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Rebecca Kopriva, University of Maryland What Might Disability Practitioners Learn from STELLA, A Computerized System for Selecting Accommodations.

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Presentation on theme: "Rebecca Kopriva, University of Maryland What Might Disability Practitioners Learn from STELLA, A Computerized System for Selecting Accommodations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rebecca Kopriva, University of Maryland What Might Disability Practitioners Learn from STELLA, A Computerized System for Selecting Accommodations for ELLs?

2 STELLA stands for The Selection Taxonomy for English Language Learner Accommodations

3 Federally funded by USED Collaboration of University of Maryland South Carolina Department of Education North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Maryland State Department of Education District of Columbia Public Schools Austin Independent School District American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

4 What is STELLA? STELLA is a computerized decision-making system designed to provide a systematic mechanism for: –Appropriately defining and identifying different types of English language learners, –Matching these students to the accommodation methods appropriate for each student.

5 Purpose of STELLA: While appropriate accommodations are being identified and integrated into large-scale academic achievement systems, how do the proper accommodations get to the correct students? This is the question that STELLA addresses.

6 Students3 FormsConversion and Consolidation Rules Computerized Profile of Each Student Decision Rules Test Accommodations for Each Student Test Accommodation Domain

7 Framework of STELLA Data Collection Mechanism Teacher, Parent, and Records Forms Preloaded Relevant Student Information Variables Domain of Promising Test Accommodations Student Information Conversion and Consolidation Rules Test Accommodation Decision-Making Rules Output Student Profile Accommodation Decisions for Each Student Associated Materials Data Collection Forms Handbook Output Interpretation Handbook Technical Manual

8 How might STELLA be Helpful to You? Relevant questions might include : How did key student variables get identified? What was the thinking behind the prioritization of variables in the organizational algorithms? Why did we choose the 3 sources of information from whom to collect data? What might the results tell disability practitioners about who might benefit from a systematic decision- making process?

9 Relevant Characteristics of Students Student Language Proficiency Cultural Proximity US Schooling

10 Student Language Proficiency English Reading Writing Speaking Listening L1 Reading Writing Speaking Listening Cultural ProximityUS Schooling

11 Student Language ProficiencyCultural Proximity Time in School Time in US Consistency Schooling Experiences Structure of Academic Year Resources Types/Purposes of Testing Testing Experiences Formats Practices US Schooling

12 Student Language Proficiency Cultural Proximity US Schooling Needs Classroom Experiences

13 Current Domain of Accommodations Pre-Test Best Practice Accommodations –Family Assessment Night –Tailored Classroom Support Forms –Standard or some Universal Design Forms –Access-based Form –L1 or Side-by-Side forms as available Tools –Bilingual word list, general or test specific –Picture-word dictionary –Problem solving tools

14 Administration –Small group –Individual Administration –Oral English –Oral L1 –Language Liaison –Extra time –More frequent breaks Response –Written L1 or code switching –Oral English –Oral L1 or code switching –Demonstrated or modeled response

15 Data Collection Forms (pull down menus and bubbles to explain questions)  Records Form Language of content instruction per content area English language Proficiency information L1 test information (if any) ELL program (for student profile only)

16  Parent/Guardian Interview Form* Interview protocol with rating scales L1 information, 4 domains Full-time academic programs in U.S. –Length of time in U.S. schools –Consistency School atmosphere in native country if applicable –Time (months, days/week, hours/day) –Number of students in classroom –Describing the school (e.g. chalkboards, desks, textbooks per student, other books, supplies for math or science, additional comments

17  Parent/Guardian Interview Form, cont.* Types of tests, assessments in schools in native country –Formal high stakes, formal not high stakes, types of ongoing classroom evaluations, methods or tasks used to assign grades –Accurate reflection of child’s achievement? Assessments in U.S. schools –Accurate reflection of achievement? –Experience with various test formats *Older students may be able to complete this or a similar form.


19  Teacher Form English and L1 proficiency judgments –Explanation of judgment criteria –L1 judgment includes a don’t know option Standardized score accuracy and judgments about reasons for inaccuracy Student’s experience with standard test formats Student’s perceived purpose of standardized testing Classroom test condition options Teacher’s judgment about condition options that help student on classroom tests, evaluations


21 Test Conversion Rules English language proficiency tests are currently preloaded in the system. Output from each of the tests are put on a common “scale” for the purposes of selecting accommodations.

