their Davis Dough to “buy” special privileges and rewards. Consequences: Negative behavior from one child can take away from the quality of learning for other children. Therefore, I have an approach that will inhibit students from disrupting the class. When a student fails to follow our classroom expectations by making poor behavior choices, I will first give a verbal warning. If the behavior continues, I will enforce our classroom discipline plan using the following steps: First Occurrence: Verbal warning. “Warning” card placed on desk. Second Occurrence: Sign Behavior Book. Possible in-class loss of privileges. Third Occurrence: Sign Behavior Book. Time-out in Buddy Class or in Responsibility Room at lunch. Fill out Student Reflection Sheet and send home for parent signature. Severe Clause: Immediate detention and/or conference with school administration.

6 Party Planning Healthy Snack Ideas Fruit salad Sliced watermelon Pretzels Chex Mix Granola Bars Cheese & Crackers Sliced Apples Veggies Strawberries Yogurt Popcorn 100% Fruit Juice Candy, soda, cake, cookies, or other sugary snacks are not allowed at school per the SMUSD District Wellness Policy. Non-Food Birthday Celebration Ideas Pencils Notepads Key Chains (for backpacks) Erasers Small Toys Stickers

7 Super Parents! Student Supplies are listed on my classroom website. The truth is “it takes a community to raise a child!” If you have any extra time within your week, we would love to have your help! Please take our the volunteer sheet from your folder Science Garden Helper Music Helper Dolphin Folder Parent Art Docent Yearbook Historian* Room Mom Copy Parents Mystery Readers*

8 PLEASE… Sign up to be a parent helper Pick a “star” to help support our classroom Turn in your Student Information Sheet Take the Back to School Night Packet Leave your child a note on his/her desk Head to the cafeteria!! Additional information will be presented. TOGETHER…WE WILL MAKE YOUR CHILD’S SCHOOL YEAR SUCCESSFUL!!!! Thank you!

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