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Vocabulary List #1 Common theme: Animal –related Words

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1 Vocabulary List #1 Common theme: Animal –related Words
Keystone English 10 – Blocks 3

2 Definition: to tease; annoy; nag; harass
Badger (verb) Definition: to tease; annoy; nag; harass Origin: to harass a trapped badger Context Sentence: John and Stephanie badgered their parents incessantly until they finally relented and allowed the teens to go to the movies on a school night.

3 Definition: calm, peaceful
Halcyon (adjective) Definition: calm, peaceful Origin: From Halcyon; a mythical bird believed to calm the waves Context Sentence: Jude looked out across the halcyon surface of the lake which was undisturbed by even the slightest of ripples.

4 Definition: To treat as highly important
Lionize (verb) Definition: To treat as highly important Origin: From the lion; considered to be one of the most important or kingly of animals. Context Sentence: After winning the state championship, the football team was lionized throughout the school and community.

5 Definition: a collection of animals
Menagerie (noun) Definition: a collection of animals Origin: Was used to refer to a place (zoo or farm) where animals were kept and trained. Context Sentence: Tonya loved stuffed animals so much that her bedroom was truly a menagerie of plush pets.

6 Parasite (noun) Definition: a person who lives off of others; a freeloader Origin: an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment. Context Sentence: Roy was such a parasite that he preferred freeloading off of his generous sister to finding gainful employment of his own.

7 Parasitic (adjective)
Definition: living at the expense of others; sponging off of Origin: from parasite; an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment. Context Sentence: Despite her brother Roy’s parasitic behavior, Heather could not bring herself to stop supporting him financially.

8 Definition: to repeat mechanically
Parrot (verb) Definition: to repeat mechanically Origin: from parrot; the tropical bird that imitates human speech. Context Sentence: Even though she tried very hard, Diana did not understand the Italian language; she merely parroted her teacher’s words.

9 Scavenger (noun) Definition: an animal or person who removes refuse, left-overs, or waste Origin: an animal or other organism that feeds on dead organic matter. Context Sentence: Like a scavenger, Fred attacked the Thanksgiving left- overs and polished them off in an instant.

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