22 Currently, output from 4 tests are preloaded. There is also the opportunity for personnel to add results from other tests. In all cases score conversion rules place students on a common scale with four levels: –Beginner ELL –Low intermediate ELL –High intermediate ELL –Grade level competitive ELL* * Academically thriving in mainstream classrooms

23 Student Information Consolidation Rules In several cases more than one piece of student information is used to make judgments about the his or her level on relevant variables. Two types of consolidation rules are part of STELLA. These are: –Consolidation of data from related items –Consolidation of information from more than one source

24 From More Than One Question: An Example Time in School = LOW If the student has been in the US less than 1 academic year OR If the student has been in US between 1 and 2 years AND has missed more than two months of school per year for 1 or more years. OR If the student has been in US between 2 and 3 years AND has missed more than two months of school per year for more than one year.

25 From More Than One Source: An Example For L1 proficiency, consolidation rules are applied to information from teacher, parent and records.

26 Decision-Making Rules for Accommodations A beginning set of decision-making rules were developed and tested. These rules take relevant student information and pair it with relevant accommodation factors for individual students. The accommodation factors identify which student needs the specific accommodation was designed to remediate. In this way, individual students are matched with accommodations appropriate to their particular needs.


28 An Example

29 Current Status At this time, the rules explicitly use information from English language reading and oral proficiency, and L1 reading proficiency to make broad decisions. Cultural proximity and US schooling variables are informally used to make the final decisions about the selection of accommodations. Future decision trees will be developed which formally identify how these latter factors are used.

30 Current Adaptation Possibilities 1.STELLA recognizes that different states allow different accommodations. As such, the platform for STELLA is designed so that the decision making rules can be adapted to suit individual agencies. The output in STELLA specifies the accommodations allowed for each agency using it. In addition, since the accommodations selected for each student is based on research and other best practice literature, STELLA also displays the results identified for each student that are based on this literature. In this way, teachers and others have guidance about additional accommodations that should be useful for ELL students with specified needs. 2. New accommodations can also be added to the system.

31 Example of Another Decision Tree

32 STELLA Output 1.Individual Student Profile –English language proficiency, 4 domains –L1 proficiency, 4 domains –Cultural proximity, 5 variables Previous schooling experiences Time in U.S. U.S. Experience with testing procedures ELL program record in U.S. Native country 2.Recommended Accommodations

33 Student Profile Example

34 Recommended Accommodations

35 Initial Verification Studies 1.Cut-score Study 2.Independent Raters Study

36 1. Computer-based Cut-Score Study Method 276 3 rd and 4 th grade Spanish-speaking ELL students administered mathematics test (30 multiple choice and 3 constructed response items). Based on information from teachers, schools, appropriate accommodations were identified for each student. Accommodations (picture-word, Spanish- English, oral English) were randomly assigned. Each student received none, 1, 2 or 3.

37 1. Cut-Score Study cont. After completing test: Students were assigned to 3 groups: Appropriate accommodation group, random accommodation group, no accommodation group (IV); scores (DV). Findings: ANOVA results indicate that a significant difference (F=3.2, p=.04).

38 1. Cut-Score Study cont. Findings cont. Appropriate accommodations group scored significantly higher than other two groups: t (no/app) = 2.24, p=.03; t (random/app) = 2.33, p=.02 No significant difference between random and no accommodations groups t (random/no) = 1.67, p =.49 Regression results found accommodations addressed ELP reading and listening, L1 reading needs

39 1. Cut-Score Study cont. Implications For accommodations assignment: –Variables utilized appear to be among the most salient. For validity of scores: –When accommodations were non-appropriate, scores did not increase over those receiving no accommodations. With appropriate accommodations, scores did increase. This pattern suggests improved validity.

40 2. Independent Raters Study Method 5 sets of accommodations (STELLA, 3 teacher recommendations, 1 randomly generated) 4 raters: 3 teachers/ELL specialists, 1 researcher with experience in ELL testing Reviewed completed forms for each student Blindly rated 5 sets of accommodations for each student from most appropriate to least appropriate

41 2. Raters Study cont. Findings ANOVA results of ratings found a significant difference by accommodation sets (F = 76.789, p <.001). Significant difference between STELLA findings and all other findings, best fit for STELLA (p =.000). No significant difference between any of the other findings. Rater by source interaction was not significant (F = 1.184, p =.288), suggesting that raters did not differentially assign accommodation sets

42 2. Raters Study cont. Implications: Findings suggest that teacher ratings are not significantly different from random, no matter how much targeted information they collect. Even when teachers know what variables they are asked to focus upon, their results are not significantly different from when they are asked to assign accommodations based on only their understanding of the students. STELLA results consistently and significantly provide best fit.

43 Next Steps Continual refinement and customization necessary. Additional and more explicit cut points need to be validated. Data needs to be collected on the impact of the system for different ages and content areas.

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