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Gary Nolan Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee Chair e-Tag Denial Issue Referred to Joint Guidance Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "Gary Nolan Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee Chair e-Tag Denial Issue Referred to Joint Guidance Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gary Nolan Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee Chair e-Tag Denial Issue Referred to Joint Guidance Committee

2 2 E-Tag Issue referred to EIWG –e-Tag denied by Sink Balancing Authority due to source of firm energy schedule from Source Balancing Authority with wind resource curtailment history. EIWG and ISAS were evenly divided over concerns of overreaching transaction assessment and reliability consequences. Background

3 3 Successful motion made to refer larger issue of wind integration and firm energy curtailments to the WECC Joint Guidance Committee. Joint Guidance is trying to resolve larger problem and specific issue. Background

4 4 Successful motions made in Standing Committees to refocus the Variable Generation Subcommittee o VGS to solicit and respond to the VG related needs of the Committees. o Make recommendations and provide coordination across Committee boundaries for solving the issues identified as needing to be addressed by the Committees. o VGS related work being addressed within the Committees in existing or new work groups and task forces unless agree otherwise. Two Pronged Approach

5 5 Addressing specific issue: o Discussion held between the Chairs and Vice- chairs of MIC, MIS, OC, and ISAS. o No unanimous solution exists. o Language is being drafted to provide a consistent and predictable outcome to a complex issue for the membership. o Constructive feedback to the group is encouraged. Two Pronged Approach

6 6 It is the opinion of the chairs and vice-chairs of the WECC OC, MIC, ISAS and the MIS, that reliability entities (BAs and TPs) should assess e-Tag requests according to NERC INT-006-3 and consistent with other standards and criterion as applicable. Current draft of language

7 7 R1.1 Each involved Balancing Authority shall evaluate the Arranged Interchange with respect to: o R1.1.1. Energy profile o R1.1.2. Ramp o R1.1.3. Scheduling path R1.2. Each involved Transmission Service Provider shall confirm that the transmission service arrangements associated with the Arranged Interchange have adjacent Transmission Service Provider connectivity, are valid and prevailing transmission system limits will not be violated. INT-006-3 States

8 8 Its not whether you win or lose, its how you place the blame. - Oscar Wilde

9 Questions?

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