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Revd Tim Smith Discipleship and Returning St Jude’s Church, Plymouth.

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Presentation on theme: "Revd Tim Smith Discipleship and Returning St Jude’s Church, Plymouth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revd Tim Smith Discipleship and Returning St Jude’s Church, Plymouth


3 201220132014 Cash2,4345,5077,264 Env’s2,5913,6984,115 GAD’s57,96560,59667,570 Tax Back145851839719309 Totals77,5758819898,258 Cong no100110120 Per wk/ per ind14.9115.4115.75* *NB. DURING CAPITAL PROJECT FUND RAISING

4 Two types of giving - and being practical, three types of asking: Regularly for the normal life of the Church – global 1. Discipleship giving 2. Belonging giving For special capital projects 3. Sacrificial giving

5 “Gods Pie” video shown here

6 Discipleship Giving

7 I teach on money from discipleship perspective at least once a year St Jude’s sermon series c. 2008

8 If you earn the following and give 10% of your income away, then you are still in the shown percentage of the world’s population… (* UK average income) From £45,400Top 1% £35,000Top 2% £26,250*Top 3.7% £22,100Top 5% £14,200Top 10% £6,300Top 20% £1,180Top 50%

9 Belonging Giving

10 Information on giving (Online and Leaflet)


12 Sacrificial Giving

13 £354,000 incl tax relief was pledged at the first request by 66 people over 5 years, and soon after by more - now at c. £400,000 - with no-ones 5 year pledge exceeding £30,000

14 Its all about Discipleship and Returning… …not giving

15 Discipleship and Returning Any questions?

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