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Today: Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel

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Presentation on theme: "Today: Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today: Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel
Quiz Magic Realism Wedding Toast skits Elements of Latin American literature, Themes/Motifs, etc.

2 Food and Memory “…smells have the power to evoke the past, bringing back sounds and even other smells that have no match in the present” (9). “Tita liked to take a deep breath and let the characteristic smoke and smell transport her through the recesses of her memory” (9).

3 Desire,longing Remember a time in your life when you deeply wanted something, but could not have it. Think about your emotions and actions surrounding this desire. How was it resolved? What needed to happen for you to move on?

4 Discussion Is it true that “You can’t just switch tacos and enchiladas like that?” (14). What is Chencha talking about?

5 Discussion First Impressions? Who is the narrator?
From what “point-of-view” are the recipes/cooking instructions delivered?

6 Wedding Toast Skits Format: Ding bell & raise glass. Person delivering “polite” toast will stand. Person delivering internal monologue stays seated. 20 minutes with your group, to prepare. Decide upon an order (before/after cake) Share Make sure you hand these in (w/all names). Worth 10 points

7 Common elements of Latin American literature
Realism- Lives of ordinary people Historical fiction Family sagas Concern with social/political reform Folklore Latin cultural traditions Magical realism Do these apply to Like Water…?

8 Themes- Revise/Annotate list
Familial duty/tradition (esp. mother-daughter roles, oppression) Tradition: Respect vs. Rebellion Revolution (on all levels) Longing & Desire Unrequited love Women’s Roles/Rights

9 Motif A recurring object, concept, or structure in a work of literature. A motif may also be two contrasting elements in a work, such as good and evil, heat & fire, etc. A motif is important because it allows the reader to see themes that the author is trying to express, so that they may interpret the work more accurately.

10 Motif: Example: using food to convey emotions
Relevant Themes: loneliness/longing/desire, love, revolution, etc. “The moment they took their first bite of the cake, everyone was flooded with a great wave of longing….” (39).

11 Common literary characteristics for Latin American literature
Use of foreshadowing Use of symbolism Metaphor/simile With a partner, find an example of each of these. What else are you noticing about the writing style?

12 Homework Read “March” and “April” in Like Water For Chocolate
Next class: Frida Kahlo & Like Water…

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