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Document Categorization Issues Michelle Mizumori RPIC Meeting July 29, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Document Categorization Issues Michelle Mizumori RPIC Meeting July 29, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Document Categorization Issues Michelle Mizumori RPIC Meeting July 29, 2009

2 Issues General Some documents do not fall into these categories – for example, Charters These categories do not reconcile with the Agreed Upon Procedures (AUPs) that WECC is currently developing in preparation for NERCs audit of WECCs compliance with the Delegation Agreement References to compliance for documents other than standards Clarity Categorization of this document

3 Issues (cont.) Regional Criteria Unclear development/approval process Clarification of relationship between Business Practices and Regional Criteria Procedure for variances Reference to Compliance Committee Guidelines Contradiction over whether subcommittees can approve Reports/Whitepapers Unclear reference to WECC entity as an approval body

4 Motion The RPIC directs a small group composed of members identified at the July 29, 2009 meeting to discuss the issues and make recommendations for how to address the issues.

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