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TR 07- FI- 02 INTERNAL CONTROL – basic course RISK MANAGEMENT - INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION January 2010 EU Twinning Project TR 07-FI-02.

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Presentation on theme: "TR 07- FI- 02 INTERNAL CONTROL – basic course RISK MANAGEMENT - INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION January 2010 EU Twinning Project TR 07-FI-02."— Presentation transcript:

1 TR 07- FI- 02 INTERNAL CONTROL – basic course RISK MANAGEMENT - INFORMATION & COMMUNICATION January 2010 EU Twinning Project TR 07-FI-02

2 TR 07- FI- 02 THE ‘Al Pacino’ VIDEO Questions: 1Is this communication a) professional or amateur? b) effective or ineffective? 2WHY? 3How is it best to communicate an issue and persuade people in the public sector?

3 TR 07- FI- 02 INFORMATION What is information? Facts Figures Opinions Why have information? Record progress Know how to do something Help make good decisions ELSE???

4 TR 07- FI- 02 INFORMATION HIERARCHY decision making implementing & monitoring day-to-day actions & controls operations information

5 TR 07- FI- 02 CHARACTERISTICS OF INFORMATION Relevant Reliable Accurate Complete Timely Else???

6 TR 07- FI- 02 GROUP SESSION 7a information 1 organise yourselves 2 address the questions in the course outline FOCUS YOUR THOUGHTS & RESPONSES ON: purposes, hierarchy, characteristics REMEMBER PREVIOUS GROUP SESSIONS

7 TR 07- FI- 02 COMMUNICATION What is it? direct conversation discussion monologue debate negotiation sell dialogue deliberation tell

8 TR 07- FI- 02 WHY COMMUNICATE CHANGE? Attention capture Interest gain Desire inducement Action - behaviours Satisfaction by realising the benefits of change Why do you want to communicate? What stage in the change cycle are you at? What other contextual issues are relevant?

9 TR 07- FI- 02 CONTEXTUAL ISSUES Education and Educate beforehand There is a lack of information Communication A need to be convinced of logic Participation and Involve potential sceptics Groups have the power to involvement in parts of the change resist Facilitation and support Help people to cope - People are finding it hard to training and mentoring adjust to change Negotiation & agreement Offer incentives Groups are likely to lose out Explicit and implicit Force change through Speed is essential and coercion Leaders have a lot of power

10 TR 07- FI- 02 COMMUNICATION GRID pressure clear shared capacity capability actionable resistance for change vision to change to change 1 st steps to change WHO WHAT WHEN FROM WHOM HOW

11 TR 07- FI- 02 HOW examples 2-way Whole System Events Mgt Development days Mgt conferences Awaydays Future search Video conferences Staff development days Citizen panels Q&As Staff conferences Focus groups Bulletin boards Suggestion schemes Training events Briefings Emails FAQs Training manuals Letters Reports Texting DVD/video 1-way shallower DEPTH deeper DIRECTION

12 TR 07- FI- 02 GROUP SESSION 7b information & communication 1 organise yourselves 2 address the questions in the course outline FOCUS YOUR THOUGHTS & RESPONSES ON: INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION WHYs, CONTEXT, & TIME CYCLE REMEMBER PREVIOUS GROUP SESSIONS

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