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Hearts ~ KJV, bowels Command ~ epitassō – KJV, enjoin Fitting ~ KJV, convenient.

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Presentation on theme: "Hearts ~ KJV, bowels Command ~ epitassō – KJV, enjoin Fitting ~ KJV, convenient."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hearts ~ KJV, bowels

3 Command ~ epitassō – KJV, enjoin Fitting ~ KJV, convenient

4 Unprofitable ~ achrēstos Profitable ~ euchrēstos

5 Partner ~ koinonos

6 Parable of the unforgiving servant 10,000 talents 1 talent was 6,000 denarii A denarius was one day’s wage 10,000 talents = 60,000,000 denarii At $8.00 per hour = $3,840,000,000 100 denarii = $6,400

7 3 Judes in New Testament: Hebrew form: Judah (praise) Hellenized form: Judas “Is this not the carpen- ter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas?” Judas Iscariot, Judas not Iscariot and Jesus' ½ brother Matthew 13.55

8 "Jude’s subject is the coming apostasy. He gives us the most vivid account that we have of the apostasy, and he presents it in a very dramatic manner. Jude hangs out a red lantern on the most dangerous curve along the highway the church of Christ is traveling. Jude describes in vivid terms and with awe–inspiring language the frightful conditions that were coming in the future. J. Vernon McGee, Intro to Jude

9 Contend ~ epagōnizomai – present tense

10 Ungodly ~ asebēs – destitute of reverential fear (awe) of God

11 11 For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, Titus 2.11-12

12 Way of Cain Error of Balaam Rebellion of Korah Fleshly outbursts The “bottom line” Refuses authority Gone, run, perished

13 Spots ~ lit. submerged reefs (as in NASB)

14 Stay always within the boundaries where God's love can reach and bless you The Living Bible

